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  1. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    With the Plenty, you can use the liquid pad (included) for smaller loads. I personally like to use .2g of material or more in the Plenty for best results. If efficiency is what you're after most, a log vape is your best choice. Consider the Enano. I love this vape and you can use it...
  2. Curiousone

    Plenty Vape or SSV

    Thing is, you don't have to use a lot of material in the Plenty. Using one of the two liquid pads allows you to use smaller loads and still have good results. Under .5g, definitely use the liquid pad. Anything over, it isn't necessary, but I still do unless it is totally packed. I've used a...
  3. Curiousone

    Plenty Vape or SSV

    I enjoy my Plenty, but there are replacement costs to consider. Replacing the whip and other pieces will cost about $30. Granted, you don't need to do this but maybe once or twice a year, but it is something to consider. Plus, you might want to change out liquid pads and screens. These are...
  4. Curiousone

    help deciding on portable vaporizer please! pax or...???

    Based on your needs, I suggest the Pax, Indica, or Inh 05. Best bet on the Pax or Indica (both have good reviews and are currently reliable), just consider the pros and cons of each.
  5. Curiousone

    Different vape heating styles?.. Good Portable Vape for $300

    I owned the No2, the solo and still own a pax. the No2 worked, but not as well as the solo. The solo was very reliable and tastes great, but carrying the stems annoyed me. I hated the glass so I bought a wood stem from Ed's tnt. used it with few problems for a year. made a warranty claim...
  6. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    It really is pretty discreet. I understand what you mean, but in usage...You're taking quick tokes when you hit it. It's palmable, so all this amounts to very little to see for someone who has no clue. This is from a distance...(in a car, walking the dog, down an alley(j/k), etc.) For...
  7. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I bought my Solo first. I chose it over the Pax at the time because the Pax was still fairly new and still had some bugs. Plus, I wasn't sure if I wanted a unit that required so much cleaning and fussing. Price was a consideration, but the Solo received awesome reviews. I loved my Solo for...
  8. Curiousone

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ed, you've done some NICE work since I've last stopped in. Also, looks great what you did with the EQ. Picture blackwood with the Black unit....A match made in heaven (I don't even own an EQ)
  9. Curiousone

    So now they are saying MJ is "linked" to heart problems

    Thought I weigh in... A few years back a good friend of mine with whom I combusted insanely with during college refused to smoke after not seeing him in a while. I asked if he'd quit and he said yes because his doctor said it was not good for his heart. I thought he was joking, but he was...
  10. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom usage increased for about the first couple weeks. Slowly leveled within a month or so. Within 2-3 months had already saved more money on material than the Solo itself costed! (this was when I first switched from combustion to vape) Now, I use more on average than I did a year or so...
  11. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I felt the same way about my solo stems...looked like a crack pipe! Ed's tnt wood stems helped that. I still ended up with a Pax. And love it, but it will def produce more odor than the Solo. Imo, it will make the room smell, but if you keep the door shut and exhale out the window like you...
  12. Curiousone

    Please help me decide on vape!

    Sometimes this is true and necessary (when someone is totally clueless and wants/needs guidance). But sometimes a bit in "we know what's best for you, better than you". Personally, I'm capable of narrowing down the best choices for me. Then, I like to get more information...
  13. Curiousone

    Govt, wants to hire hackers, but there's an issue...

    like an earlier poster said, computer nerds were part of the larger counterculture. So all of us freaks, geeks and nerds ran in similar circles growing up. There was always at least one thing that bonded us...
  14. Curiousone

    Govt, wants to hire hackers, but there's an issue...

    Glad to see others found this article interesting. I think we are really in the "age of the nerd/geek". I'm thrilled since many of my so-called friends consider me as one, but I have little to no programming skills save for some BASIC and C+ training decades ago in school. I feel lost and...
  15. Curiousone

    Sanford And Son Racist?

    Wow...I'm actually left without words.
  16. Curiousone

    Sanford And Son Racist?

    Son...the Jesus H Christ was more for comic relief because I'm confused as to how a 30-year-old could misread what I've written so badly. You have an issue comprehending what I'm this is my last comment. It would behoove you to take more than a few days this time...try a week or...
  17. Curiousone

    Sanford And Son Racist?

    Jesus H. Christ!!! You clearly don't understand what I wrote...Comprehension seems to be your issue, not racism. I never suggested you were racist anyway. I suggested you don't understand the history of race and TV in this country. Your long-winded response further proved that. What you...
  18. Curiousone

    Please help me decide on vape!

    I'm glad you were able to decide. I don't see how this thread helped you much since most people suggested vapes that you weren't interested in:ugh: Funny how that happens...
  19. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    @spacelooper I previously owned a Solo and actually sold it once I got used to the Pax. I honestly struggled to get good results with the Pax at first also and felt like I may have wasted my money. After 2 weeks or so, I was over the Solo. I agree with you in terms of getting better results...
  20. Curiousone

    Sanford And Son Racist?

    If you believe this, you really need a better understanding of the history of television and race in this country. You will find quite the opposite is true. Don't use your few examples to make a sweeping generalization about TV in America. You're not much younger than me...think back to when...
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