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  1. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Again, I agree with FlyingLow...You will likely not need water filtration with the Plenty. The vapor from the Plenty is extremely smooth. It's the real reason why most people cough as I stated in a previous post. You don't realize how much you've taken in because of the coolness and...
  2. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    As for coughing with the Plenty...all you have to do is turn the temp. down. Above level 6 is where we get into coughing territory. Under that and it's pretty easy to avoid. The Cloud is definitely a contender...some would say better. Depends on your needs. If water filtering is high on...
  3. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Ozzie, I was very much hung up on the SSV and the Plenty as well. I'd first tried the Volcano when it was very new. It was the only vape that really worked for me. I later bought a Vapir No2. Got rid of it for a Solo. I loved my Solo because of how efficient it was, but I soon found myself...
  4. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    I'll say this... A good friend of mine introduced me to the Volcano when it was very new to the scene. He and the Volcano changed my mind about vaping. just yesterday he admitted that he wants to sell his Volcano and get a plenty. He agrees with me that it is very similar, but better if...
  5. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Not at all, As prophet and dirtybongwater said, it's so simple and effective that there isn't much to discuss within a thread. Some units have an inherit learning curve, which can be easier to get through if you are provided tips and techniques tricks. Also, some vapes have accessories and...
  6. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    Used the plenty to celebrate 4/20...So funny how anti-vaporists have to bow down to the Plenty and give it its much deserved respect!
  7. Curiousone

    Discontinued Indica Vaporizer

    This unit looks nice...seems to perform well. I'm with some of you that a black, stealthy unit would be a good addition. Overall I'm impressed by what I see. If I was in the market, I would only be looking at the Indica or the Pax. Can't see myself getting rid of the Pax for this though...
  8. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I almost responded to Linux with a similar post, but had to leave and erased it. I def. agree with you... It's only a matter of time before we see a new portable worthy of the Pax's praise, but until then the Pax stands alone for the above mentioned reasons.
  9. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^I use similar pads in the Plenty and I do believe it would work well in the Pax once cut to fit. I thought about using the liquid pads in my Pax, but the round 3/4" ss screens are MUCH cheaper and I like to change screens often. I use my liquid pad for about a month before needing to...
  10. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I personally feel safer using SS 3/4" screens folded in half as spacers. I don't like the idea of using brass. I use the spacer the majority of the time even with 90% full loads. I notice better performance in terms of thicker clouds produced over a longer period of time versus not using a...
  11. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Yea...I was thinking that looked DANGEROUS...I'm curious about the outcome also
  12. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer was a joke....sorry I forgot to put 'lol'. I forgot how sensitive some folks are about the Plenty and Pax being called awesome vapes. But really, what else is there to discuss about this vape? Some units lend themselves to constant chatter. This isn't one of them. Call it what...
  13. Curiousone

    Why do millions love vapes, but some hate them ?

    This^^ Also when the price drops for premium vapes, such as Pax, Evo, etc
  14. Curiousone

    PLENTY Vaporizer

    I thought the same thing, but came to this conclusion: Maybe because this thing is so awesome, there's little else to say...
  15. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    What I meant by: to argue that is silly... is that the Pax excels at those things I previously stated and isn't the best at taste and efficiency. This seem to be the general consensus since the release of the unit so arguing about it seems like a waste at this point since it is mostly "common...
  16. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    I find all the S&B and Pax hate hilarious...both produce well-designed products -- at a premium. I will admit the plenty seems overpriced for what it is, but it works so well I don't regret the price. I consider myself an informed person who rarely falls for the "hype". However, with S&B and...
  17. Curiousone

    which portable vaporizer?

    I don't like to waste money and consider myself very frugal. However, after buying the Pax, I have not looked for another portable. It is a bit higher than other vapes, but I find the price justified. It just works and everyone who uses it is equally impressed. When you factor in the 10...
  18. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^use smaller amounts with a 3/4" ss screen folded in half placed on top of load. This gives a springy action that packs down tightly no matter the amount. This method works best for vapor production, imo. I tend to use the screen majority of the time unless I am packing a huge load where it...
  19. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Indoors...i'd be concerned about smell, but outdoors not so much. It does stink though Fits the Pax perfectly. When the unit is in the case it is about the size of the Solo, but smell proof. Obviously no way around the smell in use. My main complaint, as...
  20. Curiousone

    Arizer Solo

    I replaced my screen at least once a week, but mostly a couple times a week. While I found the ring to be a nice touch, I generally left it off because it made changing screens a PITA. Mine fit so tight, it had to be pried out! Honestly, never had a problem with screens falling out without...
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