Aww man, I feel so bad for you guys :ugh:. I've looked mine over at least over a hundred times since yesterday. It is absolutely flawless. I cannot find a single blemish.
Sorry its a little dirty, I've been kinda going overboard since I got it. ;)
It is two caps from the EZ...
It actually is at the bottom of the California logo. I'm going to try a bunch of different levels, see what I like.
Yeah, I guess the second cap was sticking out too far, hit a small reduction and got stuck. Pulled both of them out. :doh:
Damn dude I was thinking you would probably have got it too today, since you ordered before I did :( . I guess I just got lucky. :\
Here is some pics. Sorry there isn't more or any vids. I'm beat. I'll post some
P.S. Beware Cloud Two-cappers.
I will give my review...
My biggest issue with glass made in China is knowing that many of these blowers probably have some serious talent and are unfortunately most likely neither payed nor praised as they deserve. Of course I have other issues like glass quality and things like that, but I feel it isn't right. At...
Mine whistles when I don't have and elb in, but as soon as I throw one in it shuts up. I bet it must be the same in your case :)
Also they are supposed to come with a manual as far as I know. I know I got one. Just two pages but said everything you needed to know. Even the 8 Commandments of...
It isn't that it is off topic man. Its just no amount of posting will change anything. It is what VXL has to do. They are trying to make the best out of the situation. What more can you ask?
I really doubt that. I'm pretty sure he means with out the Cloud. Why would the Head shop want a male joint base like that? Maybe display domes or something but really I don't think they would keep it. Could be wrong though.
Me three! :lol: I sure am looking forward to using my Cloud with it. I'll honestly say SM's video with his Ion was the only reason I had to jump on this deal.