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  1. Ripbongs420

    The Picture Thread

  2. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    +1 on supporting a fundraiser. I'd give them at least $100 asap to help SM55 and Co. They are just great people in a not so great situation. I've said it before and I'll say it again, They are doing everything they can do. What more could anyone ask for? Them risking their entire future's...
  3. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Nah, because then it would look silly saying the same thing 10 times. :rolleyes:
  4. Ripbongs420

    VXL Cloud

    Perfect time to be broke... :doh:
  5. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    And there it goes :ugh:. I'm ELBless!! :argh:
  6. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I missed the mail woman this morning :(. I hope my buddy will understand. Miraculously my last ELB is still holding on.
  7. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    It is funny, from my understanding, the reason why they do not click anymore is because people used to complain about it. Can't please everyone I guess. I know what you mean though, believe me I wouldn't give up my ticker for anything.
  8. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The Evolver just feels like it could take more punishment. I think it might just be because it is a much smaller diameter can then the Ion. I'm not in any position to say for sure, but I believe that same thickness but smaller diameter would make it stronger. Don't take me wrong, they are both...
  9. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    For what it's worth, I have a early Evolver Hydracirc and I love it. Though honestly it has taken a second seat to the Ion. I can only speak for mine but my Evolver HT is thick and solid :2c:. I'm pretty sure if I wanted to I could smash the Ion with the Evolver. Hurts just thinking about it...
  10. Ripbongs420

    The Picture Thread

  11. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I just had a great CS experience with the VXH crew. I ordered a pack of ELBs and a CB on Monday and as of this morning USPS said "electronic shipping info received" with no expected date. Normally I don't care much about shipping times and rarely even track my orders, but my last ELB was...
  12. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Yeah I know, but we can dream. :\
  13. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    A shittily photoshopped Matrix Hydratube. I got bored haha :lol:. This needs to happen. :horse::argh:
  14. Ripbongs420

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    Two scoops of kief in the Cloud to start the day. That's right, two scoops.
  15. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Not sure if people have been getting the bands or any stickers, I don't recall VXH ever saying anything about them being included with orders. Also If I remember correctly the ELB offer is for Cloud packages only. Unless you did enter it with your Cloud order, then thats a bummer. I was doing...
  16. Ripbongs420

    Mobius Glass

    I personally like the smaller matrix. And I see, admittedly without having tried both, it as an improvement. I can tell you that the smaller one performs outstanding. Why have unnecessary holes when it is pretty hard to maintain just two rows? I also see it as an asthetic improvement. Looks much...
  17. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I've noticed too that unless you pull the Cloud off while still pulling, the suction release sends the water up the downstem (or on a HT up the perc's dome/trees) and pushes the vapor back through the bamboo. So if you pause before clearing, that could cause it too. Super exicted SM55!
  18. Ripbongs420

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Congrats! So is Philly VXC's new HQ? Thats pretty damn close! :D
  19. Ripbongs420

    Mobius Glass

    Some dry hit stackage. :)
  20. Ripbongs420

    The Sports Thread

    ^ 1:52:rofl:
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