Should I get the EFEST or the Keeppower 18350 batteries for the Flite? Any external charger recommendations? I think I remember @mr_cfromcali saying he can sell batteries with it now...
I received a free Inception stem with my Reaper Noisy Cricket. I have not used the Noisy Cricket yet but the Inception stem is incredible!
It has remarkably cool vapor. It's a great Dynavap stem. I highly recommend.
Just received my VHB Carbon, it’s charging right now. Smaller than I thought. Included a nice case! That’s an amazon fire tv remote shown as a size reference.
Anxious for the arrival of the Flite. I had a hard time not ordering the Orion but I can’t get passed the non removable batteries (at this point). The PWM and a 15mm coil in the Flite is going to be the hot setup IMO
Is it possible to get a larger hose and mouthpiece & 14mm adapter for the mega globe? I feel the one it comes with restricts the airflow cause it’s to small.
I like my Fury Edge, I have the bubbler for it. How does one get a good amount of water in it?
The bubbler has always worried me that it will leak into the heater.
When I can't use my water pipe (out & about) I want to have the bubbler to use.
I want the Flux Flite but I want to see the new VapHotBox. It will probably come down to availability. I hope to decide on the actual device but everyone will want them...
It will be a comparison between the upcoming Flite and the new VHB for me. Held off on the Orion for now. Hoping to get something portable with replaceable batteries