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  1. llama1892


    still available?
  2. llama1892

    Arizer Solo

    As they say "it takes a troll to know a troll" Okay I made that up but I think it applies... mod note: Responding to flaming with a 'same to you' puts you in the wrong as well. Responding to bad bahavior is our job, not yours.
  3. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    The FV is more relatable to the MFLB correct? In which it has a learning curve and a structured technique? God I remember trying to get my friends to use the MFLB the correct way. It always ended in combustion and a dirty vape. Not okay with me :\
  4. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    I may end up just spending a little extra and go with my gut and what everyone else has been saying, and get the LSV! I'm definitely a vaper and always will be considering I have a lung disease and can't afford to inhale that nasty smoke. So I am not a freak! ;) Thank you for the advice good sir!
  5. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Very well explained, thank you for the help grokit, much appreciated :)
  6. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Yeah i saw that, that seems like a pretty good deal?
  7. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    I love you ataxian :`) I know there Is wpa for the solo, but I thought I read somehwere the stems can fit a 14mm joint without an attachment? I could very well be wrong
  8. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    I can probably afford a vape up to about $150... so whatever that leaves me with!
  9. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    I likeeeee And i likeeeee So many choices, not so many monies
  10. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Yeah i was suprised the solo wasnt mentioned either. Any comments on the solo. Now that looks appetizing! Did you purchase the whip seprately? I thought it was only glass stems?
  11. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    But how is it with glass mi amigo?
  12. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Yeah I think the vapolution looks like an interesting unit to have, but I don't think it'll be good for my needs. As far as the hits from the Vapir i'm not sure if the trade off is worth it. I really do appreciate everyone being patient with my needs as they seem to keep changing, sorry about...
  13. llama1892

    Vaporizers In Popular Culture - Movies, Television, Celebrities

    I dont know if you guys have seen this is the end, but in one of the opening scenes Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel smoke like crazy, and they also have a volcano and a simple whip vape (looks like a vaporbrothers) on the table along with all of their other paraphernalia. I know its just a movie but...
  14. llama1892

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    Damn you grokit! Now I want this most of all out of the rest of the other vapes... :bowdown:
  15. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Oh boy, jealous of your incoming LSV. Yeah I had a PAX too and it just didn't work well with other people, trying to describe the pull technique and all got old after a while. Every. single. time. :bang: Haha but yeah, the part I like about the N02 is that it can be used while plugged in, and...
  16. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    I am definitely leaning that way, more towards the LSV since I found it for $153 on Wickiepipe. But while surfing aimlessly without a vape for hours and days at a time I stumbled upon the NO2 which I completely overlooked. I know its not really a whip vape but after seeing this posted in the N02...
  17. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Haven't really heard anything about the vapolution, I was aware it existed but never really looked to far into it. :D Have you used it before?
  18. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Thank you so much for that very insightful explanation, very very helpful Max. So I found this which is almost $100 less than retail? I think if I can get that good of a price on it I...
  19. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    Very good description, thank you!. I am definitely looking for thick bong type hits so based on that I think 7th floor is the way to go. Would you reccomend the ssv over the dbv?
  20. llama1892

    Best quality whip vape?

    So between the SSV and DBV is there much of a difference? Aren't the components of heating element in the LSV, DBV, and SSV all similar if not identical? Only asking because I found a SSV in my price range online and was wondering what it's advantages over the DBV are? (I know retail price is...
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