Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
Hey everyone! just wondering if you lovely people could help me out with trying to decide what my next vape should be. I would love to get a desktop vape preferably with only a whip and no bag system. My Criteria are:
-Reasonable price (between $100-$200)
-Easy to use with a group of people(basically I mean easy to use with people who may not be pros at vaping so a small/no learning curve)
-Produces strong, dense vapor
-Lastly, is a good pair with a bubbler or bong
I know that is a pretty picky list but I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Of course if there is a non desktop vape that fits these criteria better, feel free to mention it! I am very open to any suggestion/info that can help me out. Thanks in advance everybody and happy vaping
-Reasonable price (between $100-$200)
-Easy to use with a group of people(basically I mean easy to use with people who may not be pros at vaping so a small/no learning curve)
-Produces strong, dense vapor
-Lastly, is a good pair with a bubbler or bong
I know that is a pretty picky list but I am curious as to what you guys and gals think. Of course if there is a non desktop vape that fits these criteria better, feel free to mention it! I am very open to any suggestion/info that can help me out. Thanks in advance everybody and happy vaping