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  1. thesoloman

    This happened in my town, highschoool i used to attend...

    vice made a clip about this
  2. thesoloman

    The amount of free cannabis must equal 2 percent of a dispensary’s gross weight sold edit: i just realized a disp. could just hook up every gram by 0.02g and comply.
  3. thesoloman

    VAS is Baaaack....

    that thing is fuckin cool i want one, but that price tag is a nono
  4. thesoloman

    (not) Sentenced to Death For Possession: Texas Strikes Again

    satire, how i love you
  5. thesoloman

    Weird lights/ flares over Temecula Ca / camp pendleton.

    Hi, i was driving around 10:45pm this night, and saw three odd orange lights appear in the sky, upon closer inspection i realized that they were flairs. (could see the smoke trail above them) i pulled over and watched them for a while, when the first batch burned out, they were replaced with...
  6. thesoloman

    Pain Relief ABV Massage Oil

    It turned out to be the perfect consistency. I let my mother try some, didn't tell her what was in it, just that it would help with pain. Today i asked her how she liked it and she informed me that she was amazed at how well it worked. she had complete relief where i applied it, and still had...
  7. thesoloman

    Pain Relief ABV Massage Oil

    Ok so i had an idea to make a abv topical this morning, i started doing a iso rinse, evaped iso over hot water, then i mixed the hash with bees wax and coconut oil, poured in a few drops of tea tree oil for the scent, and double boiled it a little longer. Then i removed from heat and put into...
  8. thesoloman

    camping trip vape

    big bear is a fun place to camp.. i just felt like saying watch for bears tho! I walked up on one black bear very close.. almost shit myself
  9. thesoloman

    JoDa Glassworks

    I think i will be wanting one of these two clicker stems as well!
  10. thesoloman

    Is the vaping high, the sativa high ( no cbd ) ?

    reading this makes my head implode
  11. thesoloman

    Which Kind Of Cellphone Do You Use?

    I've been hating smartphones for a long time, i recently caved and bought a NEC Terrain, and i love it, it is ruggedized and water proof, touchscreen with a full keyboard, need i say more? Its so nice to be able to wash your phone off under running water when it gets dirty.
  12. thesoloman

    Fuck you !!!

    Fuck my sister for being an irresponsible cunt and paying my girlfriend to write an essay for her. fast forward to midnight when thesoloman feels bad for his girlfriend and agrees to write the paper for her, fast forward to this morning when i'm like what the fuck did i get my self into. but...
  13. thesoloman

    Dont care about Combustion

    What you really are looking for is an E-pipe? basically like an atoms raw or something of the sort?
  14. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    how old is your stem? I found mine improved with usage as the inside coated with vaporrez which seals the wood in a way.
  15. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Maybe your screen is dirty? can you hold it up to the light and easily see thru it? Maybe a cleaning would help it out.
  16. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Double Wong porn. So simple yet so nice
  17. thesoloman

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    his way older solo stems were not tapered as much, and do not work as a wong like the newer ones do.
  18. thesoloman

    Get your free money again... good old traitor joes is in a lawsuit, and you can get $35 dollars.
  19. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I find that scraping the inside of the solo with a broken flat razor blade is the best way to get off the deposit, i can make a solo look like new inside, think shinny metal with this tech.
  20. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    thats just how it is. just use it with the top not all the way down. IF you force it, you may break the plastic on the bottom of the solo
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