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  1. thesoloman

    The Official FC Pets & Animals thread

    Don't try this one at home kiddys. Unless your Fucking CRAZY! this was not me, but i was present to see this.
  2. thesoloman

    The NEWS !!

    Thank you for this, i really didn't want to have to break this all down...
  3. thesoloman

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    You could use a Male/male adapter with a hydratube on top of it. or this
  4. thesoloman

    The NEWS !!

    More BLM troubles :\
  5. thesoloman

    The NEWS !!

    I just read this, this morning. I thought i'd share it with you guys, i think it is a VERY good read.
  6. thesoloman

    The NEWS !!

    the gov. is trying to get the money from fracking, on the land.
  7. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    why can't we swap batteries?
  8. thesoloman

    Grinder Magnet Paint Shavings Problem LOL

    you could run your ground bud past another stronger magnate, that in theory would pick up any flakes that made it off your grinder.
  9. thesoloman


    Awww i'm sorry @Caligula i wasn't trying to be mean, or make you feel :( I have enjoyed lots of your posts (:
  10. thesoloman


    Its not about the number, its about the content:P Quality not quantity:myday:
  11. thesoloman

    OmniHerbiVore™ (All in one Tool)

    I had an idea for something like this, however mine would have been much more useful for vaporists and dabbers, I still have the schematics somewhere.
  12. thesoloman

    Fuck you !!!

    I kinda want to hear what inspired this? i know you travel allot for work. Also FUCK PVC PRIMER. that shit so bad,
  13. thesoloman

    Fuck you !!!

    No worry's were in the "fuck you thread right:p" SO fuck you and all you old farts:p AND i plan on picking my classes next semester, I've been going to community Fucking college for way to long, with no purpose at all, just taking a bunch of classes i find interesting. I recently had a...
  14. thesoloman

    Fuck you !!!

    I totally hate picking classes and would procrastinate right past the deadline:p so im actuallly quite lucky to have her help:p
  15. thesoloman

    Fuck you !!!

    FUCK online collage classes that have no god damn purpose except to have a bunch of mother fucking busy work that pisses the solo man the fuck off. Fuck letting your mother pick your classes for you. Fuck online classes. Fuck blogs for your online classes FUCK FUCK FUCK I FUCKING FUCKING...
  16. thesoloman

    Random MJ Question

    From my experience whats in a preroll is usually like a grade D weed. If the scale goes AAA, AA, A, B, C, D. I have always thought of them as a marketing ploy to use up weed they would otherwise not be able to sell. :2c: i have personally made dry ice keif from caterpillar infested bud and made...
  17. thesoloman

    Pain Relief ABV Massage Oil

    for straining something like this, i use a french press it works excellently, just thought i would share this. ;) to get all the goodies out get rid of the lid so you can push all the way to the bottom.
  18. thesoloman


    I feel you, my new Dentist is pushing for me to go under to get wisdom teeth removed. Im pushing for him to go fuck himself and not have my wisdom teeth removed. I have no interest in going under. On a side note, i need like 10 fillings and 2 caps. fuck doctors and dentists. I feel that they...
  19. thesoloman

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    correct, every one or two minutes it would switch red/green, defiantly not thee shutoff.
  20. thesoloman

    Arizer Solo

    I would like to point out that the potpourri cup and be repurposed into a very efficient carb-cap, if your into that type of thing :p not useless. sorry its slightly off topic but i couldn't resist. EDIT i guess you threw the "pretty" disclaimer in there:p
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