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  1. P

    Is the enano worth $85 more than Da Buddha?

    Nothing wrong with DBV, it is a really fun party/session vape... but I wouldn't say "clean vapor path" (all-glass would be better than whip-style) or "herb conservation" (you will use a lot more than with your MFLB) are two of its strongest selling points. I have not tried enano personally.
  2. P

    Easy ABV Coconut Oil Recipe(Crockpot)

    If you are feeling lazy and don't want to strain the oil, then the easiest thing to do is completely skip the oil-making step. Just finely grind the ABV (I use a coffee grinder) and add it to your brownie mix. If this makes the batter too dry, then add a little extra water or oil to compensate...
  3. P

    What to cook?

    +1 on the cannacoconut oil, here is a good recipe: 1/8oz of kind bud will provide anywhere between 4-40 edible doses, depending on one's...
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    Finally beginning the transition

    Vaping is a different high than smoking. But it is totally worth it because of the many health benefits. I think you have made a good decision. :)
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    Storage Ideas

    I fill and cap mine by hand, using the eyedropper from a glass tincture bottle (which happens to be exactly the right size). If you are processing 150g at a time (as you mention in your first post) then the capsule machine might be a good investment. ;)
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    Stomach ache after eating ABV

    I find that bubble hash is less harsh on my stomach than ABV. Probably because hash is mostly trichomes without the clorophyl and plant fibers. Worth a try if you have a sensitive stomach. :)
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    Storage Ideas

    Canna-caps are a lot of fun (see my avatar)! You can make the oil with buds, trim, hash, wax, tincture, etc. as the active ingredient. Tell me this doesn't look like fun? :) When I am traveling I carry them in an empty bottle of fish oil or vitamin caps from the health food store: very...
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    time to try cannacooking again

    Here is the BadKat link for convenience: Decarb is a recommended step for maximum efficiency and bio availability, but it is not strictly...
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    time to try cannacooking again

    I use 4g ABV per tray of brownies (0.25g per dose) so 11g ABV plus some other stuff would be a strong dose for my tolerance. :)
  10. P

    Discontinued Lily vaporizer by Triihouse

    I love the form factor and natural wood look. (The price is great too!) I think Lily would make a nice companion/upgrade to my MFLB. For those who mentioned vapor-bonging with Lily, how would you connect it? Is the stem a standard size? That's a great idea! I was literally just about to pull...
  11. P

    Major Storm....

    When the apocalypse comes I will be holed up in my pillow fort eating ABV brownies. ;)
  12. P

    What to do with my ABV?

    I love ABV edibles! My most noob friendly instructions (no smelly/time-consuming oil-making process is necessary!) for ABV edibles are as follows: Weigh out an appropriate amount of ABV for your personal tolerance (I use 0.25g per brownie, while my buddy with a high tolerance uses 1g per...
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    Major Storm....

    Glad I saw this thread, good reminder to charge the vape batteries in case the power goes out!
  14. P

    Reusing material at different temperatures for different effect

    This is the most informative guide I've ever read on how to extract different cannabinoids using a vaporizer: But I've never tried it personally. I like CBD...
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    Reusing material at different temperatures for different effect

    A very interesting scientific question, indeed! You could easily sidestep the entire issue by buying/making some concentrates (which can be very high in THC).
  16. P

    Is my ABV useless?

    I would recommend to start your edibles experiments with smaller amounts, while you are figuring out the variables. If you use 100g in your first attempt, and it doesn't come out well, then you've wasted 100g. But if you start with a smaller batch (say, 1 "firecracker" or 1 tray of brownies)...
  17. P

    Arizer Solo

    These fit great. If you don't want to pay the shipping, I bet you can find something similar in a shop convenient to you. :)
  18. P

    Arizer Solo

    If you also happen to have a MFLB, the rubber battery caps perfectly fit the stock glass Solo stems. Handy for keeping a spare, pre-packed stem in a pocket or bag. :)
  19. P

    Flavor - What am I doing wrong?

    If that was directed at me, I agree smoking is disgusting. That doesn't mean I can't also have a valid opinion/experience that the popcorn taste of vaping sometimes makes me retch.
  20. P

    Flavor - What am I doing wrong?

    I never really liked the flavor of vaping. Sometimes it even makes me gag a little. I will say however as I vape more and more, every once in a while I get a really flavorful hit early on in the session, nice grassy flavor.
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