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  1. P

    Canna Butter vs Canna Coconut oil

    You should use the amount of oil the recipe calls for. So if the recipe calls for 1/2 cup, then use 1/2 cup. (But 1.5g of ABV in 1/2c oil will make weak-ass edibles, even by a lightweight's standards.) Water boils at a constant temperature (212F/100C at sea level). That is the entire science...
  2. P

    Canna Butter vs Canna Coconut oil

    Follow the exact same directions, except cook the herb+oil in a double boiler instead of cooking the herb+oil in a crock pot. (Or did I miss something and this is a trick question?) 1.5g is a negligible amount not really worth the time and effort though, are you sure you didn't mean 1.5oz? If...
  3. P

    Looking for suggestions/advice for AVB cooking use

    I think you might be thinking of "coconut milk" which is a different type of coconut product, used in Thai curries. "Coconut oil" is solid at room temperature, and when melted is see-through like cooking oil (not creamy like Thai coconut milk). Coconut oil can be substituted 1:1 for butter or...
  4. P

    Looking for suggestions/advice for AVB cooking use

    There are literally dozens of recipes if you scroll down just a little bit in the "Cooking with Cannabis" sub-forum. Here is the most popular as relates to coconut oil:
  5. P

    Looking for suggestions/advice for AVB cooking use

    Cannabis coconut oil is the trendy edible these days. It will keep a long time stored in a cool dark place. :)
  6. P

    Canna Butter vs Canna Coconut oil

    You can strain canna-oil easily while it is still warm. Oil and water don't mix. I do not recommend adding water to the canna oil/butter making process. To substitute for 1 cup butter use 1 cup coconut oil. I store mine in the freezer. I hope that answered your main questions?
  7. P

    Canna Butter vs Canna Coconut oil

    Lately I just add ABV or hash directly to the brownie mix, no fuss. ;) In the past when I made oil in the crock pot, the method was: fill crock pot 1/2 way with water, put herb+oil in a sealed mason jar, put the jar in the water bath. Cook on low for many hours. Strain. Best results I ever got...
  8. P

    Canna Butter vs Canna Coconut oil

    Coconut oil can be substituted for butter 100% of the time. I have vegan friends who never eat butter, and they adapt non-vegan baking recipes by substituting coconut oil for butter straight up 1:1. Butter on the other hand is a fussy kitchen ingredient. I would not say it is "easier" at all...
  9. P

    Is bubble hash worth the effort?

    Thanks for the suggestion but I'd rather make my canna-oil from the hash. ;) I did make butter from the leftover bubble water one time, it put me to sleep for 2 days.
  10. P

    Bubble Hash Concentrate

    Yeah edibles really hit different people in completely different ways. There are lots of people out there who think the Colorado guidelines are much too strict. I personally prefer a dose in the 50-100mg THC range, and yet I've been criticised on the forums for my "weak ass edibles." ;) For many...
  11. P

    Minimum amount of Magic Ingredient ?

    As I mentioned in your other thread, 1g of bubble hash equals 40+ edible doses by Colorado state guidelines. Do you trust the source of the hash, and do you know the % THC? (Very important for purposes of calculating how hard the edibles will hit you.) 1g bubble hash is 6x the THC dose consumed...
  12. P

    Bubble Hash Concentrate

    1 gram of bubble hash would translate to multiple edible doses, for most people's tolerance. Bubble hash is at least 40% THC, so 1g hash = 400mg+ of THC. To put that in perspective, the state of Colorado's new guidelines stipulate that 1 dose = 10mg THC, and a single package can contain no more...
  13. P

    Bubble Hash Concentrate

    I haven't tried that vape brand. Maybe you can mix your bubble with some kind of e-juice? I'm not really sure. If you are a combuster you can sprinkle it on top of a bowl or add it to a tobacco hand-roll.
  14. P

    Bubble Hash Concentrate

    What do you already own for vaporizers (not pen vapes)? Possibly you can vape the bubble in your existing vape. I make a "bud sandwich" and vape it in my Solo, for example. :)
  15. P

    Is bubble hash worth the effort?

    I am sober so there's no way in heck I would ever "clean" my MJ with ethanol. ;)
  16. P

    not working?

    Maybe you are making the cookies wrong, how would we know unless you tell us about your recipe? ;)
  17. P

    Is bubble hash worth the effort?

    Thanks, Chippy! I really enjoy this style of hash too, at least for vaping not smoking. I feel like it really captures the herbaceous essence of the plant, very flavorful clouds. :)
  18. P

    Is bubble hash worth the effort?

    Trim! Flowers are too valuable to run. ;)
  19. P

    Is bubble hash worth the effort?

    Lately my friends and I have been experimenting with deliberately making "low quality" (i.e. non-melt) bubble hash. Last batch we used the 160 bag. The end result has a greenish tinge from tiny pieces of plant material (experienced hash makers would call this "contaminants"), and it doesn't melt...
  20. P

    detox of combustion while still vaping

    Don't discount this fact. Even though you did not quit "cold turkey" you did cut your consumption by 75% or more. That could certainly be a big enough change in your routine to cause some detox/withdrawal symptoms.
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