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  1. potatobass


    Bonjour les vaporists franais! Je possde un Herborizer XL complet : sphre, tuyau silicone avec embout pour la sphre , et le bang(dont le pied est cass, je l ai remplacer par un pied pour bang en caoutchouc ) et je dois avouer que je suis tres triste de m en sparer. L'avantage du XL , c'est...
  2. potatobass

    Best replacement to my herborizer???

    Hi from france guys ! Long Time no see! I'm a convinced vaporist and happy owner of a Vapor genie , a purple day (as my everyday Vap) and an herborizer XL (sphere , hose , and Bong !!!) wich is my favorite but i need to sell it. I 'm moving in with my "fiance" . She has 2 crazy fucked up cats...
  3. potatobass

    Herborizer corner

    Gonna gets my Tube XL tomorow, bought it mint condition(been used about ten times, cleaned each time) to a guy for 150 ( about 210 US $) :brow: . Felt Lucky , felt good to live in France. :D I'll try it tomorow. :ninja:
  4. potatobass

    Vapes on eBay

    It already started :P , a lot of friends wanna try it since i ordered one.:brow: And i was thinking about open my own vape'n aroma therapy store in paris. this thing is kinda pretty new here except the herbo and 'cano...Vapir products are considered as prety good products here.:D We're 5 years...
  5. potatobass

    Vapes on eBay

    Modnote: 11 eBay related threads merged. Just found an herborizer bong on ebay France (classic model , not the XL). The description says "vaporizer herborizer ,almost new, used it 2 times , bought it 249? one month ago , beautiful object by a glass worker(don't know the exact translation), for...
  6. potatobass

    Hot air soldering Station------> Safe ?

    Yes you're right....and you know i'm just waiting for my PD :D so i won't buy these kind of thing...Maybe a Steinel heat gun with the Vrip glass bong and chamber... it's just that, sometimes, i have the occasion to buy these kind of DIY tools at a very reasonable price. :cool: if i can get a...
  7. potatobass

    Hot air soldering Station------> Safe ?

    Just found that on ebay|65%3A1|39%3A1|240%3A1318 I was just asking myself, should i...
  8. potatobass

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    The cherry one, the original one :D God can't wait.
  9. potatobass

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    GOOD NEWS EVERYONE: i just ordered my PD this afternoon , and my first Vap in the same time :D . I'm gonna be the first parisian Pd owners bu believe me they gonna be others soon :P . I'll post my review soon ... At least ! Gonna get some good MJ from Amsterdam to try it! :D Can't wait. Pam and...
  10. potatobass

    Home Vaporizer by Element

    i ask a question: are these kind of Vapo made with a specific halogen light buble or it is the same as we have in our lamp? Cause if it's the same one, then a good dimmer , a high temperature thermometer and 2 pieces of glass can make a 500 bucks vap?:P :lol: i supose it's not so simple but...
  11. potatobass

    Vaporization Newbie

    It still a little expensive for me but if someday i decide to travel to north america , i ll let people on the forum know, and ship it for free! Anyway , i hope i'll be able to try it. Do you think their cheapest models are set at a good temperature(190C)? As they are built in glass, they are...
  12. potatobass

    Vaporization Newbie

    Whoa ! what a quick reply! Thx Acolyte! OK so the 'cano really seems to don't worth it! Anyway i'll buy the PD to my first experience , but as a noob i'm wondering about a few thing: Isn't Vapor too hot for beginners? in that case , could i plug a silicone whip on it ? (I have acess to free...
  13. potatobass

    Vaporization Newbie

    Hi guys! Just post to introduce myself and speak about my situation to know if i'm doing the right choice. I'm french 25y old and smoke since 10 years now. I had my 2nd pneumothorax (so it required lung surgery) in october and decided to stop smoking(but doctors said my lungs were pretty good...
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