Well-Known Member
Hi guys! Just post to introduce myself and speak about my situation to know if i'm doing the right choice.
I'm french 25y old and smoke since 10 years now.
I had my 2nd pneumothorax (so it required lung surgery) in october and decided to stop smoking(but doctors said my lungs were pretty good for a 10 year smoker).
Taste and high of herb miss me pretty much. And i heard about vaporization.
It is not very known in france : Volcano , Vapir , herbalaire and national Herborizer are the only model wich french shop sells.
So thx to you, thx to this Forum to allow me make a true choice , with true review( lots of french forum loves Vapir products).
I'm personaly looking for my first Vaporizer. I need it to be affordable , effective , and quit portable and unbreakable( wanna use it in good friends partys).
So after reading lots of post , it seems like the Purple Days is the right choice.
I'd like to try Balloons and have a good whip Vap later so i'll maybe get an extreme or an herbalaire( if you have some advice).
In case of i become pretty rich , i ll maybe prefer to buy a Volcano and a SSV(but maybe Volcano really don't worse it: advice welcome as well).
Anyway Thanx again to webmasters , admin and all users.
And please excuse my pretty bad english
I'm french 25y old and smoke since 10 years now.
I had my 2nd pneumothorax (so it required lung surgery) in october and decided to stop smoking(but doctors said my lungs were pretty good for a 10 year smoker).
Taste and high of herb miss me pretty much. And i heard about vaporization.
It is not very known in france : Volcano , Vapir , herbalaire and national Herborizer are the only model wich french shop sells.
So thx to you, thx to this Forum to allow me make a true choice , with true review( lots of french forum loves Vapir products).
I'm personaly looking for my first Vaporizer. I need it to be affordable , effective , and quit portable and unbreakable( wanna use it in good friends partys).
So after reading lots of post , it seems like the Purple Days is the right choice.
I'd like to try Balloons and have a good whip Vap later so i'll maybe get an extreme or an herbalaire( if you have some advice).
In case of i become pretty rich , i ll maybe prefer to buy a Volcano and a SSV(but maybe Volcano really don't worse it: advice welcome as well).
Anyway Thanx again to webmasters , admin and all users.
And please excuse my pretty bad english