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  1. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    fo-shizzle Let us know if you order 100+ plus for the discount...:rofl:
  2. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Welcome to the forum @ABIDDAR try getting a hold of @theyoyokid1 He seems to have the new pgong, and is authed.
  3. Ratm22

    Cheap beginner vape

    Manual torch heated vapes are the only thing that can be purchased on the low. I personally would never go that route. Especially if you want to use it indoors It reminds me of this video: Used, go used. Ebay, classifieds. I have a magic flight box listed. We can work out a payment plan:p...
  4. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Welcome to the forum @butterforce ! Try sticking with normal text so its easier to read.
  5. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

  6. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    @BarnBoy You be a beast on the PNP. Many lucks with getting a RMA! Stay away from the smoke!
  7. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    My post on page 184 shows you my set up.
  8. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Welcome to FC @El Exigente! I think you are not alone, someone else has already posted the exact same story. I got me the orbiter glass from magic flight. Works great with the pinnacle. Lifetime glass replacement if you order this year.
  9. Ratm22

    The WISPR vaporizer

    I am on my third orange pumpkin wispr. Bought the first one retail $350. I feel your pain @PoisonousHydra. The return process wasn't fast, but at least I got a working wispr in the end. Welcome to the forum. Much tales you must have. When you get a chance I would reach out to Iolite, with...
  10. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    My old computer ATX power supply comes in at 5.1v and the pinnacle seems to like it. It will even heat up while plugged in.
  11. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Hell, @BarnBoy will send you one if you are sly with the PNP.
  12. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Yes my first PNP pro ran way hotter than the replacement they sent me.
  13. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Yeah I get that but, can the full metal jacket even be used? I can't get the tops on. The FMJ is just too large. Is it just to make the product sell better and a cool decoration. I was resorting to hitting straight out of the chamber no screen which is very hot and not recommended.
  14. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    So how does one actually use the full metal jacket bullet? I packed it with kief yesterday and I couldn't get any of the tops on. The mouth tip and my two pongs wont fit with the full metal jacket bowl. :hmm: The flare on my full metal is huge and wont allow the tops to clip on. I couldn't...
  15. Ratm22

    Herbalizer Fortune Cookie Contest

    Soon you will see big clouds can come from small packages
  16. Ratm22

    ABV Coconut Oil Salad Dressing

    So I was extracting some abv in Coconut oil. About an hour into the simmer, I used 4 tablespoons on a large salad. Blasted :haw: :ko: :haw: !! This has got to be one of the most potent ways to ingest extractions. All the baked goods I have made take longer to get into your system. This was...
  17. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Astrat, normally we welcome new members, but saying something like VaporBlunt spends more time on this forum than answering support calls is a bit out of line. If you had read all the pages you might find some solace instead of just barking. We are all concerned with inhaling melted plastic...
  18. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Welcome to the forum @Lao wai . The battery often rattles around. You can open it up with the two side tabs, but that would probably void your warranty. Is the rattling that bad?
  19. Ratm22

    14mm Water Tool - Got Vape h20 tube by nakedglassco $35

    I received an extra 14mm water tool for my Pinnacle, so I don't need this off brand one. This pic is of the water tool on the Pinnacle and the box the tube came in. No the Pinnacle is not included in this sale. Works well just not quite as good as pinnacle brand. $35 + shipping...
  20. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    @lookhigh Yes, sparingly. I got a replacement pinnacle that is not as hot, and monitoring it very closely. I still don't trust the pong.
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