If you can up your budget just a little more, you could pick up a vapolution 2.0. I haven't used one, but a lot of really respected FC members love it.
You could also look at an MFLB through eBay, but I'm not really comfortable buying vapes from them. Again, if you can up that budget, I might send an E-mail to Randy at puffitup.com and see if you can work out a deal that benefits you both for an MFLB.
Ideally, you'd want to assume that you're going to love vaping, and really invest in a quality unit that you'll hang onto. The MFLB could be one of these (some people don't like it so much), the Vapolution 2.0 will probably be one. If you can find a way, the Solo would be a great option too, but it's a little bit over what your budget allows. Would probably pay off in the long run though. I just last night bought another Solo to replace the one that seems to be on permanent loan now.
Just ideas here. Don't take 'em too seriously or anything.