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  1. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;)

    Alright so yeah, I didn't follow through back then. Emm it's kinda hard for me to imagine tbh, but it sounds interesting. I'd like to hear some more info, If you don't mind of course.
  2. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;) That's what I've found so far, it looks natural to me but idk. do you guys think? I'll ask the seller...
  3. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;)

    I have trouble so far finding those at the right measurements. I need ~35*27 (or more) *35 when it's upper dia*lower dia*length. I'll post an update here if I find something relevant.
  4. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;)

    Thanks guys, noted. I'll do my research and probably will leave that aside. I think my next move will be with something like this
  5. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;)

    No errors. I made sure the coil won't touch itself or the base itself. And yeah, Alan brought a really good idea right here.
  6. XpeeN

    Here's my Cork510 ;)

    0.198Ω when cold, 20ga SS wire, 200 TCR 203C (I was aiming to reach 0.27 to 0.28 when the coil is hot, it glows just a bit at ~0.275). Credit to Alan from toasty top for the cork idea.
  7. XpeeN

    Dreamwood Glow

    You have to beat up the glow to make my rx gen3 to warm up too much. It happens to me with metal DHV attys though. Please don't, you'll risk yourself for nothing.
  8. XpeeN

    /r/Vaporents Announcement and a message from Reddit admins - Temporary restriction on new content

    I honestly don't think it's mutual exclusive. I enjoy the all-in-one style of feed vaporents has, and I enjoy how you can go deep in specific topics at FC (more easily). There are bad behaviors and trends everywhere these days, and IMO we should just try to behave the best we can ourselves...
  9. XpeeN

    The Convection Thread

    I have a question for you. Imagine a tight long pipe with a heater at the center of it, and air passing inside the pipe, near that heater (pretty similar to glass symphony but tighter and without the balls ofc). Let's say we're keeping the heater's temp at a specific temp, and that for...
  10. XpeeN

    Dreamwood Glow

    As long as I want, I reach to 15-20 secs usually. Yeah with the same watts for 2 secs, but I tried setting a custom preheat at ~50w a couple of times, and it works pretty well. Yes, when I feel I need to. But usually increasing the draw speed is enough for me. Pro tip: Just imagine what's...
  11. XpeeN

    Dreamwood Glow

    The concept here is that the air will pass near the hot heating element and get hot itself. So yeah, if you spread the coils up a bit, more air could pass in between. Now, about the TCR, it depends on the coil. If you have the option to use TCR values, I'd advise starting at ~80TCR and make...
  12. XpeeN

    Best Perc Type(s)/Best Bubbler for Max Cooling/Smoothing/Filtering

    damn those are pretty cool I'd love to find one of these at DH honestly
  13. XpeeN


    I microdose in every way possible lol, stock mp, glass mp with basket and I even tried with dosing capsules for some reason lol. I usually don't stir, most of the time it's not necessary, especially when you microdose.
  14. XpeeN

    Dreamwood Glow

    I got dual A1s and they're at 0.2 ohms.
  15. XpeeN


    ~0.04g with my glow 18 works like a charm.
  16. XpeeN

    Tera VS Roffu

    Tera is $75 at bdlstech
  17. XpeeN

    Dreamwood Glow

    I think inhaling cools it down enough. I guess you'll feel the vapor and tune your inhalation speed before it'll glow on you. Just don't let it glow at preheat.
  18. XpeeN

    iHeat 510 Heater Cartridge

    Glad I helped. I guess it's fine, I heard people set it at 50% or so. I advise using AF's monitor to check if the temp is consistent when you draw. And can you PLZ show the AVB after the hit you take next time or something? It's really interest me how well the AVB looks after it's kinda tuned in...
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