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  1. aero18

    Help! New PD little or no vapor

    Try sucking in very slowly. Let it warm up first too! It takes a while for it to warm up (45 min I think?)
  2. aero18

    Marc Emery

    There are a lot of people who go hungry because they are in poverty and cannot get adequate food (even with food stamps). Some parents have to cut their own food to feed their children, even in America. It's not always their own faults. And anyways, why would the children be at fault? That...
  3. aero18

    Paranormal Activity

    Watched it online. Only thing I am glad about is that I didn't spend money to go and see it. Zombieland was not bad though.
  4. aero18

    Herb Grinders

    Thanks max for having my back! I really appreciate the time you put in for an almost complete stranger. :D I wasn't expecting to see my money back after eight months. I do agree that the quality of the grinders are superb, it's just the service that isn't up to what people would want.
  5. aero18

    Herb Grinders

    Just got a refund on my Mix'N'Ball order! Dan read the forums and kindly sent the money back. Maybe my emails didn't go in somehow, I don't know... Either way, I'm pretty happy now. :D
  6. aero18


    People take whatever they want from it. Some people just "want to get fucked up" and don't really embrace what you could get out of it. Ego death is certainly something that can teach you a lot about life and yourself.
  7. aero18


    Not in the States? I can see it here.
  8. aero18

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I was thinking the same thing. But then, normalizing this activity would move it further from its chained stigmas... I would not want to see this company go though. I thought it was cool to see cannabis references on there while it was there. Made me think of a more normal society.
  9. aero18

    When is herb really beat?

    When I try to vape all that I can I vape until I see no more visible vapors (and then some for good measure), which is usually a dark brown but there is no black or charred herb. The taste by this time is not a burnt taste, rather it is a toasted hazelnut-popcornish smell. You can distinguish it...
  10. aero18


    Hallucinating is not getting high. You can always go for certain species that are more distinct than others and feel more assured after studying it and ones that look similar to it.
  11. aero18

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Haha, at least your vape seems to be working.:lol:
  12. aero18

    1st Time Smoke Dope Anniversary

    Still hasn't been a year since I've started. Jumped on vaporizing after the second time I smoked.
  13. aero18

    Herb Grinders

    The guy refused to reply back to my continual reminders towards the end of the few months. He marked the product as shipped and ignored me from then on.
  14. aero18


    I live in Seattle too, but I don't trust myself in picking mushrooms. When I move into my own apartment next year or the following year, I plan on growing a few strains of psilocybin. They are easy to grow, cheap, and yield relatively quick harvests. I do wish that I could come across some...
  15. aero18

    cool movies to watch vaped

    The Cosmos by Carl Sagan and Into the Wild
  16. aero18

    The Magic-Flight Box

    A grain of salt? Is it possible to achieve this in a grinder or only by cutting it with scissors?
  17. aero18

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Not much, or none at all, since cool air is being quickly brought In from the back.
  18. aero18

    Herb Grinders

    Got fucked over early this year from Mix'n'Ball. I ordered a double screen grinder from them, a pollen press, and what do I get in return? A pollen press two months later, a mini grinder three months later for the amount of time I waited, AND NO DOUBLE SCREEN GRINDER! :mad: mod note: Since you...
  19. aero18

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The taste that the Launch Box delivers from cannabis is so delicious. :ko: The VaporGenie really doesn't make vapor taste that good, so smoke was only marginally less appealing. Now, the tide has turned drastically. I love this little box more and more as the days roll on. :D
  20. aero18

    Should I get a DBV?

    All that you need is to get a bag vaporizer and you will have all your bases covered! The Launch Box is more portable than the iOlite... but for the time being you are definitely well catered by those devices that you bought. :D
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