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  1. steiner666

    Sold Items

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!SOLD!!!!!<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 2 x Magic Flight Launch Boxes to sell. Both work fine and neither have seen that much usage, since i do 98% of my vaping in my SSV, which is why i'm selling them. One's 3 months old and ones under 2 months. 2x Sanyo enerloop AA's, 1x Sanyo...
  2. steiner666

    Why are 1st timer MJ Experiences Not Always Stoney?

    Dude, i thought i was the only one lol. My friends tried getting me stoned on about 6 different occasions before it worked. Ppl were all like "ah you're just not hittin it right" or "youre not inhaling it all the way in or something!", then they'd observe me take a rip off a bong and not feel...
  3. steiner666

    Looking to get a vaporizer, but I can't decide between these 3...

    promos are for ... at least i know the FC-2010 one is, havent used the others. About the MFLB This is all in my opinion, which is almost needless to say... but I don't think the MFLB is that great of a choice for you at all. I like mine for what it is and how often i use it...
  4. steiner666

    Favorite Video Game?

    We've been playing this on co-op for the past couple weekends. I must say, after some initial tweaking (increasing the field of view, disabling mouse smoothing, etc), this game is awesome! It's like a multiplayer RPG meets FPS. I played it a bit on single player when it first came out, but i...
  5. steiner666

    For all you dog owners...

    Lol sounds like my cat. He comes when you whistle, something we discovered when we were trying to call the dogs one day but only the cat came lol. My g/f can also make a fake little scream for help and the cat will come rushing from 3 floors away and onto her lap. He also almost ALWAYS...
  6. steiner666

    Angry Video Game Nerd - nostalgic and funny for '80s+'90s gamers!

    Good that there are some other AVGN viewers on here, there has to be a few anywhere there is mj discussion lol yeah bible games is one of the better ones too, along with the one with the CD-i zelda games *shiver*
  7. steiner666

    Creatine and Cannabis THC

    Oddly enough, the only time i took creatine was part of my dillution method of passing a urine test for a job lol, it worked too. At least, i know i passed the test, not sure how much creatine had to do with it.
  8. steiner666

    Pot Lung and Vaping

    Found this on a website, its about quitting cigs, but there should be some similarities. Smoke is smoke really. I think i read somewhere that you may actually cough up more stuff in the months after quitting smoking due to the fact that your lungs are able to expel it better. "Overview The...
  9. steiner666

    Angry Video Game Nerd - nostalgic and funny for '80s+'90s gamers!

    I don't know how many of you have already heard of the AVGN, but i think anyone who played games on the NES/SNES and even other old consoles will find them hilarious. The ones about games i played as a kid of course bring back memories, and the ones i didnt play are still funny too. Sometimes...
  10. steiner666

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Well, it's been a while since i posted in this thread, since i pretty much shared everything i know and learned everything i can about the LB. But i have a couple pointers to share: - Always check your tips for discharge! :brow:! - One of my batteries started to not produce that great of hits...
  11. steiner666

    Dream Position Available for Intelligent Vaporist

    I dont see the need for them to seek out anyone else with opinions on and experience with every vape when VaporThoughts him/her/them-self has claimsedto already have experience with every vape under the sun. And enough experience with each vape to say that they are all "not very good". I...
  12. steiner666

    For all you dog owners...

    other findings in the episode: dogs recognize human body communication better than chimps. They did a bit where they hid a treat under one of two cups/bowls and the human pointed at the right one. The chimps didnt even seem to notice the pointing but nearly all the dogs followed it. They...
  13. steiner666

    For all you dog owners...

    I just got done watching an extremely fascinating documentary that had aired (not sure when) on BBC 1 i think the shows called "Horizon" and the particular episode dealing with dogs is "The Secret Life of the Dog". More info can be found here: It...
  14. steiner666

    Pot Lung and Vaping

    Yeah, i had a lot of what you're describing, pretty much symptoms similar to acute bronchitis, back when i smoked. I switched to vaping-only on a DBV also about half a year ago, and i feel heaps better now, but it did take a couple months for things to really clear up. And I was only smoking...
  15. steiner666

    Vapor Can be Harmful to your Health

    yeah i heard about this a while ago. I've always hated how overpowering the aroma from microwaved popcorn is, and always opened a bunch of windows whenever i cooked any up. I never buy any now days though because i hate popcorn as muchies food. It gets stuck in your gums and almost never gets...
  16. steiner666

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    yeah that was me lol. One thing i've noticed with my mni wand is taht some herb gets in that little grrove that the screen sits in around the edges, and if its ground fine enough it can be a pretty significant amount. What i've started to do is just dump out my wands when they're spent, not...
  17. steiner666

    Pirates and what to do with them

    I think their decision was fair, pretty much the modern version of having them walk the plank. They knew the risks of what they were doing when they boarded the ship.
  18. steiner666

    What was your T-Break Experience ?

    Couldnt have said it better myself. Herb gives me a better perspective on pretty much everything, helps me realize whats really important and whats not. If i feel like quitting my job because it pisses me off, i get stoned and see how essential it is to being able to survive (and having...
  19. steiner666

    Web-browsers & tips to make Google/Youtube better.

    Yeah i used to us Flashblock, esp on the netbook i used to own because flash anything was like a slideshow. I use NoScript tho now days, and along with letting you choose which scripts are allowed to run on each page, it also does pretty much the exact same thing as flashblock, makes a flash...
  20. steiner666

    Fuck Conduction (The B.C. Vaporizer)

    Quality/origin of construction aside, this style of vape is about the worst design, from what i've heard anyway. I think they're pretty much all conduction (physical transfer heat) and no convection (heating through hot air travel past), so it wont vape your herb anywhere near as evenly and...
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