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  1. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

  2. TheThriftDrifter

    Looking for recommendations

    Portables Tinymight Tetra P80 Firewood 7 Taffie bowl Mighty +? Desktops Volcano hybrid Modded SSV aka SSV43 Terp Torch(if still available) Herborizer Flower Pot Edit. Opps, I forgot to add Dynavap with an IH.
  3. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

  4. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

  5. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    @Cannabiker I couldn't decide between using a shocked or laughing like emoji. On the one hand getting burnt is never fun but picturing the thigh catch had me :rofl: Was it like...yes! I caught it! Then...fuck I caught it!
  6. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

  7. TheThriftDrifter

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    2021M works well with a torch but I haven't used it in my heater yet. The captive cap on it rattles/moves, which may or may not be a pain in an IH. Grab a regular cap with your order, then you can see what works better for you.
  8. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    The thing that puzzles me about the having the air port wide open (making max use of the condenser vortex wizardry) is that it makes the vapor harsh on my throat, even on the first couple of heat ups on a fresh bowl. It's not for lack of trying this method, I just always gravitate towards...
  9. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    Damn! That sounds like some mighty fine herb. :rockon:
  10. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    @ZidaneStoleMyDagger I knew we would reel you in eventually........🎣
  11. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    I can only comment on the M range. 2018 with regular cap = hard to draw through(port closed), thick clouds, abv gets dark easily. 2019 with regular cap = great draw with port closed, my fave for mouth pulls. 2020 with captive cap = very open draw, I hate it for mouth pulling. :brow: Great on...
  12. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    Haven't heard of any issues with the 21M yet, the one I've got works all good. Got any photos of it you can post so we can have a look?
  13. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    You could always wait till they sort the issues before you buy one? I realize I'm stating the obvious here, but ultimately if a customer buys a product that doesn't function as intended or as advertised by the manufacturer, then that customer has a genuine grievance and it's a full replacement...
  14. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    I agree, FC isn't the center of the vaporverse. :spliff: I AM THE CENTER OF THE VAPORVERSE :smug:
  15. TheThriftDrifter

    FC Posts Taken Out Of Context Thread

    Had to be done.
  16. TheThriftDrifter

    Dynavap VapCap

    No such thing as a stupid question dude, personally I go the full bowls as it takes less time for me to bake em. :spliff: Damn that sucks! Contact dynavap and ask them to send you the functional product that you paid for. :nod: I'm hearing more and more about these new vongs jamming. Dynavap...
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