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  1. Gregori

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Bienvenue vaporisateur aromatique.
  2. Gregori

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    La combustion c'est le cancer. Bienvenue sur fuckcombustion.
  3. Gregori

    FR Dynavap-Omnivap

    J'avoue n'être jamais parvenu à taffer aussi longtemps. :)
  4. Gregori

    nettoyage des vaporisateur.

    Salut, Sur l'étiquette je lis:" Substances : Métasilicate de sodium 20 - 35%; Blanchiment à oxygène 15 - 30%; l'EDTA et ses sels <5%; phosphates <5%, surfactants anioniques <5%" C'est effectivement pas de l'eau claire mais je peux assurer qu'à l'utilisation c'est beaucoup moins agressif que...
  5. Gregori

    nettoyage des vaporisateur.

    Salut, Voici ce que j'utilise : le PBW. Ça évite d'utiliser un produit dangereux et toxique comme l'isopropylalcool.
  6. Gregori

    FR Dynavap-Omnivap

    La lumière du FF2 s'éteint lorsque l'utilisateur lâche les boutons. Tu n'es pas obligé de tirer pendant 50 secondes d'affilée.
  7. Gregori

    Upcoming Boundless Vapes (UNO, CF Micro)

    Hi @sammuel To me they didn't give right names. The cf micro looks more like a cfc to me. The cfc2 is a vape between the micro/cfclike and the cf. Peace.
  8. Gregori

    Upcoming Boundless Vapes (UNO, CF Micro)

    Hi, When will cfc2 and cf micro be available ? Can't find it... Thanks
  9. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    "Hopper Update 2018 Hopper Labs Quick Update 1 - 2018 We are three-quarters of the way through a major overhaul to the service department. We're addressing problems many users have had that require substantial production changes. Reliability and performance upgrades are both coming! More...
  10. Gregori

    Boundless CFC

    Something new soon. Any other informations ?
  11. Gregori

    Sticky Brick Junior by Sticky Brick Labs

    I'm using the carb exactly as you do and only combust when using a flame too big.
  12. Gregori

    Recommendations for new vape

    If battery life matters, why not get a butane powered vape? My personal favorite is Sticky brick junior.
  13. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I don't even sent it back in warranty cause it costs 37$ each time. My crowdfunded futuristic vape is collecting dust now.
  14. Gregori

    Black Friday 2017

    Thanks a lot!
  15. Gregori

    Black Friday 2017

    The code BNDLS35 doesn't work on PIU for a boundless cf...
  16. Gregori

    E.U. Retailers.

    +1 for Vaposhop.
  17. Gregori

    If you could have only one vape

    @vapenerd That's right in Belgium too. I think because of prohibition, people can't be aware that they are using the baddest way to ingest MJ.
  18. Gregori

    If you could have only one vape

    Weird idea to have only one vape. But I know I'd choose the sticky brick junior. It's only down is that you can't use it single hand. Otherwise, that vape fits me.
  19. Gregori

    Discontinued Loto Labs Lux (formerly Evoke)

    Hardware, easyware... To me it's vaporware and lots of BS.
  20. Gregori

    Is it possible to ever go back to smoking?

    If smoking was my only choice, I'd pass my turn. That's why I always carry two vapes when around. I don't want to smoke again. In my area (Europe), people smoke spliffs so it's really the worst solution.
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