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  1. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I was about to write "It's build to last" but I didn't. ;) Whatever. That Stainless Steel really is build to last.
  2. Gregori

    Mon avis sur le Focus Vape de iFocus

    Super test @zen_green ! Par contre un vapo qui goute le plastique est directement éliminé dans ma sélection. Je vape parce que c'est plus sain que de fumer. Pas pour aspirer des vapeurs de plastique. D'ailleurs j'ai eu un Pax qui avait ce défaut et je l'ai immédiatement revendu à quelqu'un qui...
  3. Gregori


    Merci @zen_green . Le temps de chauffe est incroyablement court. Même dehors à puissance maximum on ne dépasse pas les 7 secondes. Carrément @f2j . D'ailleurs c'est un vrai plaisir car le réglage de température est super précis. En cul-sec/à fond/one-hitter je trouve mon Daisy beaucoup plus...
  4. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Hi everyone, Just posting to tell you my Hopper arrived. I really like it. So amazing, discrete and small. Mindblowing. So I'm leaving this thread for good (I hope). Don't give up the wait. It's really worth it!
  5. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    As a backer I really regret all the missed deadlines but let me tell you one thing : that vape is mindblowing! A real piece of art. I've been convinced two years ago and they made it! Well done guys.
  6. Gregori


    Ok donc. Je l'ai. C'est aussi bien que ce qui est annoncé. Dès que je descends de mon nuage, je ferai un retour plus complet. En attendant je profite!
  7. Gregori


    Ebony Vapman have been made at least twice. Just mail René to know if there are any left.
  8. Gregori


    Ça y est! Le colis a été livré chez moi... Alors que j'étais au boulot... Je sais qu'après deux ans d'attente, on n'est plus à un jour près mais ça fait mal au cul là.
  9. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Two years of waiting wasn't enough. I'll add one more day. Noooooo!
  10. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

  11. Gregori


    Mon colis est arrivé hier soir à la douane belge! Youpi! Il est en Belgique. Pincez-moi, je rêve! Et pour toi @ced des nouvelles?
  12. Gregori

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    I put my AVB in an italian coffee pot (Bialetti) and make butter. Around 12g per cookies and that's great !
  13. Gregori

    Do you still smoke occasionally?

    A few puffs when a joint (with tobacco here) pass is enough to remember me why I switched to vape. I can't believe my friends still smoke. But yes, the social part is easier with a joint than a portable vape.
  14. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Nope, I didn't pay for the shipping upgrade. As I've already paid 20$ for the international shipping and will have custom taxes. I'm delivered in Belgium so no suspens on which of us will get his first.
  15. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Déc 13 backer. Just got my shipping confirmation ! Nice way to begin my friday.
  16. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Pictures or it didn't happened. With the two year expected boxes please.
  17. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Just tell yourself it was misguided optimism.
  18. Gregori


    Tout arrive: je viens de recevoir un mail pour confirmer l'adresse de livraison. On s'approche !
  19. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Déc 13th SS backer. Just got adress confirmation. Can't believe it's happening.
  20. Gregori

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Hi there, As I've been banned a few days I was wondering if anyone had news of the 1300GH/month that should be shipped really soon to the 300 last backers. "Assembly over the last few months has gone much slower than anticipated due to parts revisions, the difficulty of the process, and...
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