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  1. eyevape

    New attempt after DaVinci fail. Looking for a joint feeling Vape.

    @sporty90 To me it’s the variety of vapes which does the trick of quitting combustion. As mentioned before, a joint hits different due to the nasty stuff and the slight feeling of suffocation. But if something hits you really hard, you forget about missing that association. One way of getting...
  2. eyevape

    Ispire Wand, enail&vaporizer

    I’m new to the Wand, using it to heat a mechanical vape. I wonder if it’s advisable to turn it off when it’s sitting on my desk all day, being used occasionally. The battery display is weird anyway, so from my short usage I can’t tell if always-on drains the battery much. Do you long time users...
  3. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Since I saw @Whiff heating the oven and getting near green AVB, I thought that a more aggressive heating might be better suited for me. My Anvil AVB is well roasted from one heat up, I’d like to achieve the same with the Tornado.
  4. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Are you happy owners all torching the bowl housing instead of the branded gasifier part? I use to torch my Anvil directly at the thermal battery with the inner flame touching it to get the hit I want. I wonder what that does to the Tornado. Mine was supposed to be delivered today, but it’s...
  5. eyevape

    Sweet Mary Jane Music - A Herbal Homage - Ganja Tunes!

    Here’s one from the greatest stoner band of all times.
  6. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    That’s actually a great advice 👍 I’ve been using it this way since you mentioned it, works perfect. No more estimation of temperature and battery health, only the good old clicks. Love it!
  7. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    @RedZep @PrematureEvaporation @hotmeals So the gasification atomization golfballification topic is at least questionable. I didn’t know that the same has been announced for the Anvil. Always thought that it’s simply the portion of conduction which makes it hit like that, paired with well timed...
  8. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Very interesting read, thanks. But also kind of disappointing. I wanted the gasification thing to be true, since the bioavailability droplet size thing makes perfect sense. And even more I wanted John to be honest. I watched the video again and yes.. he’s getting pretty vague at the gasification...
  9. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    I must have missed that one. Also I expressed myself wrong saying that I believe everything he says. That would be a bit too much. But I don’t think Vestratto makes useless gimmicks for sales sake. I believe if they come up with something new, it must be useful and worth coming up with.
  10. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    I’d think the same if it wasn’t Vestratto. Since I’m a graphics designer I don’t believe in things that advertising tells me. But John is no marketing guy or salesman, he is an engineer. Call me naive, but I believe everything he says. If this was all about money making, he would build Dynavaps.
  11. eyevape

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Happens to me all the time 😂 Being high sure doesn’t help remembering to turn off the unit. But to be fair, the flashing light is often barely visible from the side. Once I accidentally let it turned on for like 3 days. I don’t think it’s draining much power.
  12. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Yes, my click discs had to be broken in, too. The super delayed 2nd cool down click also got away after time. But anyway, there’s not supposed to be a 2nd click at 2nd notch, broken in or not.
  13. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    That’s good. Second click comes at 3rd notch.
  14. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    No Tempestlessness! ⚠️
  15. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    You’re welcome. To be fair, I didn’t take notice of that mark either. I’m using the direct tube, so this is no issue for me. But then reading your question I wanted to know myself, so I did a little investigation 🕵️‍♂️
  16. eyevape

    The Tempest by Mad Heaters & Phatpiggie

    Good question. I guess this line should aim towards the carb.
  17. eyevape

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Honestly? Function wise I wouldn’t change a bit. Maybe they could replace every fragile part with an unbreakable one, I’m always a little afraid of dropping it. Also the button could be sunk into the surface for better protection. And they could supply a protective cap like the one I made myself...
  18. eyevape

    Tornado by Vestratto

    I will do so for sure. I don’t mind glass at all, but being able to take the Tornado to the bar would be a great benefit. I’d love to have a matching utility case. Btw where are we order number wise? Edit: We’re at #4281, I received the mail while I was asking 🥳 Now let’s see how long it...
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