Looking to get my first vaporizer, need recommendations

Slayer Bloody Slayer

Well-Known Member
I just want a portable, easy-to-use vaporizer. Preferably, something that isn't too expensive, either.

I looked into a VaporGenie, but I have certain gripes with it, and am not quite sold. It seems like there are so many different models and brands out there that it's overwhelming to try to tell what is of decent quality...:/ If some of you would be kind enough to recommend some different models for me, I'd be very grateful.:)

To reiterate, I'd like something that is portable and isn't too tedious to use. Besides that, I'm pretty open to different methods of vaporizing and whatnot.

Thanks! :D
Slayer Bloody Slayer,


Chief Vapor Officer
If you want portable and easy to use, I would get any of these, VaporGenie, Vapman, or Iolite. There are a few other portables, but these are the ones that seem to get the most positive reviews.


Well-Known Member
Check out the Magicflight Launch Box.

Explain, what scenarios you will be using the portable. Is stealth important, inside or outside use or both, etc.

Slayer Bloody Slayer

Well-Known Member
Sorry about that. Well, I would essentially be replacing my glass pipe with it, so that means I'd be carrying it places, and vaping both in and outdoors with (a few) friends who've never used any sort of vaporizer.

I suppose you could say "stealth" is important. I mean I want something that could fit in a backpack and maybe my pocket, it doesn't have to look inconspicuous, though, as I think that may be asking a little much.

I'd also like to apologize for not reading the sticky threads before posting this. :uhoh:

I'm going to go check out the ones that you guys recommended, as well as the Purple Days, and see if anything catches my eye. Once again, major thanks for the help. :D

Edit: Despite it being a bit more than I would've liked to spend, I think I'm going to get the Vapman. The reviews seem to be almost entirely positive as far as its practicality and efficiency goes, and there's no doubt that it's portable and stealthy.:peace:
Slayer Bloody Slayer,


Out to lunch
there's no doubt that it's portable and stealthy
I think I'd have to classify anything you have to apply a torch to as only semi stealthy. For me, stealth means small and innocuous enough so that you can hit it in at least some public places without attracting too much curiousity. The iolite and Launch Box can be vaped with stealth, but even the Genie would attract some attention I think. It looks sort of like a tobacco pipe, but when applying a flame, it's clear to at least some people that it's not. IMO the LB is now the king of cheap, stealth portables.


Well-Known Member
The vapman is definitely a good choice for a vape that is meant to be part main vape and be portable with a degree of stealth in my opinion. I do not recall the specifics but I recall their being an issue with some types of lighters not doing so well, so I would look into that to make sure you have the right one.

My only other advice would be to try to determine how efficient the vapman compares to the LB. I never used a vapman but I use the same amount in my LB as I use in a wand in my Da Buddha vaporizer. If the difference between the two vapes is not much I would recommend looking into the LB again as its more user friendly, more stealthy than the vapman while in use, and can be used in windy conditions I think improved over the vapman but I would not say its efficient as far as compared to a standard whip desktop vape but still that it is big difference than smoking.

Happy Vaping.


Well-Known Member
Slayer Bloody Slayer said:
I just want a portable, easy-to-use vaporizer. Preferably, something that isn't too expensive, either.

I looked into a VaporGenie, but I have certain gripes with it, and am not quite sold. It seems like there are so many different models and brands out there that it's overwhelming to try to tell what is of decent quality...:/ If some of you would be kind enough to recommend some different models for me, I'd be very grateful.:)

To reiterate, I'd like something that is portable and isn't too tedious to use. Besides that, I'm pretty open to different methods of vaporizing and whatnot.

Thanks! :D
Obviously the LB FTW (I prefer it) but it sounds like you have some bad info about the VG. There are not that many models out there. There are a lot of knock-offs but really only the basic version in wood (different colors) or in glass. Also, look for the sticker - I bought the wrong one twice tho I did catch the 'pass-off' the 2nd time before I paid. :D


It looks sort of like a tobacco pipe, but when applying a flame, it's clear to at least some people that it's not.
True that, it doesn't even look like you're smoking weed... the excessive amount of flame and weird attentive hitting style makes anyone look like a crack smoker.

VG sucks for out in the open.

It's great for stealthy home use and for blazing in tents/garages etc.


Well-Known Member
duh said:
There are not that many models out there. There are a lot of knock-offs but really only the basic version in wood (different colors) or in glass.
Ummm, there are also the hand carved pieces that come in various woods.


Out to lunch
duh said:
Obviously the LB FTW (I prefer it) but it sounds like you have some bad info about the VG. There are not that many models out there. There are a lot of knock-offs but really only the basic version in wood (different colors) or in glass. Also, look for the sticker - I bought the wrong one twice tho I did catch the 'pass-off' the 2nd time before I paid.
I think the OP's statement - "It seems like there are so many different models and brands out there ...." is about vapes in general and reflects a vapor newbie's confusion with a bunch of unknown models. I don't think he's connecting that statement to his previous sentence about the Genie. JMO.


Harry Mooseknuckle
I'm going to agree with Beez's first post. I am waiting on my Launch Box which should be in this tuesday. but for 80 odd dollars you cant beat it. I would suggest if you are on a budget to start out with the launch box then use the money you save from vaping to buy more of a desktop style vape later down the line(IE.. SSV DBV PD Zap or extreme). I think for most people their pieces are like tattoos, once you get one you are addicted and need to keep getting more) There truly is one for every occasion some are better than others some look better than others but in the end if it makes you happy thats all that matters.

Oh and make sure you check out this sticky http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?id=530


Well-Known Member
pyronym said:
I'm going to agree with Beez's first post. I am waiting on my Launch Box which should be in this tuesday. but for 80 odd dollars you cant beat it. I would suggest if you are on a budget to start out with the launch box then use the money you save from vaping to buy more of a desktop style vape later down the line(IE.. SSV DBV PD Zap or extreme). I think for most people their pieces are like tattoos, once you get one you are addicted and need to keep getting more) There truly is one for every occasion some are better than others some look better than others but in the end if it makes you happy thats all that matters.

Oh and make sure you check out this sticky http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?id=530
Hey pyronym, I'm curious as to why you say this (start out with the LB) being a "proud SSV owner" and all. Why don't you recommend the SSV first? Granted the LB is not a desktop vape but still. I would recommend the LB used as portable 1st and therefore I highly recommend the LB as someone's 2nd vape.

For me, I kinda wish I had started w/the SSV instead of the Extreme (now out on loan). I still haven't tried it but am humming and hawing about getting one. The Volcano is just too loud (never mind it's obnoxious $). So tell me (in keeping w/the subject of this thread), am I missing out on not having the SSV in my 'vape collection'?


Harry Mooseknuckle

I was just recommending off of his initial post being inexpensive and portable. I wouldn't trade my ssv for anything but it truly belongs on a coffee table or a desk. I feel that it is a perfect blend of form and function. I feel that there is a perfect tool for every occasion and as I'm going to guess that slayer is on the young side probably even high school I don't think having something that requires it's own case for travel is going to be very discreet(I could be completely off the mark in regards to age so no offense intended). I think that if he's looking at a vapor genie that for a few dollars more he might as well get the launch box. If doubling the price wasn't an option Id recommend going for da buddah, pd or zap, Id lean towards the pd or zap just because of size. I don't feel that there is really a difference in efficiency between the pd/zap and the buddah/ssv I think people like seeing those big clouds and waste alot.
So Duh if you want a functional piece of art then by all means go for the ssv. It truly is beautiful and it makes me want to use it. I tend to waste money on things I like which is why I have 4 guitars that I can hardly play. I ordered an ice chamber and a custom wand with my ssv and now I just place an order for a custom heater knob and a matching cover. So if you like toys especially ones that you can customize then you are missing out by not having an ssv.
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