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  1. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi Guys John here! Back at work after - well after taking no time off! This launch business is harder than it looks. My sincere apologies for thinking we were ready - when in actual fact we were only mostly ready. That said we are sorting things out and momentum is increasing. We hope one day...
  2. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi - its John here from Vestratto This is an overly simple explanation of IH in general but is totally in line with what everyone here has said and may help some other readers digest the principles . When I studied physics as an undergrad this stuff baffled my brain but that was the case with...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi - John here from Vestratto You don't know me very well yet. You can learn more about me if you want by googling "john mumford xltek" to see my background. With that I hope you will see that I am serious about what I'm doing here. I am trying to help advance new ideas in the cannabis...
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    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi - Its John here from Vestratto This post will try and answer a few questions about Anvil and IH. Present IH units have been designed for other vendors vaporizers and only generate about half the power required to heat the Anvil rapidly enough to be useful. I have spoken to IH vendors that...
  5. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hi - its John here from VESTRATTO. The Anvil airflow adjustment is directly through the herb chamber. After filling you can test and adjust the draw to your liking. This must be done before heating as you have to hold the oven to adjust the airflow. Direct airflow adjustment through the bowl...
  6. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    The launch pricing of $199 is still available until midnight for pre-order deliver late January at You can see the kit on the web site that includes the Anvil, full terp, 1/2 terp and a new style utility case. I believe the discount will be automatically applied. If for some...
  7. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Thank you FC for giving me an opportunity to share my side of the story. I appreciate all of you engaging with me today. I know many of you are angry with me, but I also want to thank the quieter few who reached out directly with words of encouragement. Its pretty clear that lines have been...
  8. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    The individual in question was attempting to negotiate a deep deep discount privately. Perhaps I mis-spoke when I said he was trying to rip-off the community. He was probably acting selfishly not in malice. I offered him a unit with cosmetic imperfections but still perfectly functional. He...
  9. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Its clear I've cocked up here but see it through my bias. Robert sees it through his. The truth is likely someplace in the middle.
  10. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I hope at some point when this is sorted out, because it will get sorted out eventually, you will give the Anvil a try. Neither Robert or myself will be in the room with you when that happens and you can decide for yourself.
  11. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I went back and checked the correspondence. When you wrote "super secret discount code" did you actually mean to write LAUNCHDAY? Just curious because you've called me a liar and a scumbag but you seem incapable of telling the truth here on FC. I have discussed with the dealer network at large...
  12. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I'm the douchebag?? You're the one telling tall tales and trying to get the slip on the rest of the community.
  13. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    On Thursday night when I spoke to you on the phone for almost an hour I told you point blank that I was going to clear the pre-orders - which I believed was thirty. You NEVER revealed you had a private email list with over 600 names because if you did I wouldn't have made a pissant 30 units for...
  14. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    The Vestratto Instagram is the only Social Media site we supported - for all of I think five weeks. Like I have said I should not have delegated the responsibility for Vestratto communication here on FC and regret that decision. If you want a refund of course we are. The last thing any company...
  15. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Robert posted his launch vision on FC entirely independent of Vestratto and I know you find that hard to believe, but I run machinery, not message boards. That is the dealer's job. The Vestratto instagram showed an Anvil on the launch pad over a week ago. A very clear visual metaphor that was...
  16. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Shipments begin Tuesday. Tomorrow we are sanitizing the list to be certain everyone has had the discount applied, proper shipping information etc. Its to bad that the launch was conflated with Christmas because every delivery service is going nuts right now.
  17. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I understand where you are coming from but maybe your view is coloured because you got a very selfish take of the circumstances from Planet Haze Vestratto trashing first. Planet Haze was NEVER cut out of the sales of Anvil. Just delayed over the weekend so Vestratto, the manufacturer, could...
  18. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I respect that you don't want to buy an Anvil but make it about the merits of the product not about your picking a side in a fight that you aren't even a party to.
  19. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    For those of you who know me personally you know that I am not on social media. The previous is my first ever post here on FC. My job is building, not promoting the Anvil. I trusted Planet Haze to represent our relationship factually and honestly. On Thursday night I spoke to Planet Haze...
  20. V

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Vestratto is 100% owned by John Mumford. Planet Haze has no financial interest in Vestratto or the Anvil Technology. Planet Haze tested early portable vapes made by Vestratto but did not at any time contribute financially to the Anvil technology specification or development. Planet Haze has not...
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