Cloud Connoisseur Glass


Well-Known Member
After having and using a Calypso, a Protege and an Influx I think I prefer the Influx the most. I've already put the Protege on a shelf and I hardly use the Calypso since I don't really find myself reaching for the TM2. Then if I use the TM2 I want my Influx.

Once the Influx gets going it really pulls and makes it super easy to take long rips. It seems cooler than the Protege too. The Protege requires a bit more of a pull and after using it and only it for a few weeks, I tried my Influx and have not gone back.

Fearless Disaster

Well-Known Member
I have seen the light. I have been seeing people use these drop down ashcatchers and advocating for them. I never quite understood why, but I trusted in the entiverse. my dropdown arrived yesterday and I put it on the calypso. Once I looked down at the dropdown from the user pov it all makes sense, at least if you are right handed. I have just ordered more.



Well-Known Member
It seems cooler than the Protege too. The Protege requires a bit more of a pull and after using it and only it for a few weeks, I tried my Influx and have not gone back.
Different strokes! I found the opposite. Influx was a hard pull for me, but agree it wasn’t too bad once you get it going. I do use minimal water, just above the perc, in the Protege. And without attachments if feasible ;)
Once I looked down at the dropdown from the user pov it all makes sense, at least if you are right handed.
It is awesome and a great DD. Would be cool if oriented the other way was as an option. I’ve always pulled the plug with my left hand :tinfoil: Easy enough to pull the bowl in most cases though.
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