Environmental Disasters! (we saw coming)


Well-Known Member

From an internal Shell Oil report in 1989.


This is literally what the tobacco companies did. They knew back in the 50's that cigarettes caused cancer. But they spent billions of dollars spreading doubt to delay the public finally understanding their product is deadly.

People will say this was evil, but the management of tobacco companies had no other choice. Capitalism requires putting the needs of investors above every other consideration. By spreading doubt for decades, they were able to make their shareholders a lot of money. And that's what it's all about :shrug:


Chronic vapaholic
For some reason I only see an image with a unique ID instead of the images you post. Am I the only one?

If I right-click and "open in a new tab" I can see them tho.


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Great Job Reaction GIF

There's a pretty popular attitude that "maybe climate change won't be as bad as scientists are predicting?" But there's another option. What if it's much worse?

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

This extra 4bn tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (GtCO2e) by 2030 would cause global climate damages worth more than $900bn, based on the latest US government valuations.

For context, 4GtCO2e is equivalent to the combined annual emissions of the EU and Japan, or the combined annual total of the world’s 140 lowest-emitting countries.

Put another way, the extra 4GtCO2e from a second Trump term would negate – twice over – all of the savings from deploying wind, solar and other clean technologies around the world over the past five years.



Well-Known Member

If it makes you feel any better, we weren't hitting those 1.5 degree targets anyway.


Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
If it makes you feel any better, we weren't hitting those 1.5 degree targets anyway.

Yeah I know that.
But would 5°C be worst than 2.5°C ?
I think so...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know that.
But would 5°C be worst than 2.5°C ?
I think so...

I do agree mitigating the worst effects of climate change is better than not mitigating them. But I do fear we're up against a tipping point. I think the amount of mitigation Liberals are able to accomplish won't avoid massive societal upheaval, war, unprecedented migration, or even a collapse of our global agricultural system.

I think what we're witnessing is the complete and total failure of Liberalism. It is a philosophy that is totally incapable of confronting the social and ecological crises facing the species. Its failure is allowing fascism to fester across the planet.

In a world that wasn't warming, maybe I could shrug this off. Maybe on a long enough timetable eventually Liberalism could evolve into something more humane. But we don't live in that world.

The central problem is, Liberals worship at the altar of Capital. And at this point in history the interests of Capital are totally incompatible with the continuation of human civilization and, possibly, the survival of humanity at all :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I do agree mitigating the worst effects of climate change is better than not mitigating them. But I do fear we're up against a tipping point. I think the amount of mitigation Liberals are able to accomplish won't avoid massive societal upheaval, war, unprecedented migration, or even a collapse of our global agricultural system.

I think what we're witnessing is the complete and total failure of Liberalism. It is a philosophy that is totally incapable of confronting the social and ecological crises facing the species. Its failure is allowing fascism to fester across the planet.

In a world that wasn't warming, maybe I could shrug this off. Maybe on a long enough timetable eventually Liberalism could evolve into something more humane. But we don't live in that world.

The central problem is, Liberals worship at the altar of Capital. And at this point in history the interests of Capital are totally incompatible with the continuation of human civilization and, possibly, the survival of humanity at all :shrug:
I've been having conversations in the past three months that I couldn't have even dreamed of just three years ago. The world is shifting. It is always shifting, but it was really stuck for a long time, and now, the Powers That Be aren't strong enough to keep it from moving forward.

Human life is going to change *significantly* in the next several decades, and liberal globalists aren't going to be able to stop or control that the way they want. They won't be able to fix the climate crisis, which means the systems can and *will* eventually start collapsing. There probably won't be a single day we can point to as the end of what we have now. Or, maybe there will be a different day for each of us. But what we have now simply can't keep going, and the cracks are starting to show.

So what do we do? I know what I think, but I don't proclaim to know what every human being needs, and that means that my solutions can only ever be half-baked on their own. I know what I am doing: spending time with community, working with underground hormone producers to get my siblings their medicine, and learning as many skills as I can that will help people. Not prepper shit. Actual, productive skills, like multicrop gardening, and foraging, and holding space for those I love when they get overwhelmed. I'm leaning into ritual--especially around dry herb and concentrate vaporization--and trying to build spaces where people can rest, because they are doing work on-the-ground that involves skills I don't have.

Humans are going to be fine. The world will change a lot, but at the end of the day, we are one of the heartiest species to evolve. There is a lot of work to be done to get us right once more with the world, and she's going to hurt *a lot* for a long time, but just as our ignorance couldn't last forever, neither can the pain we inflict.

Take care of each other, loves. We're the only ones who will.


Well-Known Member
God hates Floriduh


Hurricane hat trick culminating during Thanksgiving in a State where it's illegal for an official to say the words "Climate Change".

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Morocco keeps intensifying its cloud seeding operations... but it looks like it's Spain that harvests most of the fruits.



Well-Known Member

We're hitting 1.5 degrees this year 👍


Far from being "alarmist" the projections made by actual climate scientists have been very conservative.


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