Manual Vape Thread


Well-Known Member
If you can work with the size the Bong's an equally great vape and that piece of cherry is gorgeous. It's big but totally doable on a j-hook:
Thanks CB. I'm really not into the excessive unnessary mass. It would be a nightmare on my intended pieces.

I've pulled the trigger on a bloodwood Dreamwood DLX from an old recommendation from yourself.
It will suit my pieces much better. I love that wood type also. So I'm feeling better about the whole thing.

Who knows, maybe I could throw 200 dollars at O'Connell and beg him to make me a NC one day.


Active Member
Need some advice for which sticky brick to buy. Want to use it with a water piece and be able to use it dry if possible. Have a wireless ballvape so would like one that I could switch out the heating end for the ball vape bowl at one point.


Well-Known Member
Need some advice for which sticky brick to buy. Want to use it with a water piece and be able to use it dry if possible. Have a wireless ballvape so would like one that I could switch out the heating end for the ball vape bowl at one point.
The Twist is probably what you want. It's big but it's built around an injector bowl, would be fine with a j-hook.

Edit: also the Maxx--you would need to use a hydratube or whip it to your glass piece, but it is an amazing vape. It comes with a dry mouthpiece.


Active Member
The Twist is probably what you want. It's big but it's built around an injector bowl, would be fine with a j-hook.

Edit: also the Maxx--you would need to use a hydratube or whip it to your glass piece, but it is an amazing vape. It comes with a dry mouthpiece.
I could buy 2 different ones if you think that it would be better to have one that is mobile, and one that is used for a water piece.

Do you by chance have a lotus? Was also on my radar.


Well-Known Member
I could buy 2 different ones if you think that it would be better to have one that is mobile, and one that is used for a water piece.

Do you by chance have a lotus? Was also on my radar.
I would only encourage you, I love bricks! ; ) The Maxx is an awesome desktop vape, it's not great to use handheld but otherwise it's totally configurable for your water or dry needs and accepts most 18mm injectors. The Twist is more mobile (around the house) but it is pretty big; based around an injector bowl. The Flip is smaller, more mobile, and dry use -friendly but without an injector-sized bowl. The Junior is totally portable and can be used on a water pipe with its u-hook WPA, but cannot be used with an injector.

So, it kind of depends on how mobile you need it to be, how water-friendly you need it to be, whether you'd rather have it whipped together or plugged directly onto the waterpipe, and whether or not you want two.

EDIT: The Lotus is an easy recommendation. It is so nice!
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Grass Yes

Staff member
I could buy 2 different ones if you think that it would be better to have one that is mobile, and one that is used for a water piece.
@coolbreeze gave great advice but I'll add my :2c:
Twist for a water piece, Doug's Woodery Nova for portable. I think it is a superior version to what the junior is going for. It can also work with the link WPA, but I have not got one. It works pretty well with the junior u-bend WPA.

Do you by chance have a lotus? Was also on my radar.
Lotus is fantastic. While still pure convection, very different from the bricks.


Active Member
Awesome! Appreciate all the advice. Now that I know more I will go back to the drawing board and see what I really need. The doug's woddery nova looks awesome!

One question that might be dumb and uninformed. Has anyone created a 10mm joint adapter for the stickys? I have a bunch of dynavaps etc, that could use some extra cooling from a longer air path but was also trying to not get a jhook as I have butter fingers.


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Appreciate all the advice. Now that I know more I will go back to the drawing board and see what I really need. The doug's woddery nova looks awesome!

One question that might be dumb and uninformed. Has anyone created a 10mm joint adapter for the stickys? I have a bunch of dynavaps etc, that could use some extra cooling from a longer air path but was also trying to not get a jhook as I have butter fingers.
Not that I'm aware of. But there's a Dynavap pipe if you don't mind ordering from France.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
One question that might be dumb and uninformed. Has anyone created a 10mm joint adapter for the stickys? I have a bunch of dynavaps etc, that could use some extra cooling from a longer air path but was also trying to not get a jhook as I have butter fingers.

Best bet would be to get a 10-14 mm dropdown adapter, that's what I do so I can use all of my 10 mm rigs with any of my vapes (I even have 10-18) as I always use a drop down adapter with a water piece regardless for a variety of reasons


Well-Known Member
Awesome! Appreciate all the advice. Now that I know more I will go back to the drawing board and see what I really need. The doug's woddery nova looks awesome!

One question that might be dumb and uninformed. Has anyone created a 10mm joint adapter for the stickys? I have a bunch of dynavaps etc, that could use some extra cooling from a longer air path but was also trying to not get a jhook as I have butter fingers.
I love the Nova. I rate it over my SB Runt personally.

Spy Car

Well-Known Member
My Lotus may be benefitting slightly from being my most recent purchase (honeymoon period?) but, uh, it is getting a lot more attention than I'd have reckonedwhen I bought it.

I suspected the Lotus might be a novelty item that would break into into the rotation some times for fun.

Instead, if I'm home, it has become "the reach."

The Lotus always the sort of sweet sweet vapor that totally works for me. Every damn time.

I thought I'd like the Lotus, or I won't not have purchased one. I just did not expect I'd like it as much as I do.

This one is for the "flavor chases" among us. Yummy!



Well-Known Member
My Lotus may be benefitting slightly from being my most recent purchase (honeymoon period?) but, uh, it is getting a lot more attention than I'd have reckonedwhen I bought it.

I suspected the Lotus might be a novelty item that would break into into the rotation some times for fun.

Instead, if I'm home, it has become "the reach."

The Lotus always the sort of sweet sweet vapor that totally works for me. Every damn time.

I thought I'd like the Lotus, or I won't not have purchased one. I just did not expect I'd like it as much as I do.

This one is for the "flavor chases" among us. Yummy!

It's a nice one to carry too, easy to use outside. Definitely a special vape. I went to some lengths to get my first one and it's always been worth it. So glad they're back!

Spy Car

Well-Known Member
Lotus is versatile so can be a flavour chasing vape or supply heavy hits depending on how you heat and draw on it.

I have yet to experience (and hopefully never do) the Lotus go "burnt popcorn," even when I've pushed the heat for testing purposes.

The flavor has always remained sweet.

I love that in a vape.

Others may like a more roasty delivery. I'm not sure I'd recommend a Lotus to such folks.

But that isn't to say that the Lotus fails to deliver medicating vapor. It does.

Bonding with this little guy.



Well-Known Member
Just took new Dreamwood DLX for a spin. First bowl 0.2g went perfectly. Two big hits. Good even extraction. Tried it in a j hook and Sake bottle both dry. Best flavour I've ever experienced. I matched it up with a Bloodwood poker from Dougs woodery. The wood quality and craftsmanship are exceptional. Shout out to @coolbreeze for the briliant recomendation.
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Well-Known Member
Just took new Dreamwood DLX for a spin. First bowl 0.2g went perfectly. Two big hits. Good even extraction. Tried it in a j hook and Sake bottle both dry. Best flavour I've ever experienced. I matched it up with a Bloodwood poker from Dougs woodery. The wood quality and craftsmanship are exceptional. Shout out to @coolbreeze for the briliant recomendation.
That's a beaut! Glad you are enjoying it!


Well-Known Member
The Stainless Convector and cocbolo WPA. The XL's gained some well-deserved notoriety recently but the regular Convectors are great too. The Stainless ones are being phased out, but they're a bit nicer for outdoor use imo. Grab one if you need a wandering companion, or just a great bong vape.

They also fit and can serve as bowls for the Couch Log and the Woodscents. It's a wonderful value.
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I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
Not that I'm aware of. But there's a Dynavap pipe if you don't mind ordering from France.
I've seen these but thought ’how would I spin the Vapcap?' Any thoughts, or is this just for use with an fmj?
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