Hello Vaponic enthusiasts,
I am new to this little vaporizer and I wanted to thank everyone in this thread. You've made me discover a really nice little vape.
I had two Vaponics for 420 and had to wait the end of a 4 weeks cannabreak to play with it.
I must say that I am coming from an exclusive relationship of 10 years with the Vapman. But even with the experience of manual heating, I charred my firsts two loads with the Vaponic. There is a learning curve. And what a horrible way to end a cannabreak.

Fortunately it is really super easy to notice the weed getting dark through the glass. I didn't inhaled much smoke.
My third load however was a lot nicer. I had 4 heating rounds, 2 first hits wispy and then 10+ hits with nice vapor. The load was well spent. At first I used the Vapman lighter and the sweet spot for the flame is a bit too big to begin with the Vaponic. I switched to a smaller lighter which have a smaller flame when set at its sweet spot. (Silvermatch, 10 years old companion and still working as day one.)
I can really see the potential of this vape and I am really looking forward to master its technique.
I also got a 10mm-14mm reducer at Verdampftnochmal that is non frosted (they say it is from Simrell). It fit perfectly on the rubber, at the place of the mouthpiece. Non frosted = better grip of the Vaponic rubber. This way it can be used hand free on a glass piece.
This is the Sherlock pipe from Herborizer. Its small volume pairs well with the Vaponic. It allows to concentrate the vapor from 2-3 hits, between two heating rounds. That last cloud when you pull the Vaponic off is a dense one !
By the way this Simrell 10mm-14mm reducer is a bit disappointing. The inner lip is not level and it has a tiny air bubble close to the lip. It does not compromise functionality but its quality does not mesure up with the Herborizer glass, let alone with the 14mm-18mm Ehle reducer (needed).
I think I will watch this thread for now. It is surprising how short this thread is for its age ! The vapman thread is only 4 years older but 10x bigger…
Cheers !