Combusted lastnight in my Vapman

A very sad night last night. I was getting greedy for big hits and the last torch did it and wow did it taste terrible! Is there a good way to clean the vapman from the combustion stench?
I've mentioned this before, but it may be good to repeat:
If (or when?) you combust, Do NOT draw on the mouthpiece - unless you didn't notice the smell before you inhaled.
If you do draw, stop as soon as you notice the horrible taste.
The crucible doesn't hold the bad taste but the wooden middle section does. - If you don't inhale, the middle section will not get contaminated...
You can usually smell the very strong and somewhat different smell before you draw, but you may be too medicated to notice, though.
If you do draw on it after combustion, clean the middle section with a cotton swab (Q-Top) dipped in Pure Acetone (Never use nail polish remover). If you wen to town drawing on the nasty smoke, you may have to dip the middle section in acetone for a few minutes, then wipe inside with cotton swab until clean and then let dry till next day.
But the key is to try Not to draw on the mouthpiece as soon as you notice combustion - if at all posible. If you don't draw, it's not a big deal at all.
Hope this helps!