Well-Known Member
ZOMG that was fast! Black FF2 ordered May 13.... just got shipping confirmation!![]()
Same! Red tho
ZOMG that was fast! Black FF2 ordered May 13.... just got shipping confirmation!![]()
Finally received shipping confirmation, black!ZOMG that was fast! Black FF2 ordered May 13.... just got shipping confirmation!![]()
OMG, I pre-ordered in Europe. Oktober, can this be true? I do not like waiting for so long :-)
NamasteVapes Germany wrote me today, they hope the FF2 comes in June, but noone can say this for sure.
Once you figure out this thing it's amazing but it comes with a pretty steep curve for vaporists. Obviously this thread is mostly filled with passionate users but I'd love to find out how your average joe given this vape would be doing with it.
I don't agree with you on the steep curve thing. Admittedly I have used a number of vapes before I got my FF2, including the FF1, but I had zero issues figuring it out. To me it was totally straightforward and worked exactly as I expected. Dead simple. Nothing at all like the MFLB which was an annoying and very finicky device that didn't feel at all simple to use, and that confused everyone I let try mine when I had one. FF2 on the other hand just works, with the sole caveat being that I tell friends that are going to use it for the first time that slower draws are better (which is true of many convection vapes, even the powerful little Grasshopper benefits from a slower draw unless you are taking a bunch of hits back to back, at which point it kicks like a mule, but I digress.)Thanks for sharing's a shame that it's not so simple to use. If someone never vaped before was given this and said pack it push buttons and go at it, it wouldn't end well. Either they will pack it wrong suck it wrong or mostly not do a long long long slow slow slow draw!
Once you figure out this thing it's amazing but it comes with a pretty steep curve for vaporists. Obviously this thread is mostly filled with passionate users but I'd love to find out how your average joe given this vape would be doing with it.
Hahahaha, pull the other one it has bells on. You have got to be freaking kidding.I expected flavor to be remarkable - not as good as MFLB.
My most important factors are:
-quick start
-one hit and return later
Hello people, new here but have been reading the FC posts for a while. I got my FF 2 about 3 weeks ago but couldn't try it until just 10 days ago due to catching the flu.
Any way I am pretty new to vaping and purchased the Pax 2 while I was waiting for the FF 2 order to be fulfilled. That being said I had some issue with the FF 2 technique. I got it down now, and I am loving it.
However I wrote to FF and asked them for help since I was getting little or no vapor production. They replied back to me with an email with some good tips. I would like to share it here in case another noob might be having issues too, like I had. the you tube videos were especially helpful as they are cued at the right time so you don't have to watch the whole thing.
Here is an excerpt from FF 2 support:
The Firefly 2 does NOT hit at all like the PAX, Crafty/Mighty, Davinci, etc) Those all heat up the material for some time before you ever draw, so when you draw with those devices, they usually will get vapor from a short 2-3 second inhalation.
The Firefly 2 works differently, the material is only heated as you draw hot air through it, so the actual extraction of vapor only happens then and over the course of an inhalation lasting about 5-15 seconds, with 10 seconds being a typically average length.
A concise explanation of this is that those other vaporizers go slow to go fast, while we go fast to go slow. In other words, they make you wait a while so you can take fast hits thereafter, while we heat up almost instantly so you can enjoy a longer, slower, more ultimately more satisfying draws with the Firefly 2.
Start by filling the bowl completely with hand torn ground material, tamp down lightly, make sure the lid is sealed, and to take a long, slow inhalation! At least 12-15 seconds!
I would also suggest looking at our Firefly 2 user manual specifically the Tips and Tricks section.
And here are a couple YouTube videos from critics that describe how they use their Firefly (just watch through the times I have put below):
- Minute 2:30 - 5:50:
- Minute 21:22 - 34:44 (pay particular attention to 23:55):
- Minute 6:28 - 8:30:
I sincerely hope his helps.
Warm Regards, Firefly Support
On another note, I am looking for a good desktop vape to compliment the FF2 and the Pax 2. Any suggestions? I would like it to be $250 or under. I saw the previous post today about the e-nano. that looks promising. You guys mentioned a FC discount code? Anyone know what it is, and if it is still valid?
Thank you for all the help and this great forum.![]()
Hahahaha, pull the other one it has bells on. You have got to be freaking kidding.
I find it strange as well that shortly after I posted in this very thread talking about how I don't understand the dedication that some people have for the MFLB and generally being critical of it you show up and post that. Uncanny. A new user as well...
Use what you want, but if you think the MFLB tastes better than the FF2 (or the FF1, or just about any other vape) then you must get some really good stuff because that is crazy talk, in my opinion. It isn't even a fair competition.
So again, use what you want but I think you are crazy. Flavor, MFLB... does it even have any? Really? Quick start... nope, first you have to over grind (you can't just break up a bud with your fingers into the MFLB if it is going to do anything), then you have to fumble with a battery and hold it just right, then 'sip' veeeerrry sloooowly if you want it to work at all. One hit and return later... sure, it can do that but only because it does such a terrible job of heating up to begin with (it is a conduction vape after all).
Firefly 2 (or 1) wins for me on all those counts. I also have a Grasshopper which also wins on every count there. I used to have a MFLB. I paid full retail for it some time ago. I gave it away. I am happy it is gone. i am fairly sure that the friend I gave it to has also given it away now. I also used to have a Solo, and it was waaaaay better than the MFLB in every respect and you can get those or the Arizer Air for about the same price as a MFLB anyway. I just don't get it with the whole MFLB thing. But whatever, man. Use whatever thing you want, still beats combusting.
Sorry, I was just editing my post (before you replied) as I am pretty high and realized too late that I was being an ass. My most humble apologies. I disagree with some of your points, but I did not mean to be unfriendly.Wow dude. Thanks for being so welcoming. No I don't come here much. Usually I'm asking for help. Today I thought I'd offer my 2 cents with what I thought was a community.
I'm curious what there is to gain from a desktop vape that these higher end portables don't provide (unless you are entertaining a group)?
Wow dude. Thanks for being so welcoming. No I don't come here much. Usually I'm asking for help. Today I thought I'd offer my 2 cents with what I thought was a community.
I'm wondering if it would be better to have a FF2 sent to one of my friends in the USA (from a USA retailer) and then have him send it to me here in the UK. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I would absolutely be willing to pay extra for duty tax or whatever charges might incur. Also, is it safe to do this (should I be worried about customs)?
Hahahaha, pull the other one it has bells on. You have got to be freaking kidding.
Use what you want, but if you think the MFLB tastes better than the FF2 (or the FF1, or just about any other vape) then you must get some really good stuff because that is crazy talk, in my opinion. It isn't even a fair competition.
So again, use what you want but I think you are crazy. Flavor, MFLB... does it even have any? Really? Quick start... nope, first you have to over grind (you can't just break up a bud with your fingers into the MFLB if it is going to do anything), then you have to fumble with a battery and hold it just right, then 'sip' veeeerrry sloooowly if you want it to work at all. One hit and return later... sure, it can do that but only because it does such a terrible job of heating up to begin with (it is a conduction vape after all).
Firefly 2 (or 1) wins for me on all those counts. I also have a Grasshopper which also wins on every count there. I used to have a MFLB. I paid full retail for it some time ago. I gave it away. I am happy it is gone. i am fairly sure that the friend I gave it to has also given it away now. I also used to have a Solo, and it was waaaaay better than the MFLB in every respect and you can get those or the Arizer Air for about the same price as a MFLB anyway. I just don't get it with the whole MFLB thing. But whatever, man. Use whatever thing you want, still beats combusting.
Editing to add a couple things, since I re-read my post and felt I was coming across harsh and that is not my intent.
I hear you on the stirring thing, but stirring is pretty common with convection vapes. I would rather stir than have to grind my stuff to powder (for the MFLB) or waste a ton of material (what the Crafty would do since I am a take a hit here and there guy, and only session out when with friends). I use the FF2 as an around the house vape, and so stirring doesn't bother me. I use the Grasshopper for out and about, and it currently unbeatable for that purpose hands down. There is nothing even close. I also just recently tried concentrates in my FF2 and wow, it really is amazing. Neither the Crafty or the MFLB can do that at all.
Flowers stick to glass: a mixed blessing. One, it is super easy to clean and Two, the bits that stick there gather some honey oil on them. I use a plain wood toothpick to stir with, and I also use it to scrape some of the herb and oil from the lid there, and stir it back into the bowl. Is lovely. I've thought about saving the little scrapings until I could load a bowl of just that, but am lazy so I don't.
Easy to unintentionally turn on: Maybe. I only notice when I am cleaning it. Doesn't really bother me, but I would guess that if enough people are annoyed they will address it with a firmware update later. I am not opposed to an e-cig style multi tap to turn on and off, or at least the option.
Stubby mouthpiece: It is removable and there will likely be 3rd party water tool adapters or other mouthpieces over time. I still greatly prefer it to the wacky little acrylic tube that came with my MFLB, and that amazingly I never lost.
Too much draw resistance: Compared to a conduction vape like the Crafty, I get it, but it is worth it. Compared to a conduction vape like the Solo, not so much, or at all (so much more resistance on the Solo). Compared to the insane thing you have to do with how you inhale to make the MFLB work at all, hahaha no. Just no.
Had the same thought. In order to keep kief from all rushing to the mouth piece try sandwiching the kief between two concentrate pads.Anyone used kief in the FF2? I've been letting it collect in my grinder for some time now and it's about time to put it to use. I wonder if it would be better to just sprinkle it loose on some bud or put it in a press first.
@mtngirl I am pretty new to vaping, and so far I only own or have used portable vapes. I know some people that have desktops that love them. I would like to experience what some other vapes have to offer without having to be constrained to being portable. Also I concur with @mitchgo61, in regards to having it run on AC. It is kind of a drag to be in the middle of a session and have to replace the batteries, or rechargeI'm curious what there is to gain from a desktop vape that these higher end portables don't provide (unless you are entertaining a group)?