Sigh... my posts... so long they are.
EDIT: What type of concentrate does everyone prefer in their DT ceramic donuts? I picked up a half gram of "Blue Dream/OG - Hybrid - Pineapple" in crumble form from my dispensary. I'm not exactly sure where the pineapple comes into play, as there was another option which was "Blue Dream/OG - Orange"- but I love pineapple so this should treat me nicely.
@Armerad welcome to the dab labs! it's not a matter of flavors or physical properties in what people prefer in their DT donut units. If you explore you will find that different named strains have very different properties, due to different ratios of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, and that in addition vaping at different temperatures brings out different aspects of a strain due to different boiling points. For an oversimplified summary, so-called Indica types are more sedating and body-oriented, Sativas are more stimulating and cerebral. Low temp emphasizes the Sativa side, High temp the Indica side. is a good place to start reading.
The DC is a different animal, but the 2.5 and 2.7 work in TC mode using a TCR setting of 220-245 and 12 watts. With the latest firmware the Evic etc will stay in TC mode up to 1.5 ohms.
Hey Armerad, welcome to the donut lab over here.

Kushy kreme keramic donuts.

As far as what kind of strains I like to vape on the donut, I can go on and on about that, and that would pretty much mirror what kind of strains I like to vape flowers, and fernand already gave a good intro on the uses of different strains.
The different uses and time of the day you would want to use is different, and varies between different people. That's why I have a gluttonously excessive horde of 12 different TC mods each with a different indica/sativa/hybrid/CBD dominant strain on their dedicated donut, so that all I have to do when I desire a particular type, is pick it up and press the button. I don't have to change any atomizers and lock in a new resistance to switch strains, or mix the remnants of my lamb's bread shatter from earlier in the day with a fresh load of lemon OG kush crumble, or force myself to finish vaping the earlier load and clean it to avoid mixing the divergent effects of those 2 strains and flavors.
You can call it vape OCD.

Several of my friends do (and they have pitifully slovenly habits on their vapes in contrast) It also helps me to justify all this, that all these TC mods and ceramic donuts are so inexpensive too, especially compared to lots of the competitors.
However, I think it would be equally appropriate to say what
forms of concentrate I like to vape, since each can call for slightly different methods to use best on the DT 2.5
Shatter, (pull n' snap, amber hash, etc) I think is the best form to use with the donut, and probably the most popular with most users, due to the availability and potency. It can be a bit more difficult to load up the donut properly with shatter, especially in a deep bowl, but worth it when you get a perfect load. Pre melt helps, but not necessary.
Crumbles (honeycombs, sugar wax, etc) works very well also, and tend to be easier to load on your donut due to the usually less sticky and more pliable texture of the concentrate. Sometimes you can even load up a shallow bowl using just your fingers and no tools, but I wouldn't recommend it. Depending on how sticky your stuff is, it helps alot to pre-melt your crumble on a fresh load. Put your TC mode to 200F (or maybe 5-6w on VW) and press the button for only 1-2 second, 1-3x, until you see your crumble become a semi-molten pool. You can just watch, with the cap off, or puff super lightly on the mouthpiece to inhale those few terps you just released.
Then... dial the temp back up to your liking, and when you start your hit, pull lightly for at least 2-3 seconds to give the oil more time to melt evenly before you puff normal/harder. If you puff hard right away, you'll likely send unmelted or splattered bits onto your mouthpiece or glass connector, which is just wasted, unless you scrape this and re-vape it.
CO2 oils! 
These are not as popular, or massively produced and distributed as the previous 2, but they also
CAN work great on the DT donut, and usually makes vape that is much smoother and tastier than the other 2, but there are some drawbacks too.
First off, you must use the type of co2 oil that is more sappy and thick, rather than thinner, runnier, less viscous co2 oils. And definately not diluted with glycerin or anything, but just pure. If you use the runny co2 oil, it will probably end up leaking through the atomizer and be wasted unless you take tiny loads and vape them in complete entirety between loads. And you probably won't be able to do this due to how much oil can be hidden underneath the donut in the cup, and how runny the oil can be when heated. Cold-clears are a must. However, with the thicker, sappy oils, this is not a problem at all, and you can even "pre-load" your donut with a dab of co2 oil for future use. Thin oil, forget about it, it will be in your 510 threads within hours.
For applying co2 oil onto donuts, you only want to buy it if it comes in a syringe. If you buy it in a standard little concentrate jar, you will struggle to scrape it on your tool then on your donut and waste alot. I apply a small BB-sized dab directly from syringe tip to toothpick tool, and toothpick straight to donut.
On a fresh co2 bowl, like on the crumbles, draw softly at first to let your oil heat before you pull harder. Co2 oil appears to be thinner and easier to splash during puffs compared to the others.
And I have vaped
simpson oil (thc and cbd rich) on donuts as well, but I WOULD NOT recommend it. It's just not dabbing-grade stuff. It tastes pretty foul,

by comparison, always leaves dark ashy/gunky crusts immediatley,

no matter how small you load or how low your vape temps, and it will foul up your atty real quick and start leaking unless you clean it.

If you insist on vaping this stuff, I'd use a different vape system, or just
EAT IT, as intended?
And besides those, we also have
rosins, live resins, solventless / clear concentrates that are over 90%+ thc/cbd, crystallines, and probably others I haven't heard of! I haven't vaped those but would like to hear any notes from those of you who have.
Wow, the aesthetic side of
@Vape Donkey 650 is appreciated too. Seems like the mood lifting, creativity enhancing and all the good thoughts are rising here, matt's done a good thing to the mind with these donut atomizers.
Can you imagine this, there are Chinese glassblowers who have discovered this nest of stoners, and rather than make cocktail glasses for people in Oklahoma, they're actually making these odd custom contraptions for the decadent "American Addicts".
And what is the world coming to?
@OF admitted using Algebra today !?
Thanks, and I think plenty of credit is due to Matt for working ever-closer to vape perfection with these little ceramic heating thingies.

I'm only 3-4 years into concentrate vaping, maybe 3 years with his ceramic donuts. The crap we were using before that turned me so quickly on and then off dabbing that I probably would have stopped and returned to "just flowers" if not for the donuts. Temp control mods stormed the scene at just the right time, a little over a year ago now, and with the combo of the 2, I don't think there's any other portable concentrate vape that can so reliably
NOT combust my oil, make so much vapor out of of it so quickly and also taste so good, with such reliability and convenience. If there are other products like this, please lmk!
And China....yes...they just enable it all!!!!
The reason I use 220 is because it got me closer on the dry thermocouple-measured temperature. But I'll revisit the algebra too.
The harshness IMHO was the crystalline CBD itself. Will revisit to confirm, but if the boiling temp is around 350 deg F, hitting the throat with that vapor without the benefit of water cooling (putting up with losses) or just a longer tubing run (with less losses?) can't help but irritate those cells. Plain old steam, coming off boiling at 212 deg F , carries a lot of thermal energy and can burn far worse than the same amount of boiling water, right? So those oils boiling off a donut can surely do some damage. Which is why the topic du jour has drifted into water tools, right?
I did wanna get back to this. Regarding the linear or non-linear nature of our TCR curves, and accuracy of our figures. Your settings should be fine to vape CBD if your actual temps are close to what your mod says. I never set my temp that low, however, and I use TCR 245. Maybe you just like the lighter vape sometimes.
But, as OF said, we are really setting target resistances with TC: I like my base resistance to rise around 0.3-0.35 ohm above room temp. You can achieve this "sweet spot" with different settings in TCR/Temps, it doesn't have to be 245.
Since you have the Evic VTC, you can tell me, how much ohms your resistance is rising over cold with your settings?