HEY, anybody try
vaping pure crystalline Cannabidiol using the donut? It boils around 360 deg F, just a bit higher than THC. I can see heating it directly OR dissolving some in a minute amount of e.g. EJ-Mix. Anyone trying this?[/USER]
YES! Well, really, NO! But,
yes!... kind of?
I have been dabbing a
high CBD co2 oil for a long time, made from the "cannatonic" strain. It is about 65/15 cbd/thc, and I use it not very frequently, so it's taken a long time for me to finish this gram, but it's getting close down. And this kind of high-quality CBD concentrates can be very hard to source, even where I live. I'm still looking to find another cbd-rich co2 oil like this to resupply myself that is of the non-runny kind, not diluted with glycerin, and sold in a plastic syringe, which are all key to dabbing co2 oil on the DT 2.5.
More recently, I picked up a couple grams of a "pull & snap" shatter made from the Ac/dc strain and this one is 75/10% cbd/thc! And this is one really lovely with a dark amber hue and a gooey-yet shattery texture at room temperature.
So maybe this is not "pure" but the shatter is fairly crystalline. I have never seen nor heard of a dab-able, oily or solid CBD product that is completely free of terpenes and thc and is close to pure CBD. Maybe you can use some of these "solvent-less" extract methods that result in the "clear" type concentrates with a CBD-rich flower and get a product that is over 90% CBD, but it would probably still have some thc leftover in the product. Further refining it to remove the thc probably would be counter-productive and lower the product's integrity...Too me this is not a factor since thc and cbd can work very syngergistcally and dont' necessarily work against each other.
As for the effects and tastes of these, they are profound and subtle,

but not psychotropic like thc.

Dabs of either of these cbd concentrates make me feel very calm, steady, and relaxed, even focused, but not sleepy or sedated. It's great for knocking out any body pain, and headaches (especially my sinus-induced headaches

) I'm sure it has many other therapeutic uses and effects, for which I don't need! It's not as important to me as my thc-rich concentrates, but I think it's great to have some of this kind of stuff lying around ready to use, so I have an eleaf pico and evic VTC with dedicated donuts always loaded up with these 2 CBD's always ready to go.
As far as loading / vaping this stuff, I load just the same I would any other shatter or co2 oil, and in TCR mode, I'm already at 380-400F which vapes it just fine and in entirety. On old TC-Ni mode, I would vape at 360-370F assuming the temps were accurate, and that is probably higher than needed, but it still vaped nicely, tasty and smooth. Can probably go lower and use 330-340F on TC-Ni as welll.
Everything, it seems, effects battery life. Charging included. However the big danger is not at the 'bottom end' (the mod protects it by cutting off) but rather the top. Makers love to push it because it gives longer run times and more replacement battery sales. They like sales. They are highly focused or obsessed (depending on your perspective) getting your money.
But, in your case, not to worry. If it takes you a week or two it's going to take you many years to get to the 300 cycles you can count on as a minimum here. Six years? 12 if you run it to the bottom each time?
Lots of excellent reading on the topic here:
IMO pretty 'readable' for nerdy stuff. Notice the stuff around table 4? It says that simply stopping the charge 10% early ('not quite full') can DOUBLE the useful life? That's a huge gain compared to tying to push it by 'recharging early'.
It also shows how storage temperature and time are big factors. Such cells will die on their own (no real use) simply by storage in hot places. This is why they always ship to you at about 60% charge (or should), otherwise folks would get 'bad' batteries in new gear.
My advice is to go ahead and run them down (unless you just like charging....) and when you can cut the charge off early.
But don't sweat it. Enjoy instead?
Cool, thanks. I read through that battery web page too, and turns out, I'm not really doing it wrong! And I guess some of the stuff I thought mattered, really doesn't.

Ha. Actually says I can get a couple hundred more cycles if i charge from 50% instead of from fully empty, so maybe I'll do that more. Batteries aren't very costly, so it doesn't matter too much, even for the internal cell mods like the mini cuboid, I'll probably break/lose or want to get a new mod before the internal cells start to degrade too much, but I do try to be nice to these little cells.
BTW I feel strongly enough about this idea I developed my 'Gadget' to automatically cut charge early. It works on lots of vapes and similar gear. The latest version looks like this:

Wow OF, who knows what kind of my own "1st world problems" I could solve if I had your skill sets.

Pretty impressive. And that little website does agree with you that charging to 90% could squeeze a bit more life out of the batteries, maybe that's the one change I should try to make?
@Vape Donkey 650 Good suggestions, and I was back in social form today, lying like a pro, describing the fictional aromatherapy apparatus, temperatures and all, so we'll see what they say.
OK, here is the response from USPlastics. It lands on the side of common sense. I think it also has a bearing on tubing made from other materials. Tech support said:
As long as the oil is passing through the silicone as a vapor than silicone tubing will be fine. I just wanted to make sure that the oil was not passing through the tubing in it's liquid state. If that was case than I would need to do a complete chemical resistance check to make sure that the tube would be able to withstand all of the materials passing through it. Intermittent droplets have a minimal effect on the chemical structure of a material, versus being exposed to a 100% liquid solution full time.
Materials that might fall apart if immersed in hydrocarbons stand up to smog just fine. By the same token people nowadays tend to look at toxicity as a yes/no issue, whereas in chemistry and toxicology both, it's really all in the concentration and the length of exposure. The silicone's exposure to aerosol droplets is brief, and similarly we aren't breathing through these tubes more than a few seconds at a time. But IMHO it's probably wise
not to pursue reclaiming with a vengeance, like re-cycling all the condensed oils from the inner walls of any plastic or rubber structures.
Cool, so you got around to talking to the good people at US Plastics. What did you tell them you were vaping on their hoses with, lavender oil?
But then did you get a recommendation from them on
which hose(s) would be suitable for vaping
...sigh... lavender oil?
I still want to ask them what kind of off-gassing risks are posed by using the PVC hose for this application? I hear you on the concentration/length of exposure thing, so I'm curious as to what they would speculate on the topic.
You're probably right on the reclaim from plastics thing too. I haven't even cleaned the upper hoses on my rig in a long time, it's not that bad even but probably has some deposits. Even if it's the safer silicon tubing intended for use as a "vaporizer whip" it may not be worth it. I'm pretty sure that's what my smaller upper hose is sourced from. But I do scrape/reclaim my glass globes and mouthpieces sometimes.
Yes, that makes sense from a material properties POV. But not from a safety POV necessarily? Nor for THC laden vapor as opposed to machine oils. Lots of variables, and often toxic issues are not considered to the degree we'd like. It's not an issue that often comes up in auto cooling lines?
And how much, exactly, is 'safe enough'? Some/many have a zero tolerance policy.
Good show if we can simply avoid the whole thing I think?
Thanks for the update.
Zero tolerance is good, aspirationally, but could be very impractical to achieve in real life.
Relevant occurrences in my life that come to mind...
Past camping trips with campfires, when my idiot drunken/stoned friends have thrown large amounts of
plastic garbage into the fire and we're all nearby, down-wind, breathing that horrible acrid crap. I tell em not to do that but you can't teach some people.

I probably breathed in much more and worse crap from that smoke than from pvc dabbing.
When I was a kid, we had alot of plastic tupperwares, which were of more questionable composition, back then in the 80's and 90's, with BPHA, and who knows what other plastic softeners and catalysts and stuff. Sometimes we would microwave these containers till they were soft and eat out from them....
So I'm not saying any of this stuff is good or should be repeated, obviously, but I'm just putting into context why I'm not yet too scared of my pvc hose, and still using it for now.