Thanks for the reports...I'm actually finding that vaping flower works well at 5.5 or 6. Less burn but still quite cloud emitting. Heartily endorse working with the lower numbers, as it turns out.
I tried a bowl at 5.5 right now and lost count of how many hits I took but kept hitting until the timer shut off. It tasted good all the way through but I did switch to the bubbler half way through the session.
I swapped to the regular mp for my last draw and it was harsher but would have been fine for me to use for the whole load. DISCLAIMER: I like really big hits and can snap bongloads like nobodies business so I may not be the best to judge harshness.
I like being able to swap between the standard mouth piece and bubbler on the same load. The bubbler does add smoothness to hits.
The batteries started out at 8v and dropped down to 7.6v by the end of the session. I already had one session from last night on batteries that was just over 3 minutes. I could probably get another half a session out of it so it is seeming about a total of 14-15min total run time on a set of fresh charged batteries. I forgot to mention last night each one of bowls were a little over 3 minutes each, including warm up time.
I find the stir wheel to be kind of therapeutic almost like a worry stone. Yeah I'm vaked

I tried the concentrate can and what a PITA removing/reinstalling the stir rod and screen is. It's not something you could do out and about for sure. The screwdriver from 7th floor didn't work for me but I have a bunch of small screwdrivers so I was able to get it off.
I loaded a decent size dab, turned it up to 11 and got 5 big hits off the bubbler. I probably could of gotten a couple more hits but I was good. Taste was excellent! It's a good wax vape but not dab like.
I don't really see myself switching between flower and wax with this vape as it is a PITA to put the screen and stir rod back together. If I had an extra top it'd be convenient but as it is now its just to much hassle.