The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

When do you think the first Grasshoppers (in BOXES!) will ship?

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Well-Known Member
While GHL would never intentionally send out sub-par units, they have done so nonetheless. GHL knows that I will not accept a GH unit that is not 100% operational out their door and into mine, and that I do not wish to be inconvenienced with back and forth shipping hassles and expenses. Our correspondences and document record are preserved on that score. I believe my correspondence with GHL's will serve me well, though may or may not on behalf of others en masse. I cannot control that. You are entitled to your opinion regarding business and how it should or should not be handled, but my close to 50 years experience in some of the toughest businesses on Earth beg to differ from your criticism. Argue further if you will, it matters not a wit to me.

I understand both yours and osolx26 point of views and what you're saying, but I have to agree with osolx26. I don't doubt they'll made a note on your order and they will make sure that unit is properly tested, but no matter how well the QC control is, they can't guarantee that the unit will stop working within a week or two. If they could, they would be able to pinpoint the issue and fix it for future GH's, I don't believe that's the case right now. There could be a poorly made PCB or battery that's fine during the test, but could fail after a month.

With the way their updates have gone, it sounds like every month or so they get a new machine to help lower the chance of a defect with better QC or assembly equipment so I would expect the newer hoppers have a bit lower defect rate.

If they were on the fence about the QC, your e-mail helped them confirm/deny their suspicions on their public perception on their QC and they could've very well bolstered up their QC, but I don't think they were skipping previous QC checks when each failed unit makes it a large hassle. I don't think many people realize this, but theres a lot of work dealing with warranty and a reason why large companies have a specific sector to deal with it. There's the customer service, sending/receiving parts, determining the failure/went went on, filing, contacting the manufacturer about credits, refurbishing the unit, etc.


Well-Known Member
GHL's knows me well, and as always, are gracious in there acceptance of my praises, FC forum defenses, QC challenges, & critiques. They received my latest email in like gracious fashion and responded that their quality control re my and every account order will get optimal QC out the door going forward. You're welcome... hmmm, only 19 FC posts and already attacking the veterans.:rolleyes:.
you are cocky in a way you speak. no doubt about it. unpleasant person.

Mod note: Please revisit the 'Be Nice' section of our rules. Point issued.
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Old & In the Way
While GHL would never intentionally send out sub-par units, they have done so nonetheless. GHL knows that I will not accept a GH unit that is not 100% operational out their door and into mine, and that I do not wish to be inconvenienced with back and forth shipping hassles and expenses. Our correspondences and document record are preserved on that score. I believe my correspondence with GHL's will serve me well, though may or may not on behalf of others en masse. I cannot control that. You are entitled to your opinion regarding business and how it should or should not be handled, but my close to 50 years experience in some of the toughest businesses on Earth beg to differ from your criticism. Argue further if you will, it matters not a wit to me.
This reads like you've built a record so you can sue them, or threaten same, if you are not totally thrilled by a flawless piece out the gate. That Caroline should be cowering in the corner; little is worse than the wrath of an angry old man. I hope it doesn't slow things down for the rest of us when they have to triple test and polish yours...
My suggestion for HL is to simply refund your money, either right away or at your first sign of displeasure after your Hopper is shipped. Problem (dis)solved.

Mod note: Please revisit the 'Be Nice' section of our rules.
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Bass Vaper

Well-Known Member
For anyone that has had warranty service, what is the process after they receive the GH? Do they email or call or send out a tracking number, or are you in the dark the entire time until it shows up in your mailbox?

They will email you with next steps once they've inspected your device and determined how they're going to proceed. Yes, they send a tracking #. For me (4th time now) its taken at least 3 business days after they've received the unit to inform me what they've concluded. Count on about ten total days of downtime once they've received it before you have it back in your hands. At least that's been my experience so far. Good luck, amigo!


Well-Known Member
Public discussion of staff decisions not permitted.
you are cocky in a way you speak. no doubt about it. unpleasant person.

Mod note: Please revisit the 'Be Nice' section of our rules. Point issued.

your point no taken. i stand by my point of view. and i don't believe i used so bad words which should be censured or punished for.
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Well-Known Member
While GHL would never intentionally send out sub-par units, they have done so nonetheless. GHL knows that I will not accept a GH unit that is not 100% operational out their door and into mine, and that I do not wish to be inconvenienced with back and forth shipping hassles and expenses. Our correspondences and document record are preserved on that score. I believe my correspondence with GHL's will serve me well, though may or may not on behalf of others en masse. I cannot control that. You are entitled to your opinion regarding business and how it should or should not be handled, but my close to 50 years experience in some of the toughest businesses on Earth beg to differ from your criticism. Argue further if you will, it matters not a wit to me.

If I send the Carolina Panthers an e-mail right now saying "you guys better not lose the superbowl!!", are they going to suddenly start practicing harder? No. They're obviously trying to win the superbowl. If you send HL (I never understood why you guys call it GHL. The company is called HOPPER LABS LLC, not GRASSHOPPER LABS LLC)an e-mail, they're not going to suddenly change everything because some random guy they've never met told them they better not send him a faulty unit. You are not special and they will not treat you like you are special. Your "50 years experience in some of the toughest businesses on Earth" only seems to have served to make you feel entitled. They are going to put your grasshopper through the same quality control procedures as everyone else's and that is that. Nothing you say or do will change that. Once again, you are not special.


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
If I send the Carolina Panthers an e-mail right now saying "you guys better not lose the superbowl!!", are they going to suddenly start practicing harder? No. They're obviously trying to win the superbowl. If you send HL (I never understood why you guys call it GHL. The company is called HOPPER LABS LLC, not GRASSHOPPER LABS LLC)an e-mail, they're not going to suddenly change everything because some random guy they've never met told them they better not send him a faulty unit. You are not special and they will not treat you like you are special. Your "50 years experience in some of the toughest businesses on Earth" only seems to have served to make you feel entitled. They are going to put your grasshopper through the same quality control procedures as everyone else's and that is that. Nothing you say or do will change that. Once again, you are not special.

Please do not post negative comments about another member's personality or posting style. If someone breaks a rule, report it and don't respond. If no rule is broken, ignore it and move on. If you feel a response is necessary, then send a PM.

This discussion is at an end.


Well-Known Member
Public discussion of staff decisions not permitted. Warning point issued.
Please do not post negative comments about another member's personality or posting style. If someone breaks a rule, report it and don't respond. If no rule is broken, ignore it and move on. If you feel a response is necessary, then send a PM.

This discussion is at an end.
I said he feels entitled, which is a comment on the content of a member's post, not the posting style or his personality. There is no point in sending PM's to respond to posts on a forum. This is a place for open discussion and PM's are the exact opposite of open discussions.
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I'm a Dec 14th Ti Backer who recieved address confirmation about 5 weeks ago, still no change in status and I'm seeing a lot of people who got confirmations after me recieve their unit (SS though, not Ti)

Anyone know if this is unusual?


Well-Known Member
Have you sent an email requesting status? I'm a Dec 11th backer and received mine a week ago and my addy conf email arrived on 1/8. Good luck! Just's worth the wait!
Edit - I do recall Caroline mention in one of our correspondence that she mistakenly sent email address confirmations out of order, but would be shipping in the correct order.


Emailed them this morning. Stated i haven't seen any sort of action since receiving address confirmation. Asked if my Hopper + battery would still be shipping this month as we were told in last update. Caroline got back to me less than a hour later, which was a good sign haha.

"Hi There,

I expect your Grasshopper to ship this week. I apologize for the delays. I was out of the office all last week for a family emergency so shipping slowed down.

We are on track to get your Hopper out in the next few days and greatly appreciate your patience.


Hopefully that means all the remaining units will ACTUALLY be shipping before end of month.


Well-Known Member
Sounds about the same timeline as my email with her. I pretty much asked the same thing. Seems like over the next week or so they might actually wrap us up.

I caved and sent an email which I have refrained from doing this whole time, I was just curious and seemed like we hit a slow spot.


Well-Known Member
I received a new email that says pre orders will start shipping in February.

January Update
Hey Everyone,
We are here to announce that pre-orders will start shipping in February! We are delivering the last of the IGG backer units now and with all the device issues worked out, we are ramping production up further. The team has been working to implement device tweaks, add more manufacturing equipment and increase throughput.
Over the last few months, the Grasshopper has undergone a number of small tweaks to ensure reliability over its lifetime. As our original indiegogo backers stress tested the device, we received a lot of real-world data on what worked and what needed improvement. We applied what we learned, and tweaked the design and manufacturing processes to meet the demands of users. This was a valuable process, one that every pre-order will greatly benefit from.

In December we added a computer controlled laser welder which allows for greater reliability and five to six times the throughput during the welding process. Our pick-and-place machine will come online this month, allowing for shorter lead times and a more streamlined production process. Our assembly staff has increased in size and is fully trained on the entire process.
We know each of you pre-ordered a Grasshopper because you knew it was something new and different. The Grasshopper is different from any other large scale consumer product. With over 75 minutes of in-house assembly time going into each unit, we are looking over every detail. Each member of the team contributes in the construction and shipping of every Grasshopper. It was designed with the singular idea of building the absolute best device and we have put in an insane amount of effort to make building it possible.

We know there have been many delays, and we appreciate your patience. Now that we are shipping to pre-orders, the line will move quickly. Your specific estimated shipping schedule will be updated on our website shortly.
The Grasshopper Team


Well-Known Member
You know, part of me wants to see these guys fall flat, if only because they are so repulsive in CS.
So, yeah, now it's February, and we're waiting for the online update to our orders. Death by a thousand push-outs. Hopefully they'll post the update soon, so I can get the suspense over with.

Mr. Me2

Well-Known Member
You know, part of me wants to see these guys fall flat, if only because they are so repulsive in CS.
So, yeah, now it's February, and we're waiting for the online update to our orders. Death by a thousand push-outs. Hopefully they'll post the update soon, so I can get the suspense over with.
So who wants to send @JoeMama a calendar? :wave:

Ok, it's ALMOST February...

Just kidding! But on the bright side, we're getting closer!!
Mr. Me2,
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Received my email that my warranty GH is ready to be shipped back to me, and just like we all thought, it was a bad back end. They insisted that the backend issues are only a small part of their overall customer base, and that the issue is "rare" and that forums are just a small "very" vocal group. Fair enough, whatever, they still charged me $15 shipping for adding a battery to the order, but they stepped up and will include a free battery as well, so at least it's something.

I'm just happy that I have a working GH on its way, with some extra batteries, and a leather sleeve! Guess i'll have to give it another go and hope for the best! Communication was great today so IME they have redeemed themselves, so far. Must have since i'm not planning to list it on eBay like I was starting to think.


Well-Known Member
How many people had an email from Caroline saying "yours should ship this week", and then hear nothing?

Out of everything they are doing, they could have saved the time emailing me and just sent another hopper. Not that I didn't want an answer back, but when they are just blowing smoke up my ass, what is the point? Might have well just said, check your estimated ship date, it says Nov. 2015, so you must be getting it two months ago.

Out of everything they are doing, the continuous misleading of their customers is really unprofessional. Try to keep my head up about this, but its getting harder when its obvious they aren't shipping 100/day like they claim, unless they are all warranties, which also means they mislead us.... hmm

I guess if they are still failing, I'm glad I'm not playing the back and forth game some of you are playing with them. That's my glass half full side.

Edit: I will be getting it next week. Seems they were not blowing smoke up my ass after all. Excited to possibly get one of the good working ones. I hope the rest of the backers are part of this also. Get on to the preorders.
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