Discontinued Vapir Rise Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Gino, i could see your picture, thats really not a lot in there! Thank you for sharing and clarifying stuff for me!


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That will get me roasted. I usually smoke one of those a night. Weekends I have about 4-5 and then bigger chambers come the evening when I'm drunk.

Moral of the story and what you need to take away is the following:

With my Rise 2.0 I vape 2 grams every 2-3 weeks.

One thing, the whip will never go back to being white or clear. The yellow tint from over time will never clear. How do you solve it? Every 6 months buy a new $8 silicone tube lol.


Well-Known Member
Gino, thank you for convincing me to go with the Vapir! Had some shipping issues due to the holidays, but today it arrived. I found out straight away that the balloons are a bit too much for me. I feel some weird pressure as in, hurry up before the balloon goes bad or w/e.. I'm enjoying the whip, although it still tastes a little plasticy.. I'm sure that will go away soon enough. In my oil chamber on the top, there is a little bump in it. Can anyone confirm to me if this is supposed to be there? I emailed the company i bought the Vapir from, but I hope someone here can confirm it for me. Also does anyone know if the liquid pads from crafty/mighty fit in the chamber from Vapir? Thank you!


Well-Known Member
I do not use liquid pads. I cannot comment on that.

Did you rinse your tubing before using? I boil my tube on the stove top with salt and baking soda.

This sent in the weed chamber not sure what you are referring to. I would need to see a pic.

Balloons are epic. They will keep for roughly 10-20 minutes and not go stale lol.


Well-Known Member
Cant seem to post a picture..

Yes, i did soak them in water with soap, maybe ill try baking soda later tonight, thanks for the tip!
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Cant seem to post a picture, so here is a link: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1.../AF1QipPRmHuaLnrg0knyXubXPFeiJUwljc1LtQOVJkuk

Yes, i did soak them in water with soap, maybe ill try baking soda later tonight, thanks for the tip!

Your photo link did not work.

Also I suggest brewing a bag when a buddy comes over. You'll enjoy it. Watch out. As bags get old they tend to leak out of the plastic piece that is in the bag, not the actual time. My bag started doing hat last night. But I've also had over 30 bags from that one so.


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I find it very hard with the Vapir to notice when the herbs are done for. After a while there is just no smoke anymore. So i tried googling something and i found this:
That looks really good! So what color is your herb when you feel its done for with the Vapir?
Mine still really looks yellow besides when i really kick up the temperature, then it does get a light brown color. But i prefer to vape at lower settings i guess.


Well-Known Member
My herb looks brown. You can tell from the taste and the fact that there is no more vapor. However, I determine that by using my iPhone to see if there is vapor.


Well-Known Member
Just recieved my Vapir 2 and it's my first real vape.I have a couple of cheap clones[easy vape and a dragon lite] that I never liked or used much, and what a difference.Tried it with a wip and then a bag full.That thing hits like a truck.It's smaller than I thought it would be.I like the digital dial and controls.It eats the herb like a bovine, and maybe I should have bought something smaller.


Well-Known Member
The Rise has a huge bowl, and it's easy to feed it. I'm medicated if I just cover the bottom with herbs. You may have a higher tolarance. I try to use the same amount in all my vaporizers. A small scoop weighed out to .1-.2 grams. I use the same amount of herb in my Arizer Solo, Davinici, and V-Tower. You have a good versatile machine, just as efficient as almost any vaporizer. Just play with it, and get the feel.
PS-Fill the bowl with ABV (Already Been Vaporized herb); use the bag; set the fan on 1 or 2. It buys you a few more sessions until you restock with fresh herb.


Well-Known Member
I fill my bowl with both weed and then either damiana, herbs of the gods, hops, skullcap etc.
By filling up the bowl more, i get more visible vapor, which i prefer plus i toke longer on the same bowl, which turns my weed browner and i feel that i get more out of my sessions. Its a really nice vaporizer! :)


Well-Known Member
The bowl really is massive for a vape, but you'll get a better feel for how much you actually need to load. Unless you have a group session going, just covering the bottom will probably do the trick.


Well-Known Member
draak-Does any of the alternate herbs, you use, have any markable positive effects.

Doc- The big bowl comes in handy for re-vaporizing used herb. After a long day of twitching and spascity from MS, a nice big bowl of used herb cuts the pain and helps with sleep. Just repacing one of my sessions with some ABV cuts the yearly cost of herb about $300. If you factor in the cost of the machine and the life of the machine (2yrs the least); you're saving some $400 in two years.
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draak-Does any of the alternate herbs, you use, have any markable positive effects.

Oh yes very much so! I sleep so so much better since i vape hop and valerian root.
Damiana is a cheap fill up the bowl herb for me. It tastes nice.
Skullcap enhances the effect of my weed and gives me more of a body high.
I do smoke all of these together with my weed.
And the hop and valerian is the only stuff im absolutely sure you will find an effect of without weed.
There is a topic all about it here: http://fuckcombustion.com/threads/the-ethnobotanical-thread.148/


Well-Known Member
A few pages earlier I posted how much I put in my chamber. Barely anything. You do not need to pack a lot at all
I wonder if we put some "Calea Zacatechichi" also known as the dream herb, into the bowl, for nighttime use.It might provide some synergy with our other herb, and help our dreams along.


Well-Known Member
Gino- I've been meaning to ask: I don't know if I would even feel any effect with that small amount of herb. Can you give me a rundown of your preparation for a session on the Rise? For example: Do you use a bag or whip, what temperature do you vape at or do you climb to 420. I know it may just be a tolerance thing, but I'm curious. Any way I can cut my use is good.

draak- Thanks for the link that was perfect.


Well-Known Member
Gino- I've been meaning to ask: I don't know if I would even feel any effect with that small amount of herb. Can you give me a rundown of your preparation for a session on the Rise? For example: Do you use a bag or whip, what temperature do you vape at or do you climb to 420. I know it may just be a tolerance thing, but I'm curious. Any way I can cut my use is good.

draak- Thanks for the link that was perfect.

I will give you some background.

I quit smoking pot for 2 years. Then I got back into it. Started vaping. I use to vape at higher temperatures like 190C. That bowl you see there is about 185C.

I am now vaping at 175C. Only whip. Bag is for when friends come over. That amount gives me 5 visible vapor hits with a few hits after wards that I shine a light up to and can see the vapor. I now pack a little bit more than what you see there. But the difference is so minimal. I usually only vape once a day during the week except Friday's and the weekend. Now my temperature is always 175C on a whip. Hope that answered everything. If I left something out let me know.

Forgot to mention I never climb temperature.


Well-Known Member
I use a little bit more than whats on that picture of Gino. And i crumb it smaller, but not really on purpose. I vape at 184c / 363f. I don't build the heat up anymore either. I used to with my old vaporizer. But now i just stick with the 184c. I vape twice a night with weed. Later at night before bed i vape a bowl with hops and sometimes mix that with valerian, if i need it. But everyone has there own sweet spot. And i think it might also depend on the weed you've got, maybe. Also if you haven't yet, you might wanne look up what effects weed have on different temperatures and see if you want the given effect or not. So you can adjust your temperature according to that. here is a link for you: http://www.zamnesia.com/content/284-vaporizer-temperatures-for-cannabis


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I just received some spare parts for the Vapir rise 2, and noticed that the new heating chambers are a different design.The bottom has less open area,and is solid metal, with 3 triangles, cut out.I estimate about 20 percent less air flow.I lined it up with an older v.2 chamber and it is a little bit more flared inwards.Definitely more robust than the old model, and much better suited to putting in a regular pipe screen if the stock screen fails..Haven't tried it out yet,but ,will report back, if the new design is any better functioning than the old one. [I wish it was easier to upload pictures on this site, or I would post them]

Slow Draw McGraw

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Company Rep
So is this thing as efficient as the e-nano?
This thing is not as efficient as a NANO. I own an HI. But these type of devices aren't really for efficiency. They fill a certain niche like other bag vapes.
Gino found a way to be efficient but that wouldnt work for me personally.
I just received this today, and I gotta say for $91 from the Vape USA sale its not bad. It's the OG not the 2.0 but still, to get a decent taste of what bag vapes are like this is a good deal.
Slow Draw McGraw,
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