The LSV will kick your ass!I shared both of your sentiments that nano is great for conservation and needed something with more power and the lsv delivers. But does it taste as good as the evo? Deciding as my next vape.
Exactly! Making the flat honeycomb design & into something more curved would create an even flow over the pack & reduce the chance of brown spots.i see, so just like a normal M2M adapter but with a fixed glass screen to reduce the need for a steel one?
What were you thinking of @sweetherb ? I'd like something like a Luke Wilson "wagon wheel" slide with a tighter screen.I have been thinking this exact same thing for some time now. This would make the glass "modular" in that you can choose your favorite piece, then your favourite vape and vape away! I can already think of several combos....
I like the idea of a better M2M, but short of a carb, I'm struggling to see what could be added...
I do actually have a carbed GonG being whipped up by @VaPeD&CoNfUsEd, but IMO a claisen/cloud buddy is really a pretty perfect setup with the LSV and m2m...
Those honeycomb screens look pretty useless to me - If I were to load that up with ground bud I'd expect a decent amount to get past those holes - leaving unvaped bud to dirty up my glass quicker...
So I'd still have to use a SS screen.
I've always thought a frit could make a cool "glass screen" for holding herb in a WPA, but the added drag and crazy amounts of cleaning it would require make it a bit impractical...
So far as I can tell, you can wedge a standard SSV wand screen into the base of ANY 18mm joint, just like the old school GonG SSV wands - there was no lip or anything to hold the screen, it just sits perfectly at the base of the 18mm joint.
Once I have my screen seated properly, it doesn't move at all
It stays put while stirring, and I never have to worry about it falling through or flipping over on me...
I don't even remove the screens once they've been seated - just throw the whole M2M+Screen in some ISO or PBW and it comes out clean
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for new accessories/ideas, I just don't see much improvement to be made on the WPA...
@Herb-nerd - If you guys do look into basket screens, I just wanna throw out there that I personally much prefer the VXL ELB style of big basket for herb with a little basket lid. It gives peace of mind that your herb can't get accidentally puffed out of the wpa by some blowback, and you can effectively just shake the basket to stir
The only downside seems to be that they're picky about the joints they'll fit into - if you've got a m2m "trained" to one particular joint, it can be really loose or really tight in other joints...
Some guys also just use the EQ basket screen and load herb into that, which is cool, but IMO doesn't really add much over a screen inside the WPA aside from the load being ~1cm closer to the heat...
I know the EQ basket can also be used as a lid of sorts when using the standard m2m setup - but that sorta leads to the ELB being the more desirable configuration.
Side note - I don't think the stock WPA gets enough love - it's a pretty cool design that works really well...
Sadly I dropped mine while cleaning and it broke (), and I haven't replaced it yet, but IMO it's the nicest way to use the LSV if you're not using a claisen...
Don't know about the Evo, but @biohacker seemed to like his LSV more than his Cloud+ if I recallBut does it taste as good as the evo? Deciding as my next vape.
So do you mean using the bigger basket screen (longer/deeper) with the more shallow small one as a lid?
I like this idea and will order the bigger basket screen for my own testing purposes!
I am a big fan of baskets
Don't know about the Evo, but @biohacker seemed to like his LSV more than his Cloud+ if I recall
I am a big fan of baskets
yeah i have posted your pictures to quite a few people on reddit recommending the sliding basketHave you seen my modded adjustable EQ screen?
I remove the metal clip so the screen fits into the wand/GonG completely. This way they are adjustable up and down the entire wand length and makes the basket a tiny bit bigger. I find the closer to the heating element the thicker the vapor, but backing it off a couple mms gives more flavor.
Another benefit to removing the metal clip is the basket will fit in just about any size bowl, I use one on my SSV wand, LSV GonG, and my Solo. My solo stem is the cleanest I've ever seen, not a single bit of dust or debris has made it through since switching.
Is everyone using the top screen with the ELB? I'm finding I have to turn the temperature up when I have the screen on top, but I feel like it's helping to distribute the heat better (damn my heater element is crooked! lol)
It constantly absorbs thermal energy from the air-flow which keeps the temperature of the metal high, it also physically blocks the radiative energy a little but helps to interrupt the airflow somewhat and distribute heat a little more evenly (assuming the basket has no creases and is uniform). Upping the temperature to account for these losses is required - but logical![]()
That's because my heater is crooked. Is there anything I can do to straighten it out. Or should I just deal with it lol
Have you seen my modded adjustable EQ screen?
I remove the metal clip so the screen fits into the wand/GonG completely. This way they are adjustable up and down the entire wand length and makes the basket a tiny bit bigger. I find the closer to the heating element the thicker the vapor, but backing it off a couple mms gives more flavor.
Another benefit to removing the metal clip is the basket will fit in just about any size bowl, I use one on my SSV wand, LSV GonG, and my Solo. My solo stem is the cleanest I've ever seen, not a single bit of dust or debris has made it through since switching.
I'm happy with the wpa method
@Tweak , how do you replace the load?
WOW.. I just loaded a tiny bit of herb on the screen in the adapter with a speck of oil on top and hit it slow on nearly full power. It totally blackened the herb evenly with super milk hits. Nice having good power options for sure. Then I put on the nail kit and took a small low temp dab and after coughing for about 10 minutes I am very ripped.budget but balls-to-the-wall powerful vape-bonger