Hi everyone, having a bit of a UD related problem. I am sure it is not unique to me.
The "problem" is that I like using it too much! How do you guys limit your consumption with this thing?
It's like if I turn it on it seems silly just to have one stem and leave it at that. It is obviously not as bad if I am using the nylon stems but I swear I could just sit there all night hitting stem after stem after stem with those. A full basket load in the glass stem is my favourite way to use it but if I have three basket-fulls that seems like a lot of weed for me to use compared to what I used to go through with my MFLB.
Solutions I have thought of:
1. Have more willpower.
2. Spin bud with herbal mix.
3. Buy a Vapman (rationalizing VAS

!) to keep my hands busy with smaller loads that take longer to consume.
Does anyone else have a Vapman? I feel like the key to my MFLB efficiency was that it took like a half hour to finish a trench while the UD I can use the same amount in one stem and kill it in one/two draws.
I think I might get a Vapman anyway - seems like it would partner well with an Underdog.