The Voltage Keeper


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Accessory Maker
Hi, not on the site yet, at the moment just keeping my own little list, you'd be the third person on the next batch if you're claiming the next spot!

Hopefully will have the site updated with the product page and instructions this weekend. I am also considering redoing the software I use for the store, I recently found one I like better. We'll see.

Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
Same here lol that switch got my ass too. I felt so stupid once I figured it out lol. Enjoy the BP-VK's hopefully the next batch starts soon cuz I want one too. Should be one hell of a combo with my future mini pup, hell all my pups for that matter.

You felt stupid. I was waiting for mine and didn't even give a fucking address. :bang:


Mecca Lecca High Mecca Hiney Ho
Hello all,

I just recently bought an Underdog and though I'm really, really loving it, I feel like it could be running a bit hotter, especially when using it with a water device. So naturally that brings me here... :cool:

I'm a complete noob to all of this and especially when it comes to anything electrical. The Voltage Keeper looks like an amazing product and this thread is filled with its praise. Not to mention I love, love, love the way it looks. I must have one.

I understand that the power supply that came with the UD is not compatible with the VK and I need a 12v DC power supply. Is this correct? I've been looking around my house, but I'm not seeing that I have any. In fact, they don't have AC or DC listed on any of them. What should I be looking for on the power supply? Will it literally say "12v DC" on it? Will any 12v DC power supply I find on Amazon or wherever work?

When it comes to the VK itself, is there anything additional I need to buy in order to use it with my UD? Any kind of additional adapter or cords to get it running? Any help you guys could provide would be so greatly appreciated. I just want to make sure to get everything I need.

Sorry if this is explicitly stated on the VK site or here and I'm missing it. With all of the electrical terms and speak, it gets a little overwhelming for a new guy. Many thanks, all!

Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure the power supply that comes with the U.d is a 12v dc p.s. I will know %100 in the next hour my V.k is out for delivery :clap: I will let you know if it work's properly with the U.d p.s as soon as it get's here, As far as other cord's it comes with everything you need for a U.d or H.i.

Update: Yes it most certainly works on the U.d p.s, and you shouldn't need anything else it comes with the only other cord you need.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
The UD has occasionally come with an AC power supply, I think. They really should say AC or DC on them somewhere though.

Sometimes it might be represented by like, a squigly line and a straight line, but it would usually still say AC or DC somewhere.

I can find you one on amazon that would work if you want.
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Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
Oh wow i didn't know they put out Ac p.s. I guess i got lucky mines say's 12v Dc i'm so glad i looked first.

I gotta say this blows my Tekpower outta the water, So much smaller more accurate and can run off it's internal 18650's.


Mecca Lecca High Mecca Hiney Ho
Well I was mistaken. I could have sworn that I had read that the UD didn't come with an DC power supply, but maybe that was at some point in the past? Anyhow, when I was looking around for an adapter I had laying around I found what you see in the top picture.


That's what was throwing me off since it doesn't have AC or DC anywhere on it. But when I went back to where I had my UD power supply plugged in (it was of course not in a conveniently accessible location) and took a closer look, it does in fact say 12VDC on the output, as you can see in the second picture. So it looks like I'm all set, which it a relief.

Thanks @Vapor Loop for the info!

I'm placing an order here today, @VoltageKeeper. Thank you for your help and I'm really looking forward to playing with it when it finally arrives!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
So, the solid line with the dashed line below it means DC, where as the sine-wave looking squiggly line means AC.

Those would both probably work OK, but I'd go with the 2nd one since it's slightly more powerful and those jameco supplies are usually well built.

Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
does anyone know of any bulletproof male to female cables? For some odd reason i only get 10 day's on average before they break.
Vapor Loop,
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Hmm, maybe you'd be better off with something rebuildable?

Is your vaporizer melting the end of the cable? I've seen it before...I think Alan has some work-arounds for that, some adapter he found that are more resistant to heat that you can use before attaching the cables...

BTW, I noticed some 17v log vapes are coming out now. All VK's can pretty much be trimmed to a higher voltage, up to 30v, but, for safety sake, they're limited around 15-16v out the door. If you need a higher voltage limit, let me know and I'll set it higher.

For anyone with an existing unit, you can definitely open it and just turn the trimmer to the right while the main knob is set to maximum and then turn it on to see the new maximum value you've set. The battery unit's are a little trickier to adjust since the board is mounted to the top, but it's just another couple of screws to remove. However, if you know you're going to be buying a 17v vape, just let me know and I'll get it set correctly for you out the door.
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Vapor Loop

Well-Known Member
The problem isn't the Vk or the Vape it's me. I always seem to go to far with the cord and bend them, What i should have done was make a splint for the part that should not be bent, But after a anxiety attack i just made the cord not work at all.

What exactly am i looking for? i wen't to a couple stores right after and neither had anything, I'm looking to give whatever a try gonna be safe and order multiple one's too.


You Must Unlearn, What You Have Learned...
I took the BP-VK to my poker game this weekend and it was the talk of the night! We used to have to plug cords in ceiling and have cords dangling in our faces in the garage to use our desktop beasts. Not anymore!!! Everyone enjoyed the UD/HI rotation all night long! One of the comments, I have to share. One of my friends said man you can take your logs anywhere, even strap it on yourself with custom belt or custom jacket. Probably not the best of ideas but it brought about the topic of going into a bank with the BP-VK and some pretty hilarious conversations there after. Thanks Jordan your piece not only looks and works great it's also a very nice conversation piece!

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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
LOL, yeah I'm not sure I'd walk into a bank with any sort of home-made looking electronics device with tube-shaped objects inside of it, hahaha. At least the screen doesn't have a count-down timer on it.

I was just watching that movie the other day too, comedy central was playing re-runs.

The problem isn't the Vk or the Vape it's me. I always seem to go to far with the cord and bend them, What i should have done was make a splint for the part that should not be bent, But after a anxiety attack i just made the cord not work at all.

What exactly am i looking for? i wen't to a couple stores right after and neither had anything, I'm looking to give whatever a try gonna be safe and order multiple one's too.

Maybe try to wrap the cable in some split loom and/or cable wrap of some sort?

I could make you a custom cable out of thicker gauge wire, hah.

I'm not sure the typical store would just have them unless you have a fancy electronics parts supplier in your town! But, you can probably search for 5.5x2.1 extension cables on amazon.
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
3 small n talls and the tinted battery VK are finally going out. We'll see how many more I can get caught up on this weekend! Need some more standoffs to finish the other 2 small n talls in my queue, but I've got a few regular units and some others to get done in the meantime. I'm also still recovering from being sick, and things have been a bit hectic, so I'm trying my best to get things moving again. Hopefully will have another update soon.

I also just got in my latest shipment of enail coils, and I must say, these came out really nice. I still have a few left from the last batch that are metal-wrapped rather than kevlar I might sell off at like $45/each to get them moving, maybe some more photos to follow soon!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Awesome! I think another one was scheduled to arrive today as well, and another one tomorrow, and another 4 or 5 should ship tomorrow morning (two to the same person though.)

Needless to say, I made some good progress this past weekend. I actually used up all my circuit boards, so I'm waiting for another shipment to wrap up the remaining orders on the list, though those usually come pretty fast so I suspect I'll be able to continue work this weekend.

I also got a whole bunch of more parts ordered in general, it's always something, but I've started to get my inventory tracking down a lot better now so I'm hopefully staying ahead of the curve now! More batteries and chargers on the way too, including some extras this time around!
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I did get all 5 shipped out today. I'm hoping I can keep up with this streak of progress and get through most of my waiting list, but I'm still waiting on some more parts at this point. I did manage to get a bunch more standoffs for small n talls so there's a few more of those that will get done once the boards arrive, as well as another yet-to-be-announced variation (it should probably come as no surprise though) and another few BPVK's that will eventually start getting done as the next batch of batteries and chargers arrive.


Well-Known Member
I absolutely love this thing, it's brought new life to my old log vape. I am really going to enjoy being able to fine-tune my temp to the product too.

Thanks again VK, I recommend anyone on the fence to grab one. The build quality on this item is impressive and it's a game-changer for log vapes.
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