FC-710 has landed.
I'm thinking this is gonna be one of my go to dabbing rigs
Put my water level to pretty much the bottom of the slanted part, and no splash back up the mouthpiece
It's got a fun rumble to it.
It's interesting that you seem to get less diffusion the harder you pull.
I could get the inner tube entirely clear with a hard enough draw on a water test.
The added restriction of my Quartz banger meant I couldn't pull that hard for an actual hit, but I wouldn't normally hit a rig that hard anyways...
Gonna have to see how it pairs with my sub tonight

For science, of course
Are these any good for combustion?
I recently gifted a buddy a 14mm dabuccino for combustion purposes, I'm thinking one of these might be a cool upgrade at some point
Oops, meant to post this in the cheap high quality bubbler thread...
Too much testing