Custom Glass Ideas/Designs Thread


Well-Known Member
Everyone is getting to wrapped up in their own personal opinion of what is best. I am trying to request the designs that will sell the best and only a single model of each design. Everyone is not going to get exactly what they want. Sorry

There are a good selection of pieces that I am trying to have produced. There will be something for everyone. There does not need to be different joint and neck options for every model.

FC-187 is 18mm female and sidecar mouthpiece

Mini pillar will be 14mm female and sidecar/straight angled mouthpiece

Large pillar will be 18mm female and different mouthpiece. Perhaps bent neck

diffusion pump is 14mm male and bubbler style mouthpiece

ms torus and klein designs are bent neck

and more designs to come....
Any idea what joint size and type on the torus and Klein?

Just trying to figure out which pieces to sell to make room for all of these :) I think I'm going to get one of each. High end knockoffs. Yep I'm in :rockon::tup:


Well-Known Member
Everyone is getting to wrapped up in their own personal opinion of what is best. I am trying to request the designs that will sell the best and only a single model of each design. Everyone is not going to get exactly what they want. Sorry

There are a good selection of pieces that I am trying to have produced. There will be something for everyone. There does not need to be different joint and neck options for every model.

FC-187 is 18mm female and sidecar mouthpiece

Mini pillar will be 14mm female and sidecar/straight angled mouthpiece

Large pillar will be 18mm female and different mouthpiece. Perhaps bent neck

diffusion pump is 14mm male and bubbler style mouthpiece

ms torus and klein designs are bent neck

and more designs to come....
I'm cool with that, at those prices we all can afford adapters.


No clue what I did yesterday
yeah idk, I just find that original design terrible. It's like a compromise between a sidecar and an angled straight tube that just looks cheap. Well at least the original has 6 tubes and the top of the pillar is curved, but $710 for that feels like a sick joke to me.

But so what I just understood is that steven had that pillar just laying around for a while and never produced it in mass?

Oh also: is that mini pillar then supposed to be a $100? @blankrider you mentioned $100 earlier? I find that hard to believe? and again: who are you? chinese local, business associate of steven, FC-member that speaks for the community?

edit: omg just saw THIS... $420?? LOOOOOOOOOOOLL Another great investment on aqualabs... those people just are out of their minds regarding the price of things..

edit2: something I would like to see on dhgate, apart from some sellers who seem rather scammy. Not much to be R&Ded about, I mean steven or whoever will probably prefer to stick close to the original design.
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No clue what I did yesterday
We could name them after top ranking members of the forum, since without the forum this thread wouldn't even be happening. Or they can suggest something themselves. Of course they have to be contacted and asked first. If we do this at all...

Oh also here is something for the person who like the swiss chees stuff:

Here is how to make it:
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Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting design I think would sale a lot considering its the combo of two very desired pieces
Hmmm... can't tell if I love it or hate it. My first thought is that with how high the water level would seem to have to be it's gonna be super chuggy and take a lot of pull to get going. Otherwise, that piece confuses me a bit, which I actually really like. It doesn't seem like it should be recycling or vortexing anywhere as much as it is in that video with the return entering the piece so high above the perc, but I guess the motion of the water moving back down the pillars makes enough downward pull to get that recycling action going. Which is pretty cool. Still though, wouldn't it make more sense to make the recycler return below the pillars, so the fast-moving, cooled water that it provides would have to stay in contact with the vapor during it's entire trip up the pillars? Wouldnt that make for cooler dabs?
Hmmm... can't tell if I love it or hate it. My first thought is that with how high the water level would seem to have to be it's gonna be super chuggy and take a lot of pull to get going. Otherwise, that piece confuses me a bit, which I actually really like. It doesn't seem like it should be recycling or vortexing anywhere as much as it is in that video with the return entering the piece so high above the perc, but I guess the motion of the water moving back down the pillars makes enough downward pull to get that recycling action going. Which is pretty cool. Still though, wouldn't it make more sense to make the recycler return below the pillars, so the fast-moving, cooled water that it provides would have to stay in contact with the vapor during it's entire trip up the pillars? Wouldnt that make for cooler dabs?
I love your knowledge of the function, these details are extremely important. I see a piece and think Damn that looks cool i want it. It's people with knowledge like yourself That save me from buying chuggy hard pulling terribly functioning pieces


Well-Known Member
To answer who I am @VJJJV , I am english speaking and live in the united states. I have a passion for glass that many do not understand. I have been collecting glass for over a decade and have been fortunate enough to have held in my hands and/or hit some of the most sought after and expensive designs in the world of scientific glass. I have spent thousands of dollars on glass in my life. Perhaps even a thousand in the last year and I have really scaled back.

I am not one of these ballers with tons of money. It is hard for me to afford my habit. I have always felt that as much as I love and appreciate american glass the mark up is unjustified in many cases.

After finding FC and the sellers on DHgate I saw there was hope in getting good quality glass for amazing prices. These deals are almost too good to be true and we need to remember how things were and not let ourselves get greedy asking for too much and for absurdly cheap prices.

You guys are requesting some new glass tech from some of the top names that sells for thousands. Please be realistic with request. Even if we could get some of these they would be over a hundred maybe and people would bitch. Please lower your expectations a little, you are already being hooked the fuck up.

When I request a design I try to be extremely impartial to my own feelings and go solely off what is the best design for intended function and what will get the most sales across the board. Like I said before FC accounts for a very small amount of glass sales in the entire market. We cannot be the minority trying to speak for the majority. Truth is the majority combusts :disgust:

The market has moved away from male joints and domes and now uses primarily domeless. Now with bangers and honey buckets available with male joints even modern day "oil rigs" are made with female joints. This is nice for everyone and helps with compatibility. For this reason almost all rigs made from this point will be either female 14mm or 18mm.

The market has moved away from straight neck. It is somewhere between sidecars, bent necks, and angled straight necks. I am pretty sure everyone would prefer one of those over straight vertical neck but there will always be some argument.

I did a decent amount of legwork to make this happen. I contacted many sellers with my glass knowledge and suggestions and it took a long time to find someone willing to listen and trust me. Lots of people think they are experts and want to say how things should be. I am not trying to speak for everyone with my own opinion. I am doing my best to give the people what they want and make sure what they want is a good idea. For example a fab egg recycler is a bad idea function wise, go watch a video @huffyglass on istagram.

There is always going to be someone who wants something made differently or disagrees with the final product. If that happens to be you in any case I am sorry that sucks but maybe the next piece will be perfect for you.... And also someone else will hate it
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Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
I think you are handling everything in exactly the right way with great balanced perspective amidst the hordes of the cheap glass hungry FC masses. :tup: I feel fortunate you are acting on our behalf, I could never accomplish what you are doing, but very happy to benefit from it!

To answer who I am @VJJJV , I am english speaking and live in the united states. I have a passion for glass that many do not understand. I have been collecting glass for over a decade and have been fortunate enough to have held in my hands and/or hit some of the most sought after and expensive designs in the wold of scientific glass. I have spent thousands of dollars on glass in my life. Perhaps even a thousand in the last year and I have really scaled back.

I am not one of these ballers with tons of money. It is hard for me to afford my habit. I have always felt that as much as I love and appreciate american glass the mark up is unjustified in many cases.

After finding FC and the sellers on DHgate I saw there was hope in getting good quality glass for amazing prices. These deals are almost too good to be true and we need to remember how things were and not let ourselves get greedy asking for too much and for absurdly cheap prices.

You guys are requesting some new glass tech from some of the top names that sells for thousands. Please be realistic with request. Even if we could get some of these they would be over a hundred maybe and people would bitch. Please lower your expectations a little, you are already being hooked the fuck up.

When I request a design I try to be extremely impartial to my own feelings and go solely off what is the best design for intended function and what will get the most sales across the board. Like I said before FC accounts for a very small amount of glass sales in the entire market. We cannot be the minority trying to speak for the majority. Truth is the majority combusts :disgust:

The market has moved away from male joints and domes and now uses primarily domeless. Now with bangers and honey buckets available with male joints even modern day "oil rigs" are made with female joints. This is nice for everyone and helps with compatibility. For this reason almost all rigs made from this point will be either female 14mm or 18mm.

The market has moved away from straight neck. It is somewhere between sidecars, bent necks, and angled straight necks. I am pretty sure everyone would prefer one of those over straight vertical neck but there will always be some argument.

I did a decent amount of legwork to make this happen. I contacted many sellers with my glass knowledge and suggestions and it took a long time to find someone willing to listen and trust me. Lots of people think they are experts and want to say how things should be. I am not trying to speak for everyone with my own opinion. I am doing my best to give the people what they want and make sure what they want is a good idea. For example a fab egg recycler is a bad idea function wise, go watch a video @huffyglass on istagram.

There is always going to be someone who wants something made differently or disagrees with the final product. If that happens to be you in any case I am sorry that sucks but maybe the next piece will be perfect for you.... And also someone else will hate it


Member, Known Well
I think you are handling everything in exactly the right way with great balanced perspective amidst the hordes of the cheap glass hungry FC masses. :tup: I feel fortunate you are acting on our behalf, I could never accomplish what you are doing, but very happy to benefit from it!

My thoughts exactly, well said.

We all benefit with any of these new designs. Some are looking great, some "meh." The ones I don't like simply don't apply to me (I don't do dabs for instance). You won't see me commenting on these pieces as that would just contribute to the clutter.

That being said, thanks to @blankrider & others, I have some pretty cool options that I didn't have two weeks ago. For that I am grateful.


These deals are almost too good to be true and we need to remember how things were and not let ourselves get greedy asking for too much and for absurdly cheap prices.

I keep trying to reiterate this sentiment, just take a look back to the beginning of the Cheap Bubbler thread. Cheap meant < $100 and it was usually < 3mm glass.

I'm blown away by how fast Steven has taken to your design requests. Keep up the good work @blankrider , much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
To anyone concerned about the diffusion pump, the bead at the bottom is indeed glass and the height of the neck is being adjusted.

Both the mini and full size peyote pillar will hopefully not exceed $100. My goal is to not exceed that price with any of these pieces. I just want everyone to remember the prices of the actual name brand stuff and even american copies. It is anywhere from 3 to 10 times more expensive! We all just won the lotto and need to quit fighting over the winnings
To anyone concerned about the diffusion pump, the bead at the bottom is indeed glass and the height of the neck is being adjusted.

Both the mini and full size peyote pillar will hopefully not exceed $100. My goal is to not exceed that price with any of these pieces. I just want everyone to remember the prices of the actual name brand stuff and even american copies. It is anywhere from 3 to 10 times more expensive! We all just won the lotto and need to quit fighting over the winnings
PREACH!!! I'm just sitting here getting G.A.S that's building to heartburn.


No clue what I did yesterday
As long as we stay below a $100 I don't think anyone will complain. Especially for the large pillar. Which I can't wait to see.

So is the design for the mini pillar locked in then? What about any of the other planed pieces? I mean is most stuff already decided and locked in by steve or whoever? Can people still make suggestions on the design (small and/or large changes?) or should we move on to new ideas? Maybe some rough guidelines on how to participate in this thread?

Oh and then also thank you for the explanation, very nicely written. So yeah, thanks a lot, for getting this all started and making this a reality.


Well-Known Member
Ummm I guess the guidelines would be if you feel as though you have a great idea for a piece or how a piece could be made better feel free to submit it to me. Just tag me in your post and I promise to review it. If it actually is a good idea it should be well received by the community and receive lots of likes. If people don't like it then don't push it and move on to the next idea.

Ideas submitted with illustrations are most helpful.

I appreciate help from other people with extensive glass knowledge. If you have used a lot of designs or have a rich friend who owns everything please contribute. If you have only hit a few different pipes then you probably don't know a ton and some things that seem like good ideas are actually not. Not saying that a novice or non smoker couldn't come up with something that would make all our heads spin

If you come up with something you think is new and amazing and never been made maybe pm me. I promise not to steal it. I cannot make you rich but I might be able to get your idea produced. Can't promise any more than that though


Well-Known Member
Just post pics like the one I did in the op, or like the illustrations posted, Describe the idea, and see how many likes it gets.
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No clue what I did yesterday
Perhaps we should rather aim to make glass that sells really well for now. That way we can gain more traction, maybe get other sellers on board.

edit: another idea that might help a lot: we can contact local headshops, present them our design, ask them if they want to get in on the order and buy like however many pieces to resell. I could definitely do that, don't know if I can get any of them to sign up, idk, maybe I should buy a FC-187 for showing purposes.

also I can see those torch attached bubblers selling pretty well, while probably being fairly cheap to make.
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Well-Known Member
Perhaps we should rather aim to make glass that sells really well for now. That way we can gain more traction, maybe get other sellers on board.
Well yea, that's what my original intent was when I posted the hybrid between the gb-186 and the peyote pillar. Figured I'd post any other pics in here to get a feel for how many people would be interested in purchasing them, instead of taking a headcount in the other thread, and wasting space there.

Note how the stem is low enough for a nano and gong to sit on it, without havingthe top (bottom) of the nano oo much higher than the top of the can. The new neck also allows for a bent-neck style with the new mouthpiece, while still allowing the user to look directly into the can, which imo is one of the best features of the gb-186.


It also addresses the problem of water pooling in this area.
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