Custom Glass Ideas/Designs Thread


Well-Known Member
@Monsoon on what changes do you propose for the diffusion pump to help with the splash in the neck?

I thought it might have something to do with the water level in the piece. I'm at a disadvantage on this one because I have not used an actual diffusion pump

Here are some pics of my piece to show how everything is positioned:

I'd say make the mouthpiece joint higher on the can relative to the perc and angle it more like the picture. Maybe a bit more space above the perc too to allow it to bubble in the can.


Well-Known Member
Very cool! I do think the mouthpiece should come out of the can tho instead of from a box on top. Also, it shouldn't allow any water that gets splashed up into it, to pool there. Unlike the gb-186 mouthpiece.

I think instead of more pillars a different full size version would be the way to go. Then there would be both options. The full size could have a matrix perc and like 8 arms and stand 14 inches tall

The pillar one you posted isn't full size?

Perhaps if it is a smaller version than the full sized one could have a slightly different design (like the pic I made) to offer a couple options. Maybe make the smaller one the sidecar if people must have a sidecar option. Also, see if he can put the stem lower so when the vape is on it, the center of gravity isnt so high. That's why I lowered it in the OP.
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Well-Known Member
My :2c: on that revision:

Inlet joint:
I prefer having it at the top of the dry chamber, mainly because it allows the volume of that chamber to be used. Plus I think it looks kinda cool to see the dry vapor swirl around in there for a second before it drops down through the matrix perc.

What you've drawn there is a "bent neck" design. (Mouthpiece comes out of the top of the can then bends back)
I'd personally much rather see either a regular sidecar, a bubbler style mouthpiece (basically a bent neck but it comes out of the top of the back of the can, not the back of the top of the can if that makes sense...) or a knockoff of the SG natty splash mouthpiece design (though I notice most natty splash mouthpieces are still vertical, I was thinking more natty splash style mouthpiece, that's at a 45 degree or so angle...).

A matrix perc is basically a high end gridded showerhead, but instead of actually gridding the slits, there are bands inside the perc that break up each slit into smaller holes.

I don't really agree here.

Sidecars give you basically the best view possible of the can...
I don't understand how a vape on top of the can obscures vision when the sidecar gives you a side on view of the can...
The only way I can see a sidecar having an obsecured view is if they put the joint facing the user...

Also, I really only see the stability argument being valid while a vape is perched on top of the piece... And that's when a piece is at its least stable...
Any glass with a vape on it is gonna be a bit unstable (even a nice stable design with a dewaar joint, once you put a vape on that it'll raise the centre of gravity and make it somewhat more prone to tipping.)

Especially with a larger piece like a pillar, unless the mouthpiece is absurdly long and heavy, its not going to be a major factor in how stable the thing is, but having a vape perched on it will be majorly important.

IMO it should be
-attach vape to glass
-take hit
-detach vape from glass

So the main importance imo is to have a piece that is stable when standing on its own.
Do you have a gb-186? If so, you'll see what I mean by stability when the vape is on it. Ive bumped it pretty hard by accident and it doesn't rock or tip over.

Also, sidecars you have to look from the side. What if you don't like the side it's on.

Also, when a vape is on top of the can, it prevents there from being all empty space inside. It requires a big glass tube instead right down the middle.

Sidecars are alright, but definitely not for everyone. Symmetrical pieces with stems and mouthpieces coming out of opposite sides of the piece are very aesthetically pleasing for a lot of people. They'd why the gb-186 sold so well.

The piece I photoshopped is a blend of the gb-186 and the peyote pillar (with either a matrix or peyote perc in the bottom), and a larger can are a on top for more vapor volume It also has a mouthpiece that isn't too one side l, and won't let water pool in it on big strong hits.

I definitely don't think most pieces we get made should be sidecars. Maybe offer sidecar versions, but not everyone likes those.


Well-Known Member
We should get an FC poll going on necks. I have seen polls on here but don't know how to make one.

I think the majority of people want sidecar or a straight angled neck. That is what seems to be most popular from my observation. Most people want their sidecar mouthpiece on the left side of the can. Angled straight neck is a great compromise but what is the preferred angle?

Then bent neck would come in second and straight neck in third.

@EverythingsHazy you will be happy to know that I used your image when requesting a large version peyote pillar. The only thing I would change is the height of the joint. It is a bit low. And I understand you did that for stability but I think it should be centered on the middle chamber instead of at the bottom


Well-Known Member
@EverythingsHazy you will be happy to know that I used your image when requesting a large version peyote pillar. The only thing I would change is the height of the joint. It is a bit low. And I understand you did that for stability but I think it should be centered on the middle chamber instead of at the bottom

I am happy lol

The joint could go up a bit, I just don't want the nano to be taller than the can. It should stop about an 2-3 inches under the top of the can. under the top, when connected with the gong.
Basically a gb-186 with different percs and a note functional mouthpiece.

And yes, female joints. The china factories love to make awesome pieces and curse them with a male 14mm joint without a second option lmao

Very curious to see how the full sized one comes out.
Shod be awesome. And it looks like a bunch will be buying it based on likes/comments.

Mister G

Deceptively Old Fart
I am most interested in the diffiusion pump and the MS Incycler, gonna pass for now on the new GB187 and pillar, but maybe down the line....can't buy em all...or can I?

I love sidecars, bent necks too, what I absolutely won't buy is a straight neck. I'm pretty sure the majority here fall in that group, can be more certain of that than guessing the preference of sidecar vs bentneck.

My current main piece is the D022, what I like about it that nobody has mentioned is that the second chamber of the pipe somehow buffers the internal air pressure which completely prevents vapor recoil (vapor going backwards up through the vape). I use a Versa Infinity and all my other china pieces (D020, D020D, GB189) recoil a lot (I prefer using a claisen with a plug carb, so I don't lift the vape off until I'm done with a bowl). I'm not sure which vapes have this issue (may be isolated to vapes that invert on a WT like mostly log vapes and the Evo), so double-chambers may only benefit a minority group this way. I know only a handful of FCers have the Infinity, which is not on the market.

Great work here everybody!
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Well-Known Member
Mothership style torus and klein are on the way.

Apparently he already produced them once for someone else, not sure who, and was afraid if he made him for us that he would lose major business. The way I understand it is the ones he produced before had logos and everything so the person must have been selling counterfeits. I think that Steven even thought he was making them for the mothership company for a while.

I explained the difference between a replica which we want, and a counterfeit which we don't. He should be making them for us soon with no labels and hopefully not lose his other business.


Well-Known Member
Also, in regards to the neck of the mouthpiece, a neck like te gb-186 would be fine for the one I photoshopped as well, but as long as the bottom part isn't coming out of the side of the can at 90 degree angle. It has to go up a little to let the water flow back into the can if it bubbles into the mouthpiece neck. I sent you a pick of what I mean @blankrider.

I don't think the mouthpiece should come out of the top of the can tho because pressure on it while hitting, can tip it easier that way. Out of the back of the can like the gb-186 is perfect. That's why that piece sells so much. It's designed really really well.
I can edit the pic if you'd need.
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Pining for the Mountains
I wish there was a way to edit posts after the couple hour limit on FC. Would be nice if the OP could be continuously updated with links to the pieces created in here.

Speaking of which, anyone have a link to the FC-187? And yes, I'd love a Clear size version of that.


Well-Known Member
Also, in regards to the neck of the mouthpiece, a neck like te gb-186 would be fine for the one I photoshopped as well, but as long as the bottom part isn't coming out of the side of the can at 90 degree angle. It has to go up a little to let the water flow back into the can if it bubbles into the mouthpiece neck.
My D020-d honestly does that pretty well. Very similar to the gb-186 mouthpiece but with a much smoother transition between mouthpiece and can. Simple yet effective, as long as you don't have any angles greater than 90 degrees, as you said.

Also, so seriously stoked about that diffusion pump! @blankrider, have you confirmed with Steven that the ball in the valve is glass? It looks a bit ambiguous in that video.
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Well-Known Member
If you turn up the volume on the diffusion pump vid I swear I can hear what sounds like a glass ball clanking around in there.

I for 1 will buy the mini pillar and diffusion pump the moment they are finalized and available.
I second that, will buy one of each too. Or two.


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking this forum for a while, but had to register now as this is too awesome not to be a part of! The designs i want to see on DHgate has been mentioned already, like various Motherships, SGW waffle perc and the Peyote pillar.

The Peyote pillar prototype looks awesome, but i think it would be way better with a mouthpiece like the GB-186 has. Something like this:

And maybe have the mouthpiece reinforced like the FC-187. The joint should also be a female 18.8mm joint, and maybe be placed a little higher/made longer so the bowl can be seen when hitting it. I would also like a matrix perc in the bottom as the chinese matrix percs are very good. We dont need them "inventing" a new perc like they do some times.
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Well-Known Member
I have been lurking this forum for a while, but had to register now as this is too awesome not to be a part of! The designs i want to see on DHgate has been mentioned already, like various Motherships, SGW waffle perc and the Peyote pillar.

The Peyote pillar prototype looks awesome, but i think it would be way better with a mouthpiece like the GB-186 has. Something like this:

And maybe have the mouthpiece reinforced like the FC-187. The joint should also be a female 18.8mm joint.
What about a side car version too?


No clue what I did yesterday
Wow, I passed out, I wake up, there's a video of a pillar... what... I'm pretty sure the ability of these chinese glass blowers is greatly underestimated. I need to learn chinese...

btw. I was wondering about you @blankrider, do you like live in china or around? or how come you're in direct contact with steven?

That diffusion pump looks pretty great, only splashback or the water level seem to be a problem for that. Otherwise that thing is almost ready.

Regarding that glorious pillar:
  • Anything below 4 tubes is just stupid (constructive criticism right here), 6 tubes would be plenty, only larger pieces will really need more, 5 tubes I think could be a great compromise on this current design
  • Regarding the neck, I don't think I care too much I guess, well I'm trying to work out a new design that allows me to clearly see what's happening in the pillar
  • In the video the endings of the pillar section are flat like a honeycomb disc. If they could be a little curved, so that the water flows more easily towards the center and tubes. See here. Even in the bottom I think this should be present, so that the water makes it into the tubes more easily.
  • For the size of the joint it seems like people want 18mm females? Why not 14mm? What makes 18mm better? 14mm allows for smaller domeless nails that require less heating I found. And just in general I'm starting to like 14mm a lot more.
  • btw. we should probably put a name on these, so we don't get confused if we come up with another pillar design?
Reading about the counterfeit issue: I don't think we should leave these unbranded. Rather we should brand them, with a logo or so that we create. That way it should eventually become harder to sell these at upped prices or as counterfeits. A lot of $500+ has no branding and is just clear, so I could just say this FC-187 is done by this dude I know in the forest.

So we might wanna put a logo on that basically tells you that it's cheap from china. Of course we don't want a logo that just looks stupid and makes your friends laugh at you. Maybe a "cool" logo which says "Made in China!". Another idea: "Less than 100". That tells you it cost less than a 100... duh. Or idk. I just hate the thought of someone getting tricked into buying a $40 piece for more 200 or more.

Oh also.. future wise with the pillar: how about a pillar in a nectar collector? Or in something like

Another thing: are we going to get laser etching in china soon or some day? I think I saw someone say that they're trying currently.
And if you just read this entire post thank you for reading it :p


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking this forum for a while, but had to register now as this is too awesome not to be a part of! The designs i want to see on DHgate has been mentioned already, like various Motherships, SGW waffle perc and the Peyote pillar.

The Peyote pillar prototype looks awesome, but i think it would be way better with a mouthpiece like the GB-186 has. Something like this:

And maybe have the mouthpiece reinforced like the FC-187. The joint should also be a female 18.8mm joint, and maybe be placed a little higher/made longer so the bowl can be seen when hitting it. I would also like a matrix perc in the bottom as the chinese matrix percs are very good. We dont need them "inventing" a new perc like they do some times.

I agree. Id like the piece connecting the mouthpiece to come out of the can at a bit of an upward angle tho to let water pour back into the can instead of pooling like it does on the existing gb186

I'll post a pic in a bit.
What about a side car version too?

Sure. It'd be cool if both were produced, but I wouldn't make just the sidecar.

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I think instead of more pillars a different full size version would be the way to go. Then there would be both options. The full size could have a matrix perc and like 8 arms and stand 14 inches tall
THAT sounds awesome.
I fully understand how awesome and cheap all this stuff is, but the pillar in that vid left me underwhelmed...
(Side note, perhaps you could explain to them that when we want a water test we are happy to see it firing with no smoke, we just want to see how the water travels... A big bong hit of tobacco like that would be ROUGH)
IMO it really should be 6 pillars minimum.
I'm not familiar with the SG mini pillar, but if that only has 4 pillars then I don't like the original either :lol:

But really, is it just me that thinks that little bulb on the top to add the sidecar just looks janky?
Either have it come out of the main can or change the mouthpiece...

The diffusion pump looks awesome. As has already been said, just move the mouthpiece up a lil bit (and maybe switch that male joint for a female ;))

If that large pillar comes to fruition I'm all over it :D
The mini in the video I'd personally pass on ATM...

Very cool! I do think the mouthpiece should come out of the can tho instead of from a box on top. Also, it shouldn't allow any water that gets splashed up into it, to pool there. Unlike the gb-186 mouthpiece.

The pillar one you posted isn't full size?

Perhaps if it is a smaller version than the full sized one could have a slightly different design (like the pic I made) to offer a couple options. Maybe make the smaller one the sidecar if people must have a sidecar option. Also, see if he can put the stem lower so when the vape is on it, the center of gravity isnt so high. That's why I lowered it in the OP.
I don't get any pooling in my gb186 at all?
Any stacking in the mouthpiece i get is due to water stacking all the way up the can, not being caught in the mouthpiece.

The high stem is part of the functional design of the pillar though...
It allows the first dry chamber to add to the volume of the piece and let you vapor collect for a second before going through the perc.

Do you have a gb-186? If so, you'll see what I mean by stability when the vape is on it. Ive bumped it pretty hard by accident and it doesn't rock or tip over.
I've jumped on more china glass than I care to admit, yeah, I have a gb186 ;)
I guess my point about stability is that if you want the piece to be stable, then leaving your vape connected to it is the worst possible thing you can do...
Based on my experience with my gb186, I don't think it would have much different stability if it had a sidecar mouthpiece...
It's relatively bottom heavy, and has a decent base, so its relatively stable...

Also, sidecars you have to look from the side. What if you don't like the side it's on.
Most sidecars tend to be mounted on the left of the can, so a right handed user can hold the piece with their left hand, and use their right hand to light a bowl/attach a vape/dab.
Do you honestly have a preference which side of the bong you look at?
It's a cylinder, with rotationally symmetrical innards, I don't see how any "side" is different to another when looking at the piece.

Also, when a vape is on top of the can, it prevents there from being all empty space inside. It requires a big glass tube instead right down the middle.
But that doesn't exactly obscure vision, which was your objection?

Sidecars are alright, but definitely not for everyone. Symmetrical pieces with stems and mouthpieces coming out of opposite sides of the piece are very aesthetically pleasing for a lot of people. They'd why the gb-186 sold so well.
I agree with you they're not for everyone, I didn't mean to imply that, tbh sidecar is actually my 3rd preference for mouthpiece style on the pillar.
My preference would be:
1 - bubbler style
2 - SG natty splash style (angled, not straight neck)
3 - sidecar
4 - bent neck/angled straight neck
5 - straight neck

I guess I just don't see some of your objections to the sidecar style...

If its just aesthetics then there's no argument, since its just a personal preference matter, but I'm getting the vibe that you think it actively degrades the functionality of a piece, which I just don't get...

Also, I didn't that the gb186 was that good of a seller?
Hardly ever hear it actually talked about by someone who owns it...
The 187 I thought was the one that's been selling like gangbusters?

Regarding that glorious pillar:
  • Anything below 4 tubes is just stupid (constructive criticism right here), 6 tubes would be plenty, only larger pieces will really need more, 5 tubes I think could be a great compromise on this current design
  • Regarding the neck, I don't think I care too much I guess, well I'm trying to work out a new design that allows me to clearly see what's happening in the pillar
  • In the video the endings of the pillar section are flat like a honeycomb disc. If they could be a little curved, so that the water flows more easily towards the center and tubes. See here. Even in the bottom I think this should be present, so that the water makes it into the tubes more easily.
  • For the size of the joint it seems like people want 18mm females? Why not 14mm? What makes 18mm better? 14mm allows for smaller domeless nails that require less heating I found. And just in general I'm starting to like 14mm a lot more.
  • btw. we should probably put a name on these, so we don't get confused if we come up with another pillar design?
Reading about the counterfeit issue: I don't think we should leave these unbranded. Rather we should brand them, with a logo or so that we create. That way it should eventually become harder to sell these at upped prices or as counterfeits. A lot of $500+ has no branding and is just clear, so I could just say this FC-187 is done by this dude I know in the forest.

So we might wanna put a logo on that basically tells you that it's cheap from china. Of course we don't want a logo that just looks stupid and makes your friends laugh at you. Maybe a "cool" logo which says "Made in China!". Another idea: "Less than 100". That tells you it cost less than a 100... duh. Or idk. I just hate the thought of someone getting tricked into buying a $40 piece for more 200 or more.

And if you just read this entire post thank you for reading it :p

I agree, more tubes ideally.

A sidecar really would give the best, most unimpressed view of it.
Anything symmetrical, you have to look over/under/around the mouthpiece to see the can.
With a sidecar, none of the mouthpiece, (or any part of the design really) is there to impede your view of the can.

I don't see those curves at the top of the pillar as being fundamental to the design, but I guess it'd be nice if they were present.

18mm female is IME the most easily adapted universal joint.
Want it to be 14mm female? Slap a reducer adapter in there and it is ready to go.
Want to expand a 14mm female to 18mm female? You need an expander adapter which adds height and looks worse IMO.
I also find that male to male adapters are way ore common than female-female, hence the female preference.
To me, a 14mm female joint is just as useless as a 14mm male joint - if I want to do anything with it I'll be pulling out the chain of adapters...

Name - mini pillar?
I hope we can go with descriptive names or come up with model names or something...
I absolutely hate reading through the cheap bubbler thread when everyone just uses model numbers...
WTF Is a GB-244?
What about a JH-357?
Or a D02-388?
I honesty still have a hard time remembering which one is which between the GB 187 & GB 186... The only time ill remember is if its being talked about in context or if I look it up for the millionth time...

I hope we can steer clear of the logos...
They just make a piece look cheap...
I'm personally not even a fan of name brand labels like sovereignty...
I like the möbius sandblasted labels, and there was similar stuff on my dabuccino, but I really don't like the idea of something that actively labels it as cheap.

It's entirely fair for companies to purchase these items in bulk from china and charge a markup.
There's nothing dishonest about it, its business...
To mark these with labels that identifies them as cheap, I think would definitely hurt potential bulk sales in the future, and may make them less inclined to keep producing these custom pieces for us to begin with... :shrug:
(But mainly its because I don't like the look of labels ;))

We should get an FC poll going on necks. I have seen polls on here but don't know how to make one.

I think the majority of people want sidecar or a straight angled neck. That is what seems to be most popular from my observation. Most people want their sidecar mouthpiece on the left side of the can. Angled straight neck is a great compromise but what is the preferred angle?

Then bent neck would come in second and straight neck in third.

@EverythingsHazy you will be happy to know that I used your image when requesting a large version peyote pillar. The only thing I would change is the height of the joint. It is a bit low. And I understand you did that for stability but I think it should be centered on the middle chamber instead of at the bottom

It's an option at the bottom of the screen when you make a new thread :)

Oops, double post :doh:
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Well-Known Member
Maybe we can have a sidecar version with the vape mounted on top, and another like the pic to offer similar options as the 186/187.
I know I don't like the vape on top, and I like looking down the top of the can vs out of one side of my eye, but for those who do like top mounted vapes, sidecars make more sense. I'll work on some pics after dinner.

--------------------After dinner--------------------

This is the problem area on the original (yes, it's caused by the bubble stacking to the top of the can, AND then getting trapped in the mouthpiece stem and bubbling up.

Suggested fix:
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Well-Known Member
Everyone is getting to wrapped up in their own personal opinion of what is best. I am trying to request the designs that will sell the best and only a single model of each design. Everyone is not going to get exactly what they want. Sorry

There are a good selection of pieces that I am trying to have produced. There will be something for everyone. There does not need to be different joint and neck options for every model.

FC-187 is 18mm female and sidecar mouthpiece

Mini pillar will be 14mm female and sidecar/straight angled mouthpiece

Large pillar will be 18mm female and different mouthpiece. Perhaps bent neck

diffusion pump is 14mm male and bubbler style mouthpiece

ms torus and klein designs are bent neck

and more designs to come....
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