here's a rough shatter video. The first couple draws were whispy. Once it was heated throughly it produced decent clouds. When I open the haze that was after about 8-9 draws into the can and it was clearly still producing a constant stream of vapor. That session could have lasted a lot longer but just for the video I cut it short. Notice I kept it horizontal and even though I'd like to toss it on my WP I wouldn't invert it with concentrates.
Here's some herb in the can... (Unedited)
Herb in the can produces no vapor and gets lost?!?!?!? I think he might be wrong in that review.
Here's the abv after more WP draws....
What do you guys/gals think of this review? Do you agree when he says it does not vaporize concentrates very well and it seems that the vapor is lost someplace in the device? He even mentioned this once with herb.
Do you agree it does not live up to the other units in this price point, even the ones he mentioned?
These statements are the complete opposite of what many of you have said/reviewed. I was able to use a friends and it worked great. I have yet to use a concentrate but I have been told it vapes shatter like the sun is hot.......sooooo I would imagine it could do well with it all and think it will based on all of the feedback here in this lovely thread.
BTW today is my b-day and no, no my girlfriend did not get me the Haze as expected. I'm bummed. Oh well it looks like I'll be ordering it on my own in about 7 days along with a bunch of extra stuff. I think I will give Cathy a call and see if they will honor that discount on more than 2 extra cans when one first purchases the Haze unit. @Haze Vaporizers would this be doable?
Also I was under the impression that some videos of the unit in action were going to be posted here and some more reviews on how it works with everything? Yes/no? I also just wanted to drool more and there are near to no videos of it in action on the net.
First off Happy Birthday @ichibaneye I hope you had a great day and I'm sorry you didn't get your Haze!
Regarding the review. I just got around to watching it now. All I can say is everyone is entitled to their opinion but I have owned the Ascent and still own the Pax and I would take the Haze over both any day of the week! I just think the benefits of the Haze outweigh the advantages either of the two have over it. The Ascent is nice for taste and temp control but it's a pain in the ass everywhere else. Pax is great for stealth but really doesn't offer any other advantage. You buy what you want but these are mysince you asked.
But to say the herb in the can is "a lie" is hilarious! As others have mentioned, most of us use this everyday as their primary method. I bet the dude had the can in backwards or possibly the lid on wrong.
23/32nds x 3/8ths on top with the silicone lidHey could someone please get/give me the outside dimensions at their largest points on the cans for the Haze please? I have an idea and they do not list them on the Haze site from what I could see. Thanks.
23/32nds x 3/8ths on top with the silicone lid
22/32nds x 3/8ths on too without lid
3/8ths tall with silicone lid
5/16ths tall witout lid
No discount codes out there that I am aware of.
All products ship from VaporizerUSA in Alpharetta, GA. They do all the distribution for Haze.
I hope this helps.
well my haze is scheduled to arrive at the manufacturer today. They told me that because mine is an isolated case they are going to examine it and then get back to me on the subject and either give me a new unit or a refund all together. So far, I am the only person to report this off gassing/taste problem so well see how it goes. I really hope they deem that my haze was dysfunctional and functioning irregularly because I really want this to be my next my fingers crossed!
I have been wanting to try firefly for a while, but the thing that keeps me from it is that i am mostly satisfied with my Elevape for on demand pure convection already, so am I fooling myself to think the firefly will fill my current need then?
Hopefully they can be changed via software update someday (likewise battery level indicator), is this possible @Haze Vaporizers ?
Also since I don't have access to concentrates I had been putting the Haze lower on my VAS list, but are there others that use it solely for herb and think it still shines? The ability to have a spare fresh bowl ready, and even more spare fresh bowls in the cans, do seem like pretty nice herbal benefits that other vapes don't offer though. And replaceable batteries is huge, every vape should have them.
Speaking of accessories, I may be able to get by with just the two cans (since the convection screens are kinda like half-cans), but maybe I need another pack of batteries?
And speaking of accessories, @mrweed does that Vaporizer USA code not work anymore? The biggest prevention here is the cost, as id like to be closer to $200 ideally, the Firefly would be $240 for me while the Haze is $250 (probably more with taxes/shipping? Certainly more if I get spare batteries), but I guess Haze is not going to do any sort of coupon codes or sales soon? Is it worth paying full price when I don't have concentrates and I have other vapes I enjoy? Decisions...
@NickDlow I envy you so very much my friend. I have seen a few HAZE mouthpieces and WPAs from @Ed's TnT and they are outstanding! Ed is an absolutely amazing craftsman and his pieces are very much works of art. I hope to order my @Ed's TnT mouthpiece and WPA once he fills his orders and has a chance to sit down and breath for more than a minute.@Shit Snacks there is no chance for combustion with Haze. Also I personally carry 2 extra batteries in my case with me Haze(I have 6). The 2 IMO just doesn't cut it for a solid days use. Two would be good for a light to moderate user IMO. I barley let my Haze cool down lol.
As far as herb only, I believe you still have advantages. Like bowl(s) capacity, pre-packed cans, easy load in/out, the choice between convection and conduction.
Also @Ed's TnT does a great job with the stem and WonG for the Haze. You could very well use your WonG as a stubby MP, I know I have lol but def grab a stem too they are beautiful and they make a great seal with the o-ring and the groove. The groove on the stem keeps it in place too. I wish the original MP had that feature. Also if u store ur MP in ur Haze it fits like the original.
@Shit Snacks there is no chance for combustion with Haze. Also I personally carry 2 extra batteries in my case with me Haze(I have 6). The 2 IMO just doesn't cut it for a solid days use. Two would be good for a light to moderate user IMO. I barley let my Haze cool down lol.
As far as herb only, I believe you still have advantages. Like bowl(s) capacity, pre-packed cans, easy load in/out, the choice between convection and conduction.
Hey you said what I already said and got more likes
Isn't there a rule regarding whining about likes?
To make yourself feel better hurry up and go order one of these I decided to post on the @Ed's TnT thread.