@scottg402 i dont pat down after i pack and i usually fill the can 1/2 or lil under. I will try fill can more and pat down a lil, i will give nick's method a try also
@Jay b, try filling the can up to the top with a very slight tamp.
Because the can is not full, particles are probably making it through the small hole in the front of the can opposite of the hook.
I noticed this as well doing my review. Particle made their way through the notch in the can under the silicone lid.
Make sure that end of the can is tamped a bit.
After I pack a can and put the lid on, I stick a small dabber scoop into the hole and push down on the herb.
I just emailed them.
Yes I agree on the number and have asked about that in the past. What I was told is this...
All problems /suggestions that come through are documented and placed in a shared database. The design team/engineers are expected to review all that information prior to their staff meetings. They then come to the meetings prepared with their opinions and ideas on the feedback.
Phone conversations get lost in translation so this is why it's set up like that. You are dealing with a team of folks at Haze unlike the Indica where Mike is so intimately involved with the customer interface. Of course I am sure he is leading a team too but he seems to be the mastermind!
Both models seem to be working though. Mike has made some great changes and takes care of the issues in his way while the Haze team has demonstrated they can make changes and address customer concerns in quick fashion as well.
I have had Haze respond to me at all hours of the day and night (even on Holiday's). It is pretty rare that I wait more than 4-5 hours for a response (often much less) so I would expect a reply soon.
As for your flashlight I used an old skool Maglight but the room wasn't pitch black. Maybe I mIssey something but I hope not!
@ichibaneye here's a rough shatter video. The first couple draws were whispy. Once it was heated throughly it produced decent clouds. When I open the haze that was after about 8-9 draws into the can and it was clearly still producing a constant stream of vapor. That session could have lasted a lot longer but just for the video I cut it short. Notice I kept it horizontal and even though I'd like to toss it on my WP I wouldn't invert it with concentrates.
Here's some herb in the can... (Unedited)
Herb in the can produces no vapor and gets lost?!?!?!? I think he might be wrong in that review.
Here's the abv after more WP draws....
Hello ladies and gentleman,
Today was a great day. It was a nice steady night in the ER...I was able to get off early....and oh yeah, I've been finally reunited with my Haze! It has been awhile since we parted when I shipped it to Ed for him to prototype some custom mouthpieces (He was even gentleman enough to ship my unit to Haze for me after he perfected its new stem and wong). Jamie at
@Haze Vaporizers ensured that my unit was headed back my direction incredibly quick, and has treated me incredibly well from day 1.
I have the new charger as well, can someone explain its use a little bit to me? I have the cable to plug it in, but what is the other input for? I'm kinda lost with that one. They even included the standard starter kit (batteries, lids, tools, the whole nine), which is a huge bonus.
Fortunately, I had a battery charged (the new ones are charging as we speak in the new charger).
I placed Ed's wooden stem in first and heated it up to setting one and two for a few puffs each to get a sense of the flavor and appreciate it. Firstly, each setting had a very quick heat up time, which I'll clock with a brand new battery. INCREDIBLE flavor from my herb (supposedly White Widow, for anyone that might interest, though I'm not familiar with it) on both settings. No vapor production on setting 1, as expected. Setting 2 was wispy on the first hit but produced very respectable vapor on the next few hits...moreso than I remember.
Up to setting 3. The flavor? Again, very nice. I'm loving these stems
@Ed's TnT! However, it is time for the moment I've been longing for...Ed's wooden 14mm wong. How Ed managed to exceed my expectations? I'll never know. The Haze vapor was very smooth without the water, but through the F-bomb it was equally incredible. I was able to take huge draws from my F-bomb....tons of vapor!
It has been a nice tasty session so far. I wish I could tell you start to finish how many hits I've gotten. But it got interrupted when I had to look for a dog I accidentally let out off the leash (thankfully he returned after awhile and I found him in front of the door). I am still taking nice big hits on level 3 though so I think I've got quite a bit of life left here. I haven't even taken a hit on 4 because the hits on 3 have been so great in terms of flavor and production. However, the next can I load up I will let heat to 4 and see how much I am able to rip on a fresh can!
Ed's and Haze are a great combination, and each was more than worth the wait! The wong of Eds holds the F-bomb in incredibly secure. I can leave the f-bomb on top of the unit and stand the unit upright without any wobble. It feels natural in the hand and the two just fit perfectly.
@Vape Dr. The Haze and F-bomb is as good as any vape as I've tried (Herbalizer, Ascent, and Flowermate)...it is definitely up your alley!
So here is my experience so far with haze as a company. As you all have read I had a little trouble with off gassing. Support told me that AFTER they were done testing they would send me another unit but they recieved the unit with only about 2 hours before they closed that day. I was contacted by Haze and was told that it would still take another day to test, so they offered me either a FULL refund, or a brand new haze shipped OVERNIGHT, free of charge. The guy that I have been in contact with in support has made this the most pleasurable "return" experience I could ever imagine. I dont think ive ever been treated this good from a vape company besides the good guys over at underdog vaporizers. When I first got my Haze I was DREADING returning it because there always crazy turn around times, not so with Haze. I dont believe there was one email that was sent that wasent responded to within at least 3 hours. I was asking tons of questions and each and every one of them was answered with an informative response.
A+++++ all the way around for the Haze support team, I seriously cannot say enough good things about them and I have FULL confidence in their product and their company. Id also like to point out that they paid for shipping both way and like I said offered to overnight it to me, I dont believe any other company would offer this. I cannot wait to use my Haze!!!
Quick note: My haze was off gassing so I was told they are still running tests in a confined glass box so they can "capture" any of the off gassing and test what exactly is coming out of it. I thought that was really cool and even after they send me a replacement they told me they still stay in touch and let me know what exactly went wrong but so far it looks like my incident is completely isolated.
Well......once again I am in the wait. My Haze was scheduled for delivery before 10am this morning, that came and went. I checked the UPS site and now it says by the end of the day. I will update you all when it arrives.....I think I will take a nap to kill some time, that is if I can fall asleep with all of this waiting.
O.k. so my Haze Vaporizer was delivered almost 2 hours ago. I was so damn happy I did not realize I was shaking the UPS guys hand, no wonder the odd look on his face at the time.
@Haze Vaporizers thank you for the awesome service and coming through. Every time I deal with you it just gets better and better. I would have liked to seen just a bit more packing material around the whole Unit box instead of just on top. I used to work with and package delicate electronics and so I am a stickler here. I have not fired up the Haze yet but it does look to be in great condition. The box was not in bad shape for having traveled across the country. Thank you Haze you are the example of excellence.
Here is everything I ordered, I am guessing that my other two cans are in the unit as it states it comes with two when you order just the Haze, so those are not visible in the picture.
While charging the batteries I decided to wipe everything down with iso, it took about 3 q-tips to stop seeing residue from the stainless steel mouthpiece. I also removed some residue from the cans but it was not as prominent. Hurry up and charge, I feel like time is running out...haha!!
I like the fact that it has an inspected and passed qc sticker on it, that adds a little extra piece of mind in my book. I have not popped open the unit yet, the door is more secure than I thought it would be. Any suggestions on getting it to budge for the first time?
One thing I did notice is that I had barely brushed the side of my palm against the battery door without knowing and it popped right open. This worried me, I am hoping once I get a battery in the unit that the extra space it takes up will add some pressure against the door and thus make it less prone to just falling open. I will update you all on this once I have added in the battery.
The Haze feels great in my hand and I was blessed with my mothers small hands so that says a lot because not many things always fit my grip very well. I also decided to pocket the Haze and go about my day here around the house and ran some errands. 2 hours later after sitting, driving and bending it never once felt cumbersome, dug into my leg or thigh, it was right at home in my pockets. Here she is in my hand, I think I'll have to name her after we go on our first date together. I will post more pictures, reviews and have some videos coming soon too, that is after I get in some use with it. At this point I refuse to fire up something, I will wait for the batteries to charge. Thanks again to all that have taken the time to share their thoughts and experiences so far, please continue to do so and once again thank you Haze.
i have a question for Haze owners, is the rubber lid a problem at all? will the rubber lid ever get so hot and melt?
The oven lids aren't silicone anymore. They made them stainless steel. Above the SS is the silicone. Or are you referring to the lids on the can? If so, no they don't melt. I would assume they are designed for high temps.
Hi everyone - looking forward to buying one this week. Here's a dumb question, and apologies if this has been asked and answered. These threads can be tough to search.
Are you supposed to clean the used cans between sessions and if so, how? I can only find cleaning info for the mouthpiece and the unit itself, but not the cans. I've never used concentrates before but it seems like any melted wax or whatever would need to be cleaned out before reloading, right? Do the cans ever need to be replaced, or are additional cans mostly for convenience sake?
Thanks - this puppy looks awesome.
EDIT: Same question for the oil wicks - are they one-use only or are you supposed to clean them after each use? Thanks!
@Stummies Welcome and asking questions is encouraged here for the most part on FC. At first searches can seem overwhelming but click on advanced and it simplifies searches immensely.
Cleaning the cans is somewhat needed at times and on other times not at all really. Once herbs in the can have been vaporized they may need a little tap or agitation to get out of the cans. Then after cooling down, a few swipes with the supplied brush will get anything left clinging to the can to come loose.
The Haze vaporizes oils, shatter and e-liquids very well and efficiently. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked with these. I have a can of oil that I have been vaporizing off of for 3 days and nights now. I find that with the thicker pg e-juice/e-cig mixtures you should not use the wick because it is far to thick to soak into the wick evenly and also vaporize correctly. Do use the wick with the thinner e-juices however. I recommend setting 2 f0r the thicker e-cig juices and setting 1 or 2 with the thinner e-cig mixtures.
I am am one of the newer owners here and a new user to the Haze, I have however put a lot of time, study, comparison and experimentation when it comes to the use of my Haze. First off it makes things more interesting for me and I admit it here and now I am a geek when it comes to the things I like. That being said, onto my cleaning observations.
-With e-cig/juice it takes a nice long time to vaporize your mixtures off completely, can or can w/wick. It vaporizes the juice very clean and tasty, there is a slight film left behind but is very minute and does not compromise the flavor of a new flavor being introduced to the can. I do recommend getting extra cans because if you want to pop in a totally clean one it does add to the flavor and over all experience because it is a clean can. This goes for anything you are vaporizing if you want that added purity to the experience.
-With oil/shatter/wax it vaporizes these concentrates extremely well and down to a clean can f0r the most part. In the end if you vaporize all of these to completion the only reason I would clean the can is because of a new flavor or strain/extraction and you wanted to kill some time. So I could always get the best overall experience from the cans, I would clean them while at home. I have come to like working with the cans.
The cans do get some discoloration to them on the inside from the heated materials but it is not a residue or anything that degrades or takes away from performance and is very minute. I am also very happy with how evenly the Haze vaporizes herbs. I have put in around 80 rotations of can use on my Haze now and find that cleaning the Haze after 8 cans or so keeps it tasting and functioning like a charm.
I remember reading toward the start of this thread that most of you liked the steel mouthpiece, even at Home. I could be off a bit on what I recall but here is what I like about both of them and how I like to use them.
-The glass mouthpiece: I will always use at Home or while indoors and for the most part not moving around. It delivers an awesome range of flavors and temps when compared to its stainless steel cousin. It also stays cool in your lips no matter what and that just adds another bonus to the experience in my book.
-The stainless mouthpiece: It also is great for any situation but shines in cold weather and on the go use. When using this mouthpiece you connect and complete a full stainless path vaporizing experience. Cool, right! It felt great on my lips on a 38 degree morning and it holds onto the heat when compared to the glass and I found this to be nice while out in the cold air. I also used this mouthpiece while out mountain biking, the machining on it is impressive and I can now see why it is a little more expensive than the glass piece. You will never be able to break this so it makes it a great go to while out and on the move. Enjoy FC and please do stop by again.
Hi everyone - looking forward to buying one this week. Here's a dumb question, and apologies if this has been asked and answered. These threads can be tough to search.
Are you supposed to clean the used cans between sessions and if so, how? I can only find cleaning info for the mouthpiece and the unit itself, but not the cans. I've never used concentrates before but it seems like any melted wax or whatever would need to be cleaned out before reloading, right? Do the cans ever need to be replaced, or are additional cans mostly for convenience sake?
Thanks - this puppy looks awesome.
EDIT: Same question for the oil wicks - are they one-use only or are you supposed to clean them after each use? Thanks!
When I use wax in the cans, i usually consume them all the way in one session since Haze effectively vaporizes each can with minimum material inside. If I am loading the same strain/shatter/wax in the can, i do not clean the cans. If I am switching the content, I usually soak the cans inside an ISO filled cup and swap the inside with a q-tip. They are super easy to clean. When I use dry herb in the cans, I do not even clean them for at 8-10 sessions since all you do is dump the content, give it a quick brush with the tool that they provided and reload new content. It takes 2 seconds to do this. E-liquids, I do not do often at all but the wicks inside are reusable. Again as far as I use the same flavor e-liquid, I never change them. I take them out, q-tip the base and place them back in. They sell 5 pack replacement wicks and I got 2 of those so far. I use them for different flavors if I have company who enjoys liquids. You do not need a new can at all since they are stainless steel and very durable. Your can lids may discolor in the future if you are a heavy wax user and they do sell 5 pack lids as well. You can get the lids only, no extra cans necessary in my opinion. I have so many cans at home but I got them exclusively for pre-packing the dry herb. They are all loaded and ready to go. If I am going out, i just grab several cans from my drawer and hit the road. Hope this helps.
Hi everyone - looking forward to buying one this week. Here's a dumb question, and apologies if this has been asked and answered. These threads can be tough to search.
Are you supposed to clean the used cans between sessions and if so, how? I can only find cleaning info for the mouthpiece and the unit itself, but not the cans. I've never used concentrates before but it seems like any melted wax or whatever would need to be cleaned out before reloading, right? Do the cans ever need to be replaced, or are additional cans mostly for convenience sake?
Thanks - this puppy looks awesome.
EDIT: Same question for the oil wicks - are they one-use only or are you supposed to clean them after each use? Thanks!
Welcome Stummies!
Well the boys have done a great job of answering your question but I figured I would throw my

in as well.
I give my cans an ISO bath after every use. That said I do realize this is a bit overkill. There have been occasions when I just dump and wipe them out but since I have so many I generally just throw them in the bath and agitate to shake the extra residue clean.
I recently went back and tried both the convection and conduction screens again. I have not done this since nearly day one of owning the first Haze units to hit the street. I must say that the flavor and performance is slightly different for all three methods and it's kinda nice for a change once and a while.
That said while you may give up a touch in taste with the cans, the advantages are great.
Most of us here on the forum use the cans exclusively because we actually think the Haze performs better with the cans. Vapor quality is excellent and abv comes out even and dark brown with no stirring.
I also found the cleaning with the screens to be a bit more painful. The beauty of the cans is you remove them completely from the device for cleaning so you keep the device itself itself pretty spotless. If you use the herb in the can method regularly you only need to wipe down your device periodically and run a iso dipped q-tip down the draw channel.
When using the screens you can get herb everywhere and it becomes just like a lot of other vapes out there as far as cleaning goes. Not terrible but you will find the cans more convenient.
So this is my long way of agreeing with the other guys and reccomending you order some extra cans. Whether you use them for the benefit of your cleaning rotation or for the benefit of portability and convenience of swapping out loads, you will no doubt find value in having extra's.
Congrats on your decision to go with the Haze! There are a lot of choices at this price point but not too many devices as flexible as the Haze and even fewer that can match the service and responsiveness of the
@Haze Vaporizers team! I think you're going to love it like the rest of us!
I have not had access to concentrates for a while, but a couple weeks ago I was able to get some wax. I have been testing it out in a few of my vapes and I am really really impressed with the Haze.
Not only does it have great flavor but it stays very clean and its easy to work with (I kept it horizontal the whole time, it might not be so clean/easy if you move it all around)
Compared to the Ascent it not only tasted better, produced thicker vapor, and it was much less messy. Overall the Haze did much better than I expected with wax, and I am very pleased.
With dry herb, like many of you, I have found myself exclusively using the cans. I do enjoy the screens, they are a nice change of pace for me, and I can definitely see some people preferring them over the cans. In the end the extreme convenience of the cans won me over. Its so slick pre-packing them, and then just swapping them on the fly. I must admit I do not clean them near as much as some of you guys like Scott, and I have noticed each time you re-use a can the taste diminishes slightly. I will definitely be getting some more cans in the future so that I can continue to procrastinate the cleaning, while still using fresh cans
vape critic review
I had a couple questions about the Haze, I was able to get them answered from Jason @ vaporizerusa who has a direct line with Haze (I also noticed both VaporizerUSA, and Haze are located in the same office complex)
Q. What are the exact Haze temperatures for each level? I've found a couple posts showing 250, 350, 375, 410.
A. We are using a controlled system for temperatures. The approximate temperatures range 250-275 , 350 – 370, 375- 410, 410-470F. The temperature is regulated automatically depending on the consistency of your material. You can use the settings you mentioned safely.
When there is wax content with cans, the system uses a higher value for heating. With conduction screen at low temperature, you will experience the lower end of the range. As an average, you can list them as 250, 350, 375, 410 but the heat exchange system also regulates these temperatures.
Hey everyone - just wanted to follow up on my earlier post about the deal I saw on the Haze. I emailed their sales team with the link and received an immediate response that this online seller is not an authorized dealer, and there has been concern with unauthorized sellers peddling test models or older versions. Haze provided a list of dealers, and all of them are selling the unit for the same $249 or so you see everywhere - so beware, if you see one listed at way below that, it is probably, as I suspected, too good to be true.
@Stummies did you ever order your Haze? I agree with the others on here, just order it directly from Haze. In my thinking this just makes for a better trail later on should any issues ever arise.
Updates: I tried both of the other screens at length and also enjoyed the experience with them both. I specifically liked the Conduction screen it allowed for instant and more substantial vapor. The sessions also were longer but once again the cans delivered a far better taste experience. However this screen did seem way more sensitive to how it reacted to the heat versus the cans based on how the screen was loaded.
As some of you may know I was concerned about the battery door opening on me....well I have been all over the place with the Haze in my pockets, pants pocket, jacket pocket, backpack pocket and in a pocket while out Mountain Biking all day. After all of this the door never once opened and the Haze was right at home while on my Mountain Bike ride. The Haze is a solid unit all around from all of my experiences so far. I put my Haze to work every day for long hours and it still continues to show up for the Job and do it well day in and day out.
If Haze is working on the temps I hope all they really are doing is giving us a bit more range. I currently enjoy the lower settings but would like to see maybe I higher top temp too. I do once again like ALL of the current temperature settings. In the future however, I do agree with what many others have mentioned, that having some type of option in the future on being able to adjust the temps and ranges would be great to have.
-What Friends & other think
I have had some friends over and all of them have enjoyed it, to my surprise all of them now want one. Some of them have other high end vaporizers and it was great to discus and share what we all thought made the Haze stand out. I am excited
@Haze Vaporizers to see what is new on the coming horizon. I'm sure we all are.
Take it easy all and cheers.
Good Evening,
The Haze arrived at my doorstep today, and while the batteries are charging, I explored the piece a little.
I noticed that the stainless steel lids, that are attached to a piece of silicone and then to the door, were uneven.
At first, I thought the glue came off, but as I tried to peek underneath, the whole silicone piece with lids fell off. It doesn't seem to have had any glue around, which seems smart, since this area gets hot and would require high heat resistance.
Anyway, I was able to push it back on. It still doesn't seem to be completely even, but I guess it doesn't have to as it seems to keep the lid shut good enough when I pull through the unit, cold of course.
Seems like I get a little overly cautious whenever I receive a new vape, as i thought my vapman was cracked when I received it, but it turned out to be a perfectly normal seal of the mica material.
Anyone ever managed to get that piece to come off? Haven't seen it mentioned throughout the thread.
Put my off at first, but now I'm a little in awe of the solution they found.
Definitely smells like the usual out-of-the-box robot-farts, so will definitely do burn-offs before it goes live.
Will be back with some feedback in a couple of days.
Already got a response form Haze Tech. regarding the oven lid:
"... This part is not permanently attached to the door on purpose since it expands and shrinks with temperature to achieve a 100% seal during usage. It also allows us not to use any form of harmful material like glue or resin which can be harmful to users. "
good stuff!
Good Evening,
The Haze arrived at my doorstep today, and while the batteries are charging, I explored the piece a little.
I noticed that the stainless steel lids, that are attached to a piece of silicone and then to the door, were uneven.
At first, I thought the glue came off, but as I tried to peek underneath, the whole silicone piece with lids fell off. It doesn't seem to have had any glue around, which seems smart, since this area gets hot and would require high heat resistance.
Anyway, I was able to push it back on. It still doesn't seem to be completely even, but I guess it doesn't have to as it seems to keep the lid shut good enough when I pull through the unit, cold of course.
Seems like I get a little overly cautious whenever I receive a new vape, as i thought my vapman was cracked when I received it, but it turned out to be a perfectly normal seal of the mica material.
Anyone ever managed to get that piece to come off? Haven't seen it mentioned throughout the thread.
Put my off at first, but now I'm a little in awe of the solution they found.
Definitely smells like the usual out-of-the-box robot-farts, so will definitely do burn-offs before it goes live.
Will be back with some feedback in a couple of days.
@sdrsh This is not an issue. The silicon lids are easy to take off and put back on because they are completely flexible.
The SS lids are not as flexible with the metal lids.
Start on the left side and line up the slots for the silicon piece onto the haze door.
Push down on the SS lid while you pull the silicon away from the SS lid on the top and bottom.
This will stretch the silicon and when it un-stretches it will "grab" the pieces on the haze door.
Do the same thing to the other lid.
I swapped out silicon lids for SS lids and it is very easy to do my friend!
Hope this helps.
If you can't get it I will do a video showing you how to do it.
@Vape Dr. , thanks doc, I clarified it with Haze tech. on Friday and have been hazin' it since then.
The lid also hasn't come off again, fits perfectly.
As a couple of you already noted, the mouthpiece really gets stuck in there quickly. At home, this is not an issue, but trying to flick the thing out while taking a walk is a sobering experience.. Have to figure out a strategy for this. I'm not willing to take an extra tool with me solely to pull out the mouthpiece though.
I'm liking it so far, but will spend some more time with it before getting specific.
If you wait for the haze to heat up, the stem slides out much easier.
@NickDlow how do you pack dry herb and wax together in the can with Haze? I would like to try it since it sounds interesting. Do you do like few dabs at the bottom and herb on top? How much do you pack? What setting do you use? Thanks in advance.
i always pack a thin layer of bud about .04 of wax then cover and compress to fit the lid on. always use on setting 4. ive never used the haze on setting 3, might have to try it.
I am unable to put a finger on what it is you mean by "have a fix in the pipeline for everyone" I am curious? Also about your lengthy and wasteful learning curve and oil spillage...... as I never had one problem. I even tried just Kief in the Haze tonight just a tiny bit and it lasted 8 good draws......once again I was extremely surprised and happy.
Did you read the directions? I ask because I believe it states someplace to hold the Haze horizontal for oils/concentrates and to use temperature setting 4. Problems solved.
Haze is working on everything for you, i know it can be frustrating but they will get you all taken care of. I had one issue with mine and no questions asked they got a new Haze out to me. In fact I still need to update the registration numbers.
@Haze Vaporizers even if they are not the same as my original units numbers will that mess up my warranty? I ask because what if let's say another unit has issues or something happens.....how do you keep track? Does the 10 year warranty start from the date the replacement is received?
I think my first one may have even been a version 1 or 1.2 because I could see the red wire too. Now for your list of quirks. 1. Sure turning the Haze off would be nice but this got me thinking. Most warm ups use more power or battery draw to get up to operating temperature versus using less when it hits the desired temp. and thus just cycles now and again to maintain it's heat levels. If you take your draws slow enough and train your eyes on the l.e.d.'s you can feel the unit pulse along with a light fluctuation in brightness on the l.e.d.'s as the Haze maintains it temperatures. I do also planning on getting a couple of thermometers and running a few temperature tests on my newest Haze.
2. The newer battery door has a much better bite to it now with or without the battery in. Although I could see no real changes to it myself it did snug up much better.
3. First time I have heard of the On/Off latch flipping open. If anything mine just got more stiff after more and more use.
4. What parts are loose? The cans work great but are in no way fragile when used normally. Sure they may start to look used but with what we all use them for that will happen. Just like almost anything that sees oils/flowers/heating/concentrates/cooling.
5. The MP breakage is our faults sticky or not. I say this because mine broke because I got impatient with it while trying to get it out and did not keep up on cleaning the unit.
6.When you say cleaning, are you just cleaning the MP or are you also cleaning the draw chamber and o-ring as well? I am able to use 12 cans, clean and go back to vaporizing without having the instant sticking you are speaking about.
7.The Haze just seems to get hot in around the intake areas but if you hold it where the Haze logo is located, you know the solid part on the unit, it does not hardly change temperature and this is on level 4 sessions the whole time while running 4 batteries back to back.
9. The cotton pads are for e-liquid and of that the thinner of the solutions.
Sometimes when products are shipped out defects make it through the cracks or even after inspection things fail. It just happens sometimes but I believe in no way that these things are indicative of a bad product. Especially with such a new and growing company, one with some of the best customer service and communication in the industry I might add. Just keep in contact with Haze and all will be well in the end.
You do not need to register again. Your original registration is good for the duration of the warranty.
PM sent, it will be in "conversations" i believe, as I saw no option to send a message, just start a "conversation".
I responded to your PM. I also want to clarify this one more time in case there are question marks: Every upgrade that has been applied to V1 came from constructive user criticism on this forum. Especially feedback from this thread. People on this forum created the current V2 along with feedback from other buyers. We joined this forum way later than it was established and we joined by your invitation. Constructive feedback is what drives us and what makes this product. Sticky mouthpiece is an issue that we are currently working on. It was included in the previous feedback from you guys but it was on the bottom of the list since it was not a pressing issue. Every vape requires cleaning/maintenance and so does Haze but our goal is to improve the necessity frequency for better user experience. The performance perfection has been our number one goal and the most time sensitive one so that's why the V2 addressed performance upgrades. We will soon announce our new temp settings as well. Thank you all for your positive feedback.
All credit to CK, I just relayed the message.
Okay ,then will push gratitude to the 'both' of you ~ where would all of us be w/o
FC to rely on ?
When using the wax or shatter with the herb I do use a few of the glass flowers. They do get a little messy. I use the same ones over again. I bought a large quantity of the glass flowers. If too dirty after awhile I just toss. They break easy from the high temps occasionally.
They are through Amazon.com.
Touch the image to zoom in
40+ Glass Flower/Daisy Screens For Pipes [40 Pcs w/ 2 Small Containers]
BTW ,Carol ,back in the day some of your tunes were on my playlist