Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.


Well-Known Member
The moment you realize you can do 11v vaping and run 50 watts on a 2.5 ohm RDA.

Ya life just got a little bit foggier.

What is the battery configuration to get 11v? Curious to know this. Reminds me a lot of a Tree of Life mech mod but obviously the 8 is planets ahead. Anxious to pair my 8 with the hercules sr71!
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Well-Known Member
this is for 2.5 ohm rda's you can run it on the 2.3 ohm herc rods but you have to be careful as its not something we will warranty.
Talk about massive clouds on the HERCULES! G, have you personally tried the herc on 11v? I am sure you have done testing on it, how does it compare? 1g shatter vaped in two monster hits? Lol


Well-Known Member
why did i not just pay the extra damn $7 for a second order

i did the same thing a while ago, (before they required all correspondence to be through their "ticket system")
If you call their office, they may be able to cancel the order and create 2 new orders from it.


Accessory supplier
Accessory Maker
Today I'm gonna give
Rebuilding a KISS Globe a try. I got a little over-zealous with a toothpick and broke the wire. I already took it apart. Should be as easy as regular KISS rebuilds. I will post results and photos later.
My 8 Has been delivered! Now I just have to get home from work and...:science::science::science::freak::freak:
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Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
@DieHard Thank you, I always love your reviews! Can't wait to see it! If possible could you note the wire used? I am going to be ordering from kidney puncher for wire for my normal KISS carts, I want to know what you recommend for the globe coils.
Thank you good Sir!:tup:


Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Anyone else have trouble with the ti gr 2 globe coils? All my tops blink 3 times when I try to use it.


Well-Known Member
The 8 has arrived, and I'm looking at a very extended lunch hour. Time for a new thread? :)

Edit: just out of the box, and the first very real thing you notice.. This thing is very REAL. Hefty. Solid. The Persei almost feels like a toy in comparison -- this should scare you! -The Terrestrial
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Well-Known Member
I did my first cleaning on the okeanos today and was thrilled with the oil I was able to salvage out of the piece. A simple scrape with the tool and I had a good .25. I reloaded into the ceramic cup and got a tasty cloud. I'm loving this piece. So functional

Vape Dr.

Well-Known Member
The 8 has arrived, and I'm looking at a very extended lunch hour. Time for a new thread? :)
You lucky dog!
I have to wait for the Okeanos upgrade before I get mine!

I can't wait to hear your thoughts @TommydCat!

@StormyPinkness have you tried swapping batteries?
Did you try cleaning the connections?
I have not had this problem with the Globe coils, but I did with a KISS cart.
I held the button down and then screwed the cart down and it started to work fine for some reason.
Also make sure the coil is not over tightened.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
The 8 has arrived, and I'm looking at a very extended lunch hour. Time for a new thread? :)

no not yet, but soon. Make sure you adjust the center pin this helps with button tension, and a properly adjusted center pin will give you trouble free use.

I did my first cleaning on the okeanos today and was thrilled with the oil I was able to salvage out of the piece. A simple scrape with the tool and I had a good .25. I reloaded into the ceramic cup and got a tasty cloud. I'm loving this piece. So functional

glad you like the piece boss, let us know if you have any suggestions on making it better.

Anyone else have trouble with the ti gr 2 globe coils? All my tops blink 3 times when I try to use it.

batteries all charged? tops work without the carts on? they work with anything else other the Ti's?
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Rhymenocerous ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
@StormyPinkness have you tried swapping batteries?
Did you try cleaning the connections?
I have not had this problem with the Globe coils, but I did with a KISS cart.
I held the button down and then screwed the cart down and it started to work fine for some reason.
Also make sure the coil is not over tightened.

I'm loving the okeanos too. Though I flooded my bottom chamber once and I'm not sure why, I think because the threaded center post in the glass wasn't screwed in tight enough. It might come a little loose when I screw off the mouth piece.

I'll try cleaning the connections, I just figured it was fine because I put the old one back in and it worked. I tried on an omicron lite and the core with the same result. I'll try holding the button while I screw it in. I'll probably order another soon....resisting the urge to get an 8...and an imag+, I need to spread out buying everything they make a little. Thanks dude.

batteries all charged? tops work without the carts on? they work with anything else other the Ti's?

Tried it on omicron lite and persei/core. I put the old globe coil back in and it worked fine. Tops work fine, been using the okeanos on everything but the minicron lite since then. Also kiss carts and of course the herc.


Well-Known Member
My 8 is waiting for me! Yes!! Time to go home early!lol

Edit: noticed some kind of secret code with the 8. Binary code, wonder if this means something. Knowing G and w9 crew, this means something! Futurama reference maybe
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