This scale less than $10?
has anybody tried to talk to Suade?
he has a bunch of cool pieces that ive been looking at, and ive messaged him a couple of times but he made no sense the only message he sent, he hasnt replied yet but im really hoping to get to negotiate with this guy.
I think some of the recent experiences that have been reported highlight the fact that while buying cheap glass from sites such as Dhgate and Aliexpress is great, there are a very limited amount of trustworthy sellers. Honestly, I believe there are still only two, Sunshine Store and Yingmin. Some have been reporting Kathy on Dhgate has improved. I say she is a liar and will never deal with her again. Many have been on here reporting this piece or that piece but the focus must be on the seller, not just the piece. If it is a different seller then you are making the purchase at your own risk. As has been stated before you are unlikely to lose your money. But what price can you put on your time, energy and sanity. There are many sellers who will not hesitate to issue a fake tracking number and then lie to you repeatedly. This is the practice of Kathy which is enough for me to stay way away from her. Sunshine Store and Yingmin will send you what you paid for and they will do it quickly. By all means give others a go. That is how we found the good guys to begin with! But hope for the best and expect the worst if you catch my drift.
I may get flamed for this but I will say it anyway. I strongly suggest that any newcomers to this thread spend some time going through the last 50 or so pages of this thread. The same things are getting asked a lot now and sometimes the answer or video or pics or whatever are just a couple of pages back. Almost all of us who buy something leave a report. Correct me if I am wrong but one of the reasons we all do this is to leave info for those who are looking for information.
Ok, so I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on a D020 as my dedicated oil rig for use with my various Persei's and mostly my Quartz Castle nail. I was considering the 187, but the RooR logo really just looks so unappealing to me lol
Sunshinestore seems to advertise to D020 as being 12cm tall. So this makes it a mini-bubbler then. I am given to understand that this is a better kind of size for an oil rig than something larger, am I on the right track?
Maybe we should assign unofficial "Approved by FC Cheap Bastards" labels to the best SS and Y5 purchases.
187 I think would qualify, but I don't own one. Others would be D020, D020-D, D020-W, GB186 through GB189. I'm sure there are many more.
Yea I love/hate the function on here that doesn't keep emailing you of post if you haven't went to view the last one, I love It because it doesn't keep flooding my email but I hate it because it kinda slips my kind some days and when I finally realize I haven't been on in a while i have 4 or 5 pages to catch up on lolI was gone for like a week and now I have to read 22 pages to get caught up. Holy shit!!!
And there is so many new deals!
My postman is going to have his hands full
This scale is such a good deal.
That is cute. The herbalizer is really a nice looking vape when attached to bubblers!I got one of these as well. .01g? Incredible!
I see a lot of hookahs and straight pieces, also his prices are (relatively) high. Nothing there for me.
EXCELLENT advice. I ordered from kathy cuz she has some small recyclers good for dab rigs. Don't see them on sunshine or yingmin5, unfortunately. Ordered Mon., she has yet to ship. But as @ataxian says, I can wait.
Honestly they logic behind the "smaller rig for dabbing" kind of escapes me. Less room for condensation to occur? Why are larger ones ok for vapor? (I've got a small rig on the way LOL).
As far as the D020 goes, it's working well as a dab rig for me. I would prefer a rig with a male joint. Having a red hot nail in a female joint makes me nervous, although it seems to be fine.
How about a FAQ, or sticky, at least for this forum? A wiki-type deal. It would give the new folks a place to go to ask their questions, and be a great reference for the rest of us. To paraphrase Danny and the Juniors
"Good cheap glass is here to stay, it will never die
It was meant to be that way, though I don't know why
I don't care what people say, good cheap glass is here to stay
(We don't care what people say, good cheap glass is here to stay)"
Here's a new ash catcher I got. Browsing evilbay, I found some my fave China sellers didn't have.
They call it an "onion bulb". Cost about $8 more to have it in 2 days, by ordering form a US seller.
I've been looking for something to really compliment the Lotus. This gives good distance from the torch, and great viewing angles. Takes a surprising amount of water.........Both joints are 14mm, great for fitting the Lotus, but I'm gonna need a smaller scoop for PBW! Got it soaking now, preparing for it's"maiden voyage".
I have the Double Barrel from Btoc, the 187 and some recyclers from Kathy and the Starbud Frapp. IMO dont waste your money on the little recyclers. The double barrel is amazing, it really is. The flavor of some top shelf BHO is much better in this piece than the 187(Probably because of the diffusion). That being said... 187 is a daily driver. Its the Goldie Locks piece, not too big, not too small. 18mm female give you a ton of options. It does have cons. You cant really put a domeless nail straight in it because it gets waay too hot. After a few dabs the glass and the water get too hot to use. All the diffusion is great but it takes away from the taste of oils.( I noticed my flowers more flavorful) The matrix perc is unique. It pulls with the smoothness of a shower head perc but with more water for stacking bubbles. For $10 less than the double barrel it gets the win. Double barrel is just too small to take desktops rips withMaybe we should assign unofficial "Approved by FC Cheap Bastards" labels to the best SS and Y5 purchases.
187 I think would qualify, but I don't own one. Others would be D020, D020-D, D020-W, GB186 through GB189. I'm sure there are many more.
Kathy has been OK!There has been some discussion of vendors, so I figured I should toss my experiences into the ring (as it were) to help give a more balanced perspective.
I've placed a number of orders through AliExpress and DHGate, with three different sellers: Kathy (three orders on AliEx in the second half of 2013 and another in Feb 2014, then a more recent one via DHGate that tracking indicates should probably be delivered tomorrow, ordered only a week and a half ago), Sunshinestore (three separate orders via DHGate), and btoc_jewelry (one order via DHGate).
Apparently I am quite lucky, because every single experience has turned out well. Not one broken piece (although certainly flaws, scratches, and other imperfections associated with cheap glass). Not one fake tracking number or failure to ship. Not one mistakenly shipped item, or screw-up of any kind. I know a lot of people have had bad experiences with Kathy, but technically I've ordered more from her than other vendor, and each time she has come through with no problem. I will say that her shipping has generally been the slowest of the bunch, though not for my most recent order! The double barrel recycler I got from btoc_jewelry feels like an amazing value for what I paid, and was shipped very quickly (and packed 1000% BOMBPROOF...seriously, I had to stop for a dab in the middle of unboxing because it was a herculean All my sunshinestore purchases are good quality and have been shipped complaints.
Personally, I would consider any of the three sellers I've mentioned to be reasonable options for purchasing cheap glass. While it's good to know that others have had not-so-great experiences with Kathy and btoc, I want to reassure those who really want one of their pieces that it's not a complete risk to pull the trigger.
At least, it worked out for me.![]()
I agree the 187 & double barrel are on another level. But for $20-$35 you can't knock the mini's either... Also, I use my nano and LSV with the double barrel just fine, amazing with and without h2o, I would say an EVO would prob be too much possibly...I have the Double Barrel from Btoc, the 187 and some recyclers from Kathy and the Starbud Frapp. IMO dont waste your money on the little recyclers. The double barrel is amazing, it really is. The flavor of some top shelf BHO is much better in this piece than the 187(Probably because of the diffusion). That being said... 187 is a daily driver. Its the Goldie Locks piece, not too big, not too small. 18mm female give you a ton of options. It does have cons. You cant really put a domeless nail straight in it because it gets waay too hot. After a few dabs the glass and the water get too hot to use. All the diffusion is great but it takes away from the taste of oils.( I noticed my flowers more flavorful) The matrix perc is unique. It pulls with the smoothness of a shower head perc but with more water for stacking bubbles. For $10 less than the double barrel it gets the win.
Amen sister, well put! Same seller experiences here, I think that double barrel is amazing. I thought it was going to be huge when I pulled out the layers of bubble wrap. More Bang Bang for your buck for sure!There has been some discussion of vendors, so I figured I should toss my experiences into the ring (as it were) to help give a more balanced perspective.
I've placed a number of orders through AliExpress and DHGate, with three different sellers: Kathy (three orders on AliEx in the second half of 2013 and another in Feb 2014, then a more recent one via DHGate that tracking indicates should probably be delivered tomorrow, ordered only a week and a half ago), Sunshinestore (three separate orders via DHGate), and btoc_jewelry (one order via DHGate).
Apparently I am quite lucky, because every single experience has turned out well. Not one broken piece (although certainly flaws, scratches, and other imperfections associated with cheap glass). Not one fake tracking number or failure to ship. Not one mistakenly shipped item, or screw-up of any kind. I know a lot of people have had bad experiences with Kathy, but technically I've ordered more from her than other vendor, and each time she has come through with no problem. I will say that her shipping has generally been the slowest of the bunch, though not for my most recent order! The double barrel recycler I got from btoc_jewelry feels like an amazing value for what I paid, and was shipped very quickly (and packed 1000% BOMBPROOF...seriously, I had to stop for a dab in the middle of unboxing because it was a herculean All my sunshinestore purchases are good quality and have been shipped complaints.
Personally, I would consider any of the three sellers I've mentioned to be reasonable options for purchasing cheap glass. While it's good to know that others have had not-so-great experiences with Kathy and btoc, I want to reassure those who really want one of their pieces that it's not a complete risk to pull the trigger.
At least, it worked out for me.![]()
This is my GB-189 which is my go to (for now)
Just curious on why it is your "go to" piece?
Bear with me, it is also mine but I can't verbalize why. I have a GB-187 and D020 and they are both great, but this one is more fun. Sidecar maybe?
Mine doesn't create a tornado effect, rather just chaos starting from the closest slit to the furthest (from the down stem), but this works damn well. I also notice more taste with this guy compared to the others.
Curious to hear someone else's experiences.
Sure. My review is several pages back, but in short.
Love the sidecar with nice big trumpet mouthpiece for my fat lips, gives great view of the can and perc from above, also because can top is nice and flat, actually, it dips in the middle a wee bit, but basically flat. In general I love this style can form factor, same as my D020-D, which was my last go to (still love you D!). But the 189 is larger and more voluminous, I'd like to try something one step larger as well. Also, the height and sidecar angle are juuuust right for me to hit it while it's sitting on where I have my table and I don't have to pick it up and hold it, more comfortable for me. Lastly, the base is very wide and stable for my Versa, much less tippy than the other pieces. Actually, most of all, I like the price I paid!
I agree with what you said about the perc, no vortex, however, it does perc well enough for me and makes good bubbles, I'm still chasing the tornado, might pick up the Aliex one being discussed.
Now that I've been looking in a mirror, I notice that my perc is sitting a bit crooked in the can, it's not flat. Still fires ok, leans a bit, but ok. How's yours?
I have the 189 and I have to be honest and say that I don't like it at all. I think I may have a non-functioning perc. When clearing the can it roars like crazy and there is a vortex. However, when I hit it with my E-Nano sitting on top of it the action is really poor. In fact bad enough that I won't use it. It looks awesome but it just chugs. No bubbles at all and just really unpleasant to use. @Mister G is loving his so I don't doubt that it is a good piece. For some reason I just can't get mine to work very well. I wish I knew whyI dont think there are any videos of the GB-189
Just sayn'
Could also use a comparison between it and the 187
Just sayn'
LOL but seriously would be great to hear more about it, size, flavor, diffusion, etc
was going to get something off the sunshine store or whatever on DH, but whoever replied seemed kinda uptight, asked if it was possible to switch out the dome for a flower piece *yes, I combust ;x* & they just seemed to condescendingly reiterate what I already read, oh well. Yingmin got my business, GB-187-1 here I come![]()