Ruler of all things person
That arm hammer bubbler. What are the names they go by? I am thinking of picking up a bub like that hammer.
They still haven refunded you? What a bunch of...![]()
Hey everyone. This thread is awesome. Without this info I probably would of spent like 3x as much on glass. So I wanna thank you guys.
I bought the GB-194 from Yingmin5 and work the piece is amazing to say the least. It took about 10 days to get to me in the EC. I mostly use it for bud and some dabs. (Don't blast me too hard bout combusting)
There are minor imperfections in the glass but its barely noticeable.
But I would highly recommend it, it stacks like no other and is very smooth. It's really hard to believe that I paid $64 for this.... it's easily a $200+ piece. If you guys need a video of the 194 let me know and Ill try to post one up as soon as I can.
Just got my 187 very nice quality. A little deformed near the join but works fine. btoc has not refunded me for 2 orders and is not returning any of my messages.
domeless for sureYeah who knows, so time for another one of my compare and contrast; mini bong q again.
Anyways @Everybody .... which one of kathy's looks better- they're almost the same, cept one has a domeless and is a little bit more vertical.
Good luckhas anybody tried to talk to Suade?
he has a bunch of cool pieces that ive been looking at, and ive messaged him a couple of times but he made no sense the only message he sent, he hasnt replied yet but im really hoping to get to negotiate with this guy.
I love the D020 for Dabbing, the actual usable can measures only 10cm though. Can't go wrong with that little bub!Ok, so I think I'm gonna pull the trigger on a D020 as my dedicated oil rig for use with my various Persei's and mostly my Quartz Castle nail. I was considering the 187, but the RooR logo really just looks so unappealing to me lol
Sunshinestore seems to advertise to D020 as being 12cm tall. So this makes it a mini-bubbler then. I am given to understand that this is a better kind of size for an oil rig than something larger, am I on the right track?
I think some of the recent experiences that have been reported highlight the fact that while buying cheap glass from sites such as Dhgate and Aliexpress is great, there are a very limited amount of trustworthy sellers. Honestly, I believe there are still only two, Sunshine Store and Yingmin. Some have been reporting Kathy on Dhgate has improved. I say she is a liar and will never deal with her again. Many have been on here reporting this piece or that piece but the focus must be on the seller, not just the piece. If it is a different seller then you are making the purchase at your own risk. As has been stated before you are unlikely to lose your money. But what price can you put on your time, energy and sanity. There are many sellers who will not hesitate to issue a fake tracking number and then lie to you repeatedly. This is the practice of Kathy which is enough for me to stay way away from her. Sunshine Store and Yingmin will send you what you paid for and they will do it quickly. By all means give others a go. That is how we found the good guys to begin with! But hope for the best and expect the worst if you catch my drift.
I may get flamed for this but I will say it anyway. I strongly suggest that any newcomers to this thread spend some time going through the last 50 or so pages of this thread. The same things are getting asked a lot now and sometimes the answer or video or pics or whatever are just a couple of pages back. Almost all of us who buy something leave a report. Correct me if I am wrong but one of the reasons we all do this is to leave info for those who are looking for information.
@ou812? Glad your back and still in the glass game!!! I'm stoked your back!!!Hey Gas mates,
Saw that tornado rig and OMG gots to have it,BUT was wondering.... is it a bent neck, thought the video showed it was ,but the crappy pic of it on the site doesnt show you if its bent, looks straight, did any one get one that could chime in with ANY info on tit, looks sweet, I saw that its been deemed 4mm thick
, which is acceptable for me. OK team, thanks
VAS & GAS &............BEST HOBBIES for my stoned azz!
Hey Gas mates,
Saw that tornado rig and OMG gots to have it,BUT was wondering.... is it a bent neck, thought the video showed it was ,but the crappy pic of it on the site doesnt show you if its bent, looks straight, did any one get one that could chime in with ANY info on tit, looks sweet, I saw that its been deemed 4mm thick
, which is acceptable for me. OK team, thanks
VAS & GAS &............BEST HOBBIES for my stoned azz!
thinking bout getting the "knockoff" mobius considering its been two days and still have yet to hear from kathy, and reading a bit back seems like a few people had issues with her despite the good reviews, makes me a lil hesitant to say the least. Either way for liking the design; looks sexy as fuck, any final opinion? Tested my luck and sent a message seeing if $50 out the door would work, ha doubtful but maybe if I hear more good feedback I might pick this badboy up, decisions decisions.
Maybe we should assign unofficial "Approved by FC Cheap Bastards" labels to the best SS and Y5 purchases.
187 I think would quality, but I don't own one. Others would be D020, D020-D, D020-W, GB186 through GB189. I'm sure there are many more.
I ignore the goofy business practices.I have a piece from BTOC and Kathy and both are nice pieces but both purchases were complicated with complaints filed and delayed deliveries. It seems they are just bad with punctuality and executing orders