I recommend the Aerotank Mini over the MPT3. Adjustable airflow is key with stuff as thick as PG. That being said Haywood isn't having any issues with airflow in the MPT3 so it's up to you.
Though I am perfectly happy with the airflow from the mPT3, I'm gonna order one of the ATm's in the next few days because I like the idea of SS versus chrome plated brass.
Anyone know the cheapest place to order a ATm (save me some time in hunting)? Retail seems to be about $30 and the normal USA places I buy from aren't offering it for less yet.
I did have a little leakage from a new atty (the coil assembly part) in the mPT3 the other day. Nothing major, but I was getting a
bunch more gurgle-ing and it did require cleaning the top contact of the battery. It appears to have been due to accumulation of PG in the central tube going up to the mouthpiece, and the corresponding air tube leading to the bottom of the 510 connector. I removed the atty, turned it upside down, heated it up (hair dryer) and drained out all the PG (maybe two or three drops worth, which I vaped on an atty I use for non-liquid concentrates). Then I put it back and cleaned out the central tube going from the atty to the mouthpiece. Good as new now.
One of the things I really like about the mPT3 (and which should apply equally to the ATm) is that I can change out or clean the atty without having to wait until the tank is empty or risk losing a bunch of PG in the process. My first (2.0Ω) atty developed a nasty burnt taste after a gram or two of PG was through it, so I removed it and thoroughly cleaned it. It works like a champ again, with no taste of its own anymore. I'm gonna order one of the custom atty's from the UK site I mentioned in a previous message, and replace the cotton they use with the ceramic mesh wick I have. I think the mPT3 and ARm are the best designed tank/clearo system and I want to see if there's anything to be gained by fooling around with the atty part.

I'm also very interested to hear if the new Kanger atty with the drilled holes and wicks NOT protruding is better or worse than the current ones for PG use. I haven't found anyplace that sells them separately yet.
My GotVapes Sapphire V5 clearos arrived today (along with a couple of ceramic tipped tweezers I ordered from China a month ago), and they're definitely different from the V4's I last purchased. The boxes now have the GotVapes logo as well as the "Sapphire" branding that GotVapes uses for the Bud clearo. Never did before. Also, the clear plastic clearo tank part has a slight blue tint, which it also never did before. I haven't put any PG (or anything) in them, but they seem to have a tighter draw then I remember, though that might actually just be because I'm used to the draw of the mPT3 now, which is
worlds airier than the Sapphire ever was...