I just ordered a couple of KangerTech Protank 3 Mini clearomizers from Fasttech. (
link). Since they're coming from China, I expect to have to wait the usual two weeks or so before they arrive.
I have high hopes that they will be a suitable replacement for the GotVapes Sapphire clearos I've been using for a year or so. They're the same diameter as an eGo battery, use eGo threading rather than 510 threading, (so if you want to attach them to a battery that doesn't have eGo threading you'll need a 510-to-eGo adapter available everywhere for a couple of bucks). They use a pyrex glass tank rather than a cheaper plastic tank. They use a dual coil replaceable atty at 1.5Ω. They take a standard 510 drip tip, rather than one that's built in and not replaceable. They hold a little less than 1.5mL of liquid when full (= 1.5 grams of Pure Gold), and fill from holes in the bottom of the clearo (so you can fill it when it's not empty without making a mess and loosing your precious ambrosia).
So why am I trying something besides my much loved GotVapes Sapphires? The batch of V4's I have just don't seem to be working quite as well as they used to, GotVapes has been out of stock on the V5's for a month or so, and I'm going to run out of my stash of V4's in another month. The batch of V4's I got a while back lose their easy draw after only a gram or two of Pure Gold has been through them. I used to be able to put five or ten grams through them before the draw tightened up, but now I've been tossing them after only two grams have been vaped. I don't care for a super tight draw. The old ones NEVER leaked, no matter what I subjected them to, but about half my V4's have leaked a little when I fly with them (talking about an airplane here, not my state of mind).
I'm also not a fan of duck-bill mouthpieces, which the Sapphire's require, and the Protank 3 Mini lets you use whatever mouthpiece you prefer (I like short Delrin mouthpieces). The Protank's have easily replaced atty's and you can even buy third party atty's (
link) that use a micro-coil and organic cotton which are reported by the e-cig people to rival the most expensive RDA rigs in flavor, throat hit, and vapor clouds. Or if you're so inclined, you can build your own coils (not as trivial a thing as coiling a true rebuildable atty, as it involves using resistance and non-resistance wire and working with tiny parts).
Everything about the KangerTech Protank 3 Mini clearomizer sounds like it will be a winner for Pure Gold, or for any concentrate that has been dissolved in a suitable carrier (either a PG and/or VG mix of your own, or with ejmix). It's a perfect match to an eGo style battery, it holds about the right quantity of liquid (I don't know about you, but I don't want to be using a fat 3 to 5 mL tank; hell, a half mL of liquid will hold me and my friends for days). It's easy to clean, made of the right stuff, and did I mention:
They're really cheap! $7.14 each with free shipping!
Standard KangerTech dual coil replacement atty's are also pretty cheap at Fasttech, with a five pack costing $8.16 (that's $1.63 each for the mathematically disabled among us).
Now that all said, they're brand new and not available yet outside China, so there are zero reviews. I haven't even had one of these in my hand, let alone tried it out. So all that I've read could turn out to be bullshit. They could leak like a sieve for all I know. But I suspect not. Of course, I'll let everyone know once mine arrive, and if they manage to suck for thick liquids (like Pure Gold), you'll all be the first to know. I also plan on ordering a couple of the "third party" atty's I mentioned and linked above, though I must warn you that unlike the clearo and stock atty, the "third party" custom micro-coil isn't cheap ($9.75 each). Yes, that does sound ridiculous; it costs more than the whole Protank 3 Mini. But it's supposed to last for months, and even comes with extra organic cotton which is easily user replaced, and in the grand scheme of things, if it makes the experience much better than the stock atty, it's a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of what we're all putting into it.
Some pictures. Remember it's smaller than the pictures would lead you to believe. Its diameter is the same as a standard eGo battery.