Fair points,
My hesitations aren't really based on any fact, it just makes me a bit uneasy.
I misread your post and did think you meant evap after each water change, so yeah, I'm sure after you gathered up enough resblock water there'd be enough actives in there to make it worthwhile, but I don't particularly want to start hoarding used bong water
You wouldn't be. You'd just have a dirty tray somewhere. By the time you tip the next lot of water in, the previous lot is a dry film on the bottom.
I do feel comfortable vaping herb, it's got an incredibly long history of being consumed by inhalation, which is something I can't necessarily say about cranberries
Cranberries have an even longer history of being put into our bodies.
There's also the risk reward trade off. With MJ, there's the reward (for me) of getting high. With cranberry extract (from a vaporization standpoint) there's no reward (well, I guess there's the actives trapped in the water, but that doesn't seem like enough to justify it for me), so any potential added risk would be enough for me to not want to do it.
The "reward" is the same in either case, "getting high", as you put it. As is the risk, really. If it really bothers you that much, though, just cook with it instead.
Also, by the time we've evapped off the resblock solution, aren't we essentially making a reclaim oil and resblock concentrate?
At that point, yes, but you don't use that stuff directly yet. It's still an interrim stage. The iso wash removes the ionic salts (all the rezblock shit or cranberry extract), and just leaves the non-polar stuff behind (resins, fats and waxes). Polar ionic salts don't significantly dissolve in isopropyl alcohol, so they precipitate into crystals, which can be mechanically filtered. This is the point of the iso wash and filtration step.
Is there any reason to think the concentrated resblock wouldn't make it through the filtering process?
A tiny, tiny (stress,
tiny) amount of crystals
might be small enough to pass through your filter, but here we really can use the word "negligible"; we're long past the point where "concentrated" would apply. Even if they were present in significant volume, though, the vapourisation temp of most ionic salts is well above that of resin, so they'd stay behind while resin evapourated. Even particles lifted mechanically by airflow would be insignificant compared to all the random dust and particulate in the air already. And even
if arriving at your lungs in non-negligible amounts (which
isn't happening), these substances are soluble and well-established by long use as non-toxic
Then there's the microbial growth issue.
The cranberry extract solution is far more conducive to nasties growing in it than water on its own. Concentrating that down doesn't seem like a food idea to me...
Not an issue. Concentrated isopropanol denature proteins and dehydrates complexed water, so it kills any micro-organisms present. Even particularly hardy bacterial endospores that somehow survive intact would be destroyed by vaping temps, and even if this weren't the case, their quantity would be insignificant compared to all the random live spores and other greebies you inhale with every natural breath anyway.
BTW, cranberry juice is actually
mildy anti-microbial, so arguably safer than straight water as far as risk of lung infection goes, especially if you change water or clean irregularly.
As for inhaling aerosolized rezblock while using it, can I try to throw out "negligible" again

I don't have any hard numbers, but I'd be shocked if I ended up inhaling even 1% of the rezblock from its normal recommended use.
I'd be shocked if you inhaled 1% of the solution, too, but the point is that the amount you inhale by doing so is still going to be many, many,
many times more than the amount left after iso washing and filtering. The evapourating of your rez-block solution doesn't carry any rez-block chemicals, liberating only pure water by nature of the process, but the cloud of tiny liquid water droplets also liberated mechanically by the percolation action
do carry dissolved salts all the way into your lungs. It's just that this isn't a big deal.
By evapping it, then vaping what remains, I'd think I'd be inhaling a large % of it.
Yeah, but you wouldn't be "evapping it, then vaping what remains". You'd be doing that, then applying a process that removes the cranberry extract, then vaping what's left, which should be a pretty tranparent, and rather viscous "oil". That filtering step I mentioned.
But wow, now we're really really off-topic. :/