I'll be totally mad if I was on SM55 and VXH team. But better sooner than later. And they should be prepared for more people trying to imitate their Cloud or EVO. We know how it works. I was surprised that didn't happened before.
I know this is different. But who is going to stop them till then. Litigation can take years with patents and bs in the middle.
But for many people that they are still on the brink of buying an EVO, think about it, this is perfect for VHX.
If 50% or more of those faulty units shit the bed... people that tried it and liked it , they are going to be crazy to buy the REAL EVO no matter what.
If all of them break and all of them are liked... if that factory has 2000 units ($200000).
2000 fail = 2000 EVO. 2000($500EVO)=$1000000.
A million for SM55 and VXH team. Sounds crude and pretty basic and nonsense but kind of close.
I think if SM55 and VXH team play smart, they already did, I see them retiring soon in the tropics sipping rum

Many people just buy this faulty units because they already own a legit one, as a backup.
Others just to try it before buying the EVO and to check what is all the talk about.
Others as gifts to convert combusters into our world.... Etc etc etc
IMO this could be positive for VXH team.
Tstat I'm an apple fan myself. I can't stop it. And let me told you, it's even worst than thinking about breaking it or being faulty... It's thinking about in 2 years from now, my iPhone5, totally new, I'm a care freak, it's not going to run in their own latest iOS updates. You get my point. iPhone7 or iPhoneMe.
My first 3G don't run iOS7 or the latest updates. And it's from 2010???? 3 years ago

So yes, I will pay a 5th of the price of a faulty unit, I don't need it because my EVO arrives next week... , that maybe last me 2 hits and I know what's the deal is about, rather than spending the whole retail price and then I don't like it, or even worst, still liking it but next week the same company launches the next big of the ultra deals, cleaning their stock at the same price as faulty units because their model needs a total change and is no longer compatible with the latest fashion in market and their own latest product. A la big smartphone company fashion, Apple and Samsung

Business are business, some are more humans than others, but at the end, all speak the same universal language $$$$$$$$$$ I don't blame them, everything in this world costs $$$$$$$$$$